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Curtis Center offers transitional single-room-occupancy rental units with supportive services for homeless men and women.

Transitional Housing helps individuals move from homelessness and addiction to a stable living environment. MTKO currently has three Transitional Houses - one for men and one for women. Our Transitional Houses include a 5 bed men's house, a 6 bed women's house, and a 7 bed men's house. To be eligible for Transitional Housing, participants must be experiencing homelessness and have a substance use diagnosis.

Intensive case management and substance abuse counseling focused on relapse prevention work in tandem to assist residents in maintaining sobriety, accessing services, securing employment, and becoming productive members of the community.

Participants engage in weekly counseling/case management sessions. Our goals include maintaining abstinence from substances, working a program of recovery, gaining employment, saving money, working on cleaning up the wreckage of their past and transitioning to independent permanent housing.

Minimum stay is 6 months, while maximum stay is 2 years depending on the individual's circumstances. Participants are required to pay a $20.00 monthly program fee and volunteer at Matt Talbot.

Homeless families with children participate in a housing and supportive services project for up to 24 months.

Faith-based organization providing hope and restoration to those enslaved in human trafficking. The two-year, residential therapeutic program is free to survivors and includes, but is not limited to, individual and group therapy, case management, mentorship, legal services, tattoo branding removal, occupational therapy, life skills classes, and comprehensive medical care.


Human Trafficking Shelters
Transitional Housing/Shelter
YSS Supportive Housing programs help get young adults into safe, secure housing so they can focus on building a brighter future. These programs provide living options that center on participants achieving self-sufficiency. YSS advocates work one-on-one with the participants to create a plan to acquire safe and secure housing, stable employment, and financial stability.

Programs include:
Transitional Living Program (Ames, Boone, Marshalltown) - Single individuals ages 16-21
Rapid Rehousing (Ames, Boone, Des Moines, Marshalltown) - Single individuals ages 18-24
Lighthouse (Boone, Des Moines) - Families with parents ages 16-24
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (Des Moines) - Single individuals or families ages 18-24 based on income


Transitional Housing/Shelter
Youth Centers
Supervised Living for Older Youth

Offers comprehensive programs and housing for young women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy. Provides housing, counseling, education and career development, life skills, nutrition and health care, spiritual guidance, referrals for other human services, and specialized education on the options of parenting or placing for adoption.

Not an emergency shelter.


Teen Family Planning Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Maternity Homes
Supervised Living for Older Youth

Short-term housing (six to nine months) for homeless individuals, couples, and one to two parent families who meet income guidelines (residents pay 30% of their income).

There are a total of 10 studio apartments, 15 two-bedroom apartments (4 persons) and 8 three-bedroom apartments (6 persons), for a total of 118 maximum residents.

Residents receive furnished living accommodations, case management, employment assistance, substance abuse support, and mental health referrals.

Transitional shelter for up to 24 months and assistance in finding permanent shelter. Rent assistance.


Transitional Housing/Shelter
Rent Payment Assistance

Provides assistance for youth, ages 17 up to age 23, who are preparing to exit or have 'aged out' of foster care or other court ordered placement, meet the challenges of living independently and transition successfully to adulthood.Case Management provides coordination and linkage to available community resources.

Services include life skills training and experimental learning opportunities, assistance in obtaining and maintaining a safe and stable place to live, assistance in identifying and achieving personal education and employment goals, access to financial assistance to meet emergency or short-term needs, and assistance in obtaining medical care and mental health services.


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Occupation Specific Job Training
Case/Care Management
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Supervised Living for Older Youth
Life Skills Education
A two year program for women with or without children. The women will be assisted in setting developmental goals and working with staff to achieve them.There are enhanced programs such as: case management, life skills, parenting support, financial management, education, and employment skills, community involvement, budgeting, homemaking and one-to-one support.
Homeless families with children participate in a housing and supportive services project for up to 24 months.
Transitional shelter for up to 24 months and assistance in finding permanent shelter. Rent assistance.


Transitional Housing/Shelter
Rent Payment Assistance
12-month residence program for those coming out of addiction. Applications are accepted each quarter. Call for more information.
Provides transitional living for young women and mothers with up to two children who have aged out of foster care or otherwise experiencing homelessness.

