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Connects service members and their families with community housing rental listings near U.S. military bases. Service members can search for homes at all local installations. Users can also view Rental Partnership Program listings and other military community housing benefits.

Property managers can list their properties at no cost by creating an account.

Provides website services to give renters, landlords, housing professionals, and social service providers free access to detailed information about real-time rental housing vacancies.


Housing Search Assistance
Low Cost Home Rental Listings
Section 8/Rental Assistance Program Rental Listings
Services for homeless individuals and families including food pantry, homeless shelter, clothing, referrals, and locating permanent housing.


General Clothing Provision
Housing Search Assistance
Homeless Shelter

Advocacy and community programs for Latinos.

Assistance with employment, housing, and immigration needs. Information and referral. Interpretation and translation services; some fees may apply.


Language Translation
Job Search/Placement
Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services
General Clothing Provision
Language Interpretation
Housing Search Assistance
Food Pantries
Services for homeless individuals and families including food pantry, homeless shelter, clothing, referrals, and locating permanent housing.


General Clothing Provision
Housing Search Assistance
Homeless Shelter
Services for homeless individuals and families including food pantry, homeless shelter, clothing, referrals, and locating permanent housing.


General Clothing Provision
Housing Search Assistance
Homeless Shelter

Works to help find housing for homeless Veterans. Will also provide furniture, food, household goods and appliances to the veteran once a house has been found.


Homelessness Prevention Programs
Housing Search Assistance
Services for homeless individuals and families including food pantry, homeless shelter, clothing, referrals, and locating permanent housing.


General Clothing Provision
Housing Search Assistance
Homeless Shelter
Services for homeless individuals and families including food pantry, homeless shelter, clothing, referrals, and locating permanent housing.


General Clothing Provision
Housing Search Assistance
Homeless Shelter
Services for homeless individuals and families including food pantry, homeless shelter, clothing, referrals, and locating permanent housing.


General Clothing Provision
Housing Search Assistance
Homeless Shelter
Services for homeless individuals and families including food pantry, homeless shelter, clothing, referrals, and locating permanent housing.


General Clothing Provision
Housing Search Assistance
Homeless Shelter
Track resources and refer clients to agencies and churches for help with first month's rent, utilities and food assistance, etc.

Housing search assistance, helping clients find affordable housing. Clients must have income in order to receive help with housing.
Tutoring for children under age 12 from low income families. Dyslexia tutoring available.

Job readiness training class and work experience training and community service opportunities available. Transportation to job fairs (must meet qualifications; determined upon intake). Computer lab available to fill out applications on line. GED classes and adult dyslexia tutoring also available.

Workshops and classes related to financial education.

Helps parents advocate on behalf of their children with learning disabilities. Right to Educate advocate for students with special needs, including dyslexia.


Prejob Guidance
Housing Search Assistance
Job Search/Placement
School System Advocacy
Tutoring Services
Financial Literacy Training

Housing search assists renters, near-homeless, those at-risk of homelessness and homeless individual and families in search of safe and affordable housing and maintenance.

Educates tenants on housing rights, tenant legal reviews, responsibilities, Smart Change Financial Enrichment and housing options.

Housing counseling/case advocates serve clients with Housing Matters Rental Housing Clinics, one-on-one housing assessments, housing affordability, and advocacy.

Assists special populations with housing-related issues including accepting energy-assistance applications.

Second chance tenancy assists renters on options to repair history and create housing options through "good faith" efforts in tenant history repair and "safety net advocacy".

Coordinated Entry services for homeless individuals and families.


Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Housing Search Assistance
The Landlord Liaison Project (LLP) addresses the critical need of finding affordable housing for clients of Matt Talbot who are given a high priority on the city-wide housing list. MTKO cannot take calls from the public to assist in finding housing. We use the coordinated entry system to determine who our housing clients will be and only take on new clients if there are openings. Through this project Matt Talbot staff build constructive relationships with landlords to facilitate rapidly locating stable and safe permanent housing for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.


Housing Search Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Services for homeless individuals and families including food pantry, homeless shelter, clothing, referrals, and locating permanent housing.


General Clothing Provision
Housing Search Assistance
Homeless Shelter
Habitat for Humanity of Iowa offers the houseiowa.org website. The website provides detailed information about low-income housing resources across the state of Iowa. It is available for anyone seeking to maintain or acquire safe and affordable housing. Visit www.houseiowa.org for more housing information.

Do not call for housing search assistance; service is available online only.


Housing Search Assistance
Services for homeless individuals and families including food pantry, homeless shelter, clothing, referrals, and locating permanent housing.


General Clothing Provision
Housing Search Assistance
Homeless Shelter
Provides detailed information about rental properties.


Housing Search Assistance
Low Cost Home Rental Listings
Section 8/Rental Assistance Program Rental Listings