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Meal program provides breakfast, lunch and dinner to individuals on campus, as well as to-go meals to any hungry person in the Omaha community, by request.
Offers a FREE meal to the community every Sunday.


Soup Kitchens
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Breakfast and lunch are served Monday through Friday. Saturday breakfast and sack lunch provided at various locations in the community.
Soup kitchen available to anyone.

Offers a lunch served Mon-Fri 11:45 am-12:30 pm, doors open at 11:15 am.

Provides a free meal for low-income individuals in need of food.
Free community meal, open to anyone.
Provides nutritious well balanced meals for free.
Free breakfast, lunch and dinner served daily, including holidays at Crossroads Mission Avenue locations.
Meals available to anyone.
Provides snack and dinner during the school year.
Provides a hot lunch.

Daily shelter with a capacity for 10-15 people. Meals provided daily. Showers also available.

GDC serves low income, homeless and/or recently incarcerated individuals. Services include:

-- Free or low-cost tattoo removal program

-- Economic assistance to obtain State ID, birth certificate, and applying for social security

-- Mental health group/individual therapy

-- Assistance with employment process

-- Stress reduction classes

-- Bus tickets*

-- Opportunity for community services

-- Clothing

-- Finance classes*

*Class schedules are limited to a certain number of participants and are scheduled on certain days. Bus ticket availability will vary by day.


Personal/Grooming Needs
Soup Kitchens
Food Pantries
Employment Related Transportation
Homeless Drop In Centers
General Clothing Provision
Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Home Delivered Meals
Ex-Offender Counseling
Free meal every Saturday at 12 pm.

The Coffee Ministry, run by Hope of the Poor missionaries, operates from the garage of the Holy Family Community Center.

The missionaries offer coffee and other breakfast items. These services are mostly targeted to the homeless community of downtown Omaha.

Provides a safe place for at-risk and homeless youth (age 16-24) to connect with services. Services include street outreach, drop-in services, daily meals, emergency beds, an art studio, computer lab and mental health counseling options.

The center can also connect youth and young adults with additional YSS supportive housing programs, such as Lighthouses, Transitional Living Program, and Rapid Re-housing.


Transitional Housing/Shelter
Post Pregnancy Shelter/Transitional Housing
Homeless Shelter
Soup Kitchens
Homeless Drop In Centers
Runaway/Homeless Youth Counseling
Street Outreach Programs
Hot nutritious meals are offered every day from 11:30 am-12:30 pm and 5:30-6:30 pm. All are welcome. Outreach staff are available during meals times Monday - Friday to assist with basic needs and provide information and referral.
Offers a free hot meal to those in need.
Hot meals during the weekday.
Provides snack and dinner during the school year.

Provides an evening meal.

Free community meal served to the first 200 people. Call church for location.

Community meal is on Mon, Wed, Thu at 6 pm.
Free breakfast, lunch and dinner served daily, including holidays at Crossroads Mission Avenue locations.

Volunteers provide a weekly meal to those in need; meals are sponsored by area Christian churches and Individual groups. Carry out meals and indoor dining offered. Use Lincoln Street entrance to the church, doors open at 5 pm.

Wheelchair accessible.