Provides an additional pay intended to help service members pay for housing based on the housing costs in local civilian housing markets when government quarters are not provided. The allowance a service member receives is based on their rank, the housing location, and whether or not the service member has dependents.
Provides an additional pay intended to help service members pay for housing based on the housing costs in local civilian housing markets when government quarters are not provided. The allowance a service member receives is based on their rank, the housing location, and whether or not the service member has dependents.
Offers veterans (ill or injured post 9/11 veterans within 10 years of discharge) and their families the opportunity to live in a rent-free, single-family home for a period of two to three years while receiving financial counseling and community reintegration support.
Offers veterans (ill or injured post 9/11 veterans within 10 years of discharge) and their families the opportunity to live in a rent-free, single-family home for a period of two to three years while receiving financial counseling and community reintegration support.