
1-15 of 15
Provides showers, laundry, and phone use, clothing and toiletry items.

Daily shelter with a capacity for 10-15 people. Meals provided daily. Showers also available.

GDC serves low income, homeless and/or recently incarcerated individuals. Services include:

-- Free or low-cost tattoo removal program

-- Economic assistance to obtain State ID, birth certificate, and applying for social security

-- Mental health group/individual therapy

-- Assistance with employment process

-- Stress reduction classes

-- Bus tickets*

-- Opportunity for community services

-- Clothing

-- Finance classes*

*Class schedules are limited to a certain number of participants and are scheduled on certain days. Bus ticket availability will vary by day.


Personal/Grooming Needs
Soup Kitchens
Food Pantries
Employment Related Transportation
Homeless Drop In Centers
General Clothing Provision
Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Home Delivered Meals
Ex-Offender Counseling
Street-based outreach services runaway youth and youth experiencing homelessness, near-homelessness, or street dependency.

Drop-in center services include food, basic first aid and hygiene supplies, advocacy, education and information, and referrals to appropriate community service providers. A nurse is onsite three days per week and offers testing for sexually transmitted diseases.


Personal/Grooming Needs
Street Outreach Programs
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Homeless Drop In Centers
Provides a safe place for at-risk and homeless youth (age 16-24) to connect with services. Services include street outreach, drop-in services, daily meals, emergency beds, an art studio, computer lab and mental health counseling options.

The center can also connect youth and young adults with additional YSS supportive housing programs, such as Lighthouses, Transitional Living Program, and Rapid Re-housing.


Transitional Housing/Shelter
Post Pregnancy Shelter/Transitional Housing
Homeless Shelter
Soup Kitchens
Homeless Drop In Centers
Runaway/Homeless Youth Counseling
Street Outreach Programs

Case managers connect clients experiencing homelessness to community supports - and provide them wrap-around services - to help them become self-sufficient and to develop their own housing plans.

Case managers may assist clients with:

-- Local Housing Programs and Housing Readiness Training

-- Rental Assistance, including Section 8 Housing Application Assistance

-- Utility Assistance

-- Employment Resources and Training

-- Financial/Money Management Education

-- Services Targeted to Veterans

-- Domestic Violence Counseling and Support

-- Addiction Treatment and Recovery Referrals

-- Medical, Mental & Dental Healthcare Referrals

-- Pharmacy/Prescriptions & Referrals

-- Identification Cards/Birth Certificates

-- Transportation

Offers daytime hospitality (no overnight guests). Visitors can shower during the first two hours the house is open. A phone, newspaper and other amenities are available during business hours. No transportation is provided, and alcohol, or persons under the influence of drugs, are not allowed in the house. Canned food, clothing, personal items and bedding are provided when available to those in need.
Day services available to clients and walk-ins with showers, laundry, meals, resource case management, computer lab, etc.
Provides a daytime hospitality center for those in need. Anyone needing access to a shower, laundry facilities, a hot meal, or clothing can come into the Romero House to get assistance, Mon-Sun 1 pm-4 pm.


Homeless Drop In Centers

Showers and laundry services for people experiencing homelessness available during regular business hours Mon-Fri only. Must meet with an outreach staff person before using the services for the first time.

Mailing address and on-site message service for those who are homeless. Mail pick-up times are Mon-Fri 11 am-1 pm and 5 pm-6:30 pm or by appointment. Messages are posted on the message board in the dining room.


Homeless Drop In Centers
Personal/Grooming Needs
Primary Health Care Centralized Intake is the centralized intake location for Polk County. Anyone experiencing homelessness can be referred to PHC for assistance. Each case manager will complete an intake with the household and may provide referrals to shelter, housing, public benefits or any other resource that will meet the household needs. Anyone who may be seeking emergency shelter for their family should come to PHC to complete an intake as all three emergency family shelters placements are referred through PHC.

Also offers a shower to those who are homeless and in need.


Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Homeless Shelter
Homeless Drop In Centers

Case managers connect clients experiencing homelessness to community supports - and provide them wrap-around services - to help them become self-sufficient and to develop their own housing plans.

Case managers may assist clients with:

-- Local Housing Programs and Housing Readiness Training

-- Rental Assistance, including Section 8 Housing Application Assistance

-- Utility Assistance

-- Employment Resources and Training

-- Financial/Money Management Education

-- Services Targeted to Veterans

-- Domestic Violence Counseling and Support

-- Addiction Treatment and Recovery Referrals

-- Medical, Mental & Dental Healthcare Referrals

-- Pharmacy/Prescriptions & Referrals

-- Identification Cards/Birth Certificates

-- Transportation

Emergency Shelter

Food pantry open all day

Breakfast served Mon-Fri 9 am-10 am, supper served Mon-Thu 4:30 pm-5:30 pm.

Church is located at 509 Mulberry.

Clothing Closet, located at 905 East 9th Street in Muscatine (563) 261-7456, has limited small furniture, household goods, child/baby and adult clothing (based on donations).

Support services for individuals in need, including showers, a warm place during the day, and transportation for homeless individuals to work.


General Clothing Provision
Baby Clothing
Soup Kitchens
Children's Clothing
Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Homeless Drop In Centers
Food Pantries
Hot meals served 7 days a week from 12 pm-1 pm and 5 pm-6 pm. Continental breakfast from 8 am-9 am.

Community-wide giveaways of proteins, fresh fruit, and vegetables.

Drive-thru food pantry the third Thursday 1 pm-3 pm.

Clothing when available, or referrals given.


Food Pantries
General Clothing Provision
Fresh Food
HIV Testing
Soup Kitchens
Homeless Drop In Centers
Soup Kitchen Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday at 12 pm (closed in July).

Phones, bathrooms, and showers available; fully accessible facility.

Clothing and jackets in season.



General Clothing Provision
Soup Kitchens
Homeless Drop In Centers
Soup Kitchen Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday at 12 pm (closed in July).

Phones, bathrooms, and showers available; fully accessible facility.

Clothing and jackets in season.



General Clothing Provision
Soup Kitchens
Homeless Drop In Centers