Participants enrolled at CHH enjoy private bedrooms, full sized kitchens, family style living spaces, and large outdoor recreational areas. While residing at CHH, participants work alongside Program Specialists and an onsite LIMHP/LADC to help them achieve their individual goals. Evening classes and therapy groups follow the 8 Dimensions of Wellness model as participants work toward increasing their independent living skills, enhancing their mother/child relationship(s), and caring for their mental health.
Provides room and board, vocational training, spiritual guidance, alcoholism and drug abuse counseling and referral to treatment, clean, sober atmosphere in an attempt to rehabilitate clients into the mainstream. Men staying at the Door of Faith can be hired to do various jobs such as yard work, construction, cleaning out garages, etc. Will accept referrals from local courts, parolees, probationers, and treatment centers through Bethel Mission.
Transitional housing program for homeless youth. Offers case management, food, transportation, money management, counseling, and other services to youth ages 16-21 who are homeless or living in a shelter.
Rapid-Re-Housing program for chronically homeless families. Apartments in the Illinois Quad Cities available. Case managers are assigned to each family to help them obtain stable housing within the next two years.
Transitional shelter for up to 24 months and assistance in finding permanent shelter. Rent assistance.


Transitional Housing/Shelter
Rent Payment Assistance
Transitional housing available to individuals, couples, and families. Must be referred by Coordinated Entry.
Provides a safe place for at-risk and homeless youth (age 16-24) to connect with services. Services include street outreach, drop-in services, daily meals, emergency beds, an art studio, computer lab and mental health counseling options.

The center can also connect youth and young adults with additional YSS supportive housing programs, such as Lighthouses, Transitional Living Program, and Rapid Re-housing.


Transitional Housing/Shelter
Post Pregnancy Shelter/Transitional Housing
Homeless Shelter
Soup Kitchens
Homeless Drop In Centers
Runaway/Homeless Youth Counseling
Street Outreach Programs
Services to runaway, homeless, near-homeless and street-dependent youth. Array of services includes shelter, street outreach, transitional living, and maternity group home.

24-hour crisis line for youth needing emergency assistance.

Emergency services include shelter program (short-term), Transitional Living Program (TLP), and Maternity Group Home (MGH) for up to 18 months. A variety of support services are provided for youth while in residence.

Require authorization of parent or guardian within 72 hours of placement for shelter placements and housing services.

Services include housing, all meals, transportation to school and scheduled appointments. Must be involved in daily residential activities including hygiene, meal preparation, scheduling activities, laundry, and facility upkeep.


Youth Shelters
Maternity Homes
Runaway/Homeless Youth Helplines
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Homeless families with children participate in a housing and supportive services project for up to 24 months.
Offers transitional and supportive housing for women age 18 and older. This program includes safe housing, supportive programming, case management services, connections to mental health and substance abuse counselors, a food pantry, and aftercare services.
Coordinated Entry is the front door to homeless services. It is the first point of contact for those who need housing assistance. It provides guidance to anyone experiencing homelessness to the correct support and housing programs most appropriate to their situation.

STREET OUTREACH: collaborate with local partners to meet individuals and families experiencing homelessness where they are and offer assistance in camps and on the street.
LIBRARY OUTREACH: regular hours at libraries in Ames, Boone and Marshalltown where people experiencing homelessness can meet with a case worker and work on a housing plan.
EMERGENCY SHELTER: short-term emergency shelter and housing support services for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Provides food, financial education, and health and wellbeing assistance.

SUPPORTIVE HOUSING: client-focused services based on the degree of need and the severity of barriers individual/families are facing. Will help clients secure affordable housing and provide the tools needed to overcome financial barriers and maintain a permanent home. Individualized support services, including life skills counseling, employment assistance, budgeting and financial literacy, and community resources referrals are also provided.
RAPID RE-HOUSING: is a time limited program, with temporary financial housing assistance and supportive services for people experiencing homelessness leading to permanent housing and self-sufficiency. The timeframe will be from a minimum of one month to typically a maximum of six months of rental assistance.
CONNECTION TO COMMUNITY SERVICES: connects clients to various external programs and community resources to help them achieve sustainable, healthy outcomes.


Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Homeless Shelter
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Rental Deposit Assistance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Homeless families with children participate in a housing and supportive services project for up to 24 months.