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Maintains official real estate documents, contracts, articles of incorporation, partnerships, state tax liens, military records, birth, divorce and death records. Offers ATV, Boat and Snowmobile licenses/renewals and a Passport acceptance facility and photo service. Military Records for tax exemptions and benefits also available.

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS: mortgages, deeds and contracts, assignments, releases, plats and surveys, easements, State and Federal tax liens.


Divorce Records
Military Records
Birth Certificates
Fishing Licenses
Public Health Permits
County Government Departments/Offices
Death Certificates
Marriage Certificates
Marriage Licenses
County Recorder Offices
Issues licenses for birth, boating, death, fishing, hunting, marriage, and snowmobiles.


Fishing Licenses
Marriage Licenses
Birth Certificates
County Government Departments/Offices
Death Certificates
Marriage Certificates
County Recorder Offices

Issues licenses for birth, boating, death, fishing, hunting, marriage and snowmobiles. And is responsible for maintaining and recording a wide variety of official documents affecting real estate and numerous other valuable miscellaneous documents.

The County Recorder works with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Iowa Department of Revenue and the Iowa Department of Public Health. Detailed reports are filed monthly and annually to the county and to the state agencies.


Marriage Licenses
Birth Certificates
Marriage Certificates
Fishing Licenses
County Government Departments/Offices
County Recorder Offices
Death Certificates

Maintains official real estate documents, contracts, articles of incorporation, partnerships, state tax liens, military records, birth, divorce and death records. Offers ATV, Boat and Snowmobile licenses/renewals and a Passport acceptance facility and photo service. Military Records for tax exemptions and benefits also available.

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS: mortgages, deeds and contracts, assignments, releases, plats and surveys, easements, State and Federal tax liens.


County Government Departments/Offices
Military Records
Death Certificates
Public Health Permits
Birth Certificates
County Recorder Offices
Marriage Certificates
Marriage Licenses
Divorce Records
The County Recorder registers and maintains permanent record of deeds, mortgages, liens, affidavits, and other real estate-related documents; issues marriage licenses; maintains documents relating to births, deaths, and marriages, military records; and passport applications.


Birth Certificates
Military Records
Land Records
Death Certificates
Marriage Licenses
Marriage Certificates
County Recorder Offices

Maintains official real estate documents, contracts, articles of incorporation, partnerships, state tax liens, military records, birth, divorce and death records. Offers ATV, Boat and Snowmobile licenses/renewals and a Passport acceptance facility and photo service. Military Records for tax exemptions and benefits also available.


County Government Departments/Offices
Marriage Certificates
Death Certificates
County Recorder Offices
Military Records
Divorce Records
Birth Certificates
Public Health Permits
Marriage Licenses
Issues licenses for birth, boating, death, fishing, hunting, marriage, and snowmobiles.


County Government Departments/Offices
Death Certificates
County Recorder Offices
Marriage Certificates
Fishing Licenses
Marriage Licenses
Birth Certificates

Maintains official real estate documents, contracts, articles of incorporation, partnerships, state tax liens, military records, birth, divorce and death records. Offers ATV, Boat and Snowmobile licenses/renewals and a Passport acceptance facility and photo service. Military Records for tax exemptions and benefits also available.

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS: mortgages, deeds and contracts, assignments, releases, plats and surveys, easements, State and Federal tax liens.


County Government Departments/Offices
Public Health Permits
Divorce Records
Death Certificates
Military Records
Marriage Certificates
Marriage Licenses
County Recorder Offices
Birth Certificates

Maintains official real estate documents, contracts, articles of incorporation, partnerships, state tax liens, military records, birth, divorce and death records. Offers ATV, Boat and Snowmobile licenses/renewals and a Passport acceptance facility and photo service. Military Records for tax exemptions and benefits also available.

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS: mortgages, deeds and contracts, assignments, releases, plats and surveys, easements, State and Federal tax liens.


Public Health Permits
County Recorder Offices
Marriage Certificates
Divorce Records
Marriage Licenses
Military Records
Death Certificates
Birth Certificates
County Government Departments/Offices
Polk County Recorder's Office maintains official real estate documents, contracts, articles of incorporation, partnerships, state tax liens, military records, birth, divorce and death records (Polk County only). Offers ATV, Boat and Snowmobile licenses/renewals and a Passport acceptance facility and photo service. Military Records for tax exemptions and benefits also available.

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS: mortgages, deeds and contracts, assignments, releases, plats & surveys, easements, State and Federal tax liens


Death Certificates
Divorce Records
Public Health Permits
Marriage Licenses
Military Records
County Recorder Offices
Birth Certificates
County Government Departments/Offices

Maintains official real estate documents, contracts, articles of incorporation, partnerships, state tax liens, military records, birth, divorce and death records. Offers ATV, Boat and Snowmobile licenses/renewals and a Passport acceptance facility and photo service. Military Records for tax exemptions and benefits also available.

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS: mortgages, deeds and contracts, assignments, releases, plats and surveys, easements, State and Federal tax liens.


Marriage Certificates
Divorce Records
Military Records
Birth Certificates
Public Health Permits
Fishing Licenses
County Government Departments/Offices
Death Certificates
County Recorder Offices
Marriage Licenses
Offers services including real estate documents, marriage license applications, birth, death or marriage records, passport applications, boat, and snowmobile registration, and requests for military discharge records.


Marriage Certificates
County Government Departments/Offices
Fishing Licenses
County Recorder Offices
Marriage Licenses
Birth Certificates
Death Certificates

Maintains official real estate documents, contracts, articles of incorporation, partnerships, state tax liens, military records, birth, divorce and death records. Offers ATV, Boat and Snowmobile licenses/renewals and a Passport acceptance facility and photo service. Military Records for tax exemptions and benefits also available.

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS: mortgages, deeds and contracts, assignments, releases, plats and surveys, easements, State and Federal tax liens.


Divorce Records
County Government Departments/Offices
Marriage Certificates
Death Certificates
Public Health Permits
Marriage Licenses
County Recorder Offices
Fishing Licenses
Military Records
Birth Certificates

Maintains official real estate documents, contracts, articles of incorporation, partnerships, state tax liens, military records, birth, divorce and death records. Offers ATV, Boat and Snowmobile licenses/renewals and a Passport acceptance facility and photo service. Military Records for tax exemptions and benefits also available.

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS: mortgages, deeds and contracts, assignments, releases, plats and surveys, easements, State and Federal tax liens.


Divorce Records
Birth Certificates
Military Records
Public Health Permits
Marriage Licenses
Marriage Certificates
County Recorder Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Death Certificates
Fishing Licenses
Issues licenses for birth, boating, death, fishing, hunting, marriage and snowmobiles.


County Government Departments/Offices
Fishing Licenses
Marriage Licenses
Hunting Licenses
Divorce Records
County Recorder Offices

Maintains official real estate documents, contracts, articles of incorporation, partnerships, state tax liens, military records, birth, divorce and death records. Offers ATV, Boat and Snowmobile licenses/renewals and a Passport acceptance facility and photo service. Military Records for tax exemptions and benefits also available.

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS: mortgages, deeds and contracts, assignments, releases, plats and surveys, easements, State and Federal tax liens.


Public Health Permits
County Recorder Offices
Marriage Licenses
Marriage Certificates
County Government Departments/Offices
Divorce Records
Birth Certificates
Death Certificates
Driver License Testing Sites
Military Records

Maintains official real estate documents, contracts, articles of incorporation, partnerships, state tax liens, military records, birth, divorce and death records. Offers ATV, Boat and Snowmobile licenses/renewals and a Passport acceptance facility and photo service. Military Records for tax exemptions and benefits also available.

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS: mortgages, deeds and contracts, assignments, releases, plats and surveys, easements, State and Federal tax liens.


Military Records
Marriage Licenses
Birth Certificates
Death Certificates
Marriage Certificates
Divorce Records
County Government Departments/Offices
Public Health Permits
County Recorder Offices

Maintains official real estate documents, contracts, articles of incorporation, partnerships, state tax liens, military records, birth, divorce and death records. Offers ATV, Boat and Snowmobile licenses/renewals and a Passport acceptance facility and photo service. Military Records for tax exemptions and benefits also available.


Marriage Licenses
County Recorder Offices
Divorce Records
Fishing Licenses
Marriage Certificates
Public Health Permits
Military Records
Death Certificates
County Government Departments/Offices
Birth Certificates
Issues licenses for birth, boating, death, fishing, hunting, marriage and snowmobiles.


Marriage Certificates
County Government Departments/Offices
County Recorder Offices
Fishing Licenses
Birth Certificates
Death Certificates
Marriage Licenses
Issues licenses for birth, boating, death, fishing, hunting, marriage and snowmobiles.


County Recorder Offices
County Government Departments/Offices
Marriage Licenses
Hunting Licenses
Fishing Licenses
Birth Certificates
Marriage Certificates
Death Certificates

Maintains official real estate documents, contracts, articles of incorporation, partnerships, state tax liens, military records, birth, divorce and death records. Offers ATV, Boat and Snowmobile licenses/renewals and a Passport acceptance facility and photo service. Military Records for tax exemptions and benefits also available.

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS: mortgages, deeds and contracts, assignments, releases, plats and surveys, easements, State and Federal tax liens.


Military Records
County Government Departments/Offices
Marriage Certificates
Death Certificates
Fishing Licenses
County Recorder Offices
Divorce Records
Marriage Licenses
Birth Certificates
Public Health Permits
Issues licenses for birth, boating, death, fishing, hunting, marriage and snowmobiles.


County Government Departments/Offices
Fishing Licenses
Marriage Certificates
County Recorder Offices
Birth Certificates
Marriage Licenses
Death Certificates

Maintains official real estate documents, contracts, articles of incorporation, partnerships, state tax liens, military records, birth, divorce and death records. Offers ATV, Boat and Snowmobile licenses/renewals and a Passport acceptance facility and photo service. Military Records for tax exemptions and benefits also available.

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS: mortgages, deeds and contracts, assignments, releases, plats and surveys, easements, State and Federal tax liens.


Death Certificates
Military Records
Birth Certificates
Fishing Licenses
County Recorder Offices
Public Health Permits
Marriage Licenses
County Government Departments/Offices
Marriage Certificates
Divorce Records

Issues licenses for birth, boating, death, fishing, hunting, marriage and snowmobiles.


County Recorder Offices
Birth Certificates
Fishing Licenses
Death Certificates
County Government Departments/Offices
Marriage Certificates
Marriage Licenses

Maintains official real estate documents, contracts, articles of incorporation, partnerships, state tax liens, military records, birth, divorce and death records. Offers ATV, Boat and Snowmobile licenses/renewals and a Passport acceptance facility and photo service. Military Records for tax exemptions and benefits also available.

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS: mortgages, deeds and contracts, assignments, releases, plats and surveys, easements, State and Federal tax liens.


Birth Certificates
Divorce Records
Military Records
County Government Departments/Offices
Marriage Certificates
Public Health Permits
County Recorder Offices
Marriage Licenses
Death Certificates