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Provides on-street parking signs for persons with a disabilities permit.


City Government Departments/Offices
Parking Permits
Disability I.D. hanging devices are offered through the Iowa Department of Transportation. Call for information. Applications are also available at county treasurer offices, driver license exam stations or Department of Human Rights, Persons With Disabilities Division. Must have a signed physician's or chiropractor's statement on the physician's or chiropractor's letterhead stationery verifying the person's disability and whether the disability is temporary or permanent.
Offers government and utility services to the residents of Monroe.


Parking Permits
City/Town Clerk Offices
City Government Departments/Offices
Utility Service Providers
Bicycle Permits
Provides city rules and regulations, information regarding snow ordinance, building permits, street light outages, water bill drop off, nuisance complaints, air pollution, roads, parks, and water/sewer, etc.


City Government Departments/Offices
Parking Permits
City/Town Clerk Offices
Government Information Services
The Driver's License Station issues Iowa driver licenses, identification cards, employee identification cards and handicapped parking permits. The office conducts written and road tests for automobiles and motorcycles.


Disability Parking Permits
Driver License Testing Sites
Identification Cards
Driver Licenses
The Fayette County Treasurer offers driver license services. Services include: issuing Iowa driver licenses, identification cards, and handicapped parking permits; and conducting written and road tests for automobiles and motorcycles.


Identification Cards
Driver Licenses
Driver License Testing Sites
Disability Parking Permits
Issues handicapped parking permits to:
-- Persons with a visual, physical, or neurological impairment which limits personal mobility resulting in an inability to travel more than 200 feet without stopping or without the use of a wheelchair, crutch, walker, prosthetic, orthotic, or other assistant device;
-- Persons whose personal mobility is limited as a result of respiratory problems;
-- Persons who have a cardiac condition to the extent his or her functional limitations are classified in severity as being Class III or Class IV according to standards set by the American Heart Association;
-- Persons who have substantially or permanently loss all of the use of one or more limbs.

Handicap parking permits issued by the DMV authorize individuals who meet the above definition of handicap to park in designated handicapped parking stalls. Permanent permits are issued for six years and expire on the last day of the month of the applicant's birthday in the sixth year following issuance. Temporary permits are issued for three months or six months and may be renewed once.

Approves Handicapped License Plate applications for:
-- Persons with a visual or physical impairment that limits personal mobility resulting in an inability to travel more than 200 feet without stopping or without the use of a wheelchair, crutch, walker, prosthetic, orthotic, or other assistant device;
-- Persons whose personal mobility is limited as a result of respiratory problems;
-- Persons who have a cardiac condition to the extent his or her functional limitations are classified in severity as being Class III or Class IV according to standards set by the American Heart Association;
-- Persons who have substantially or permanently loss all of the use of one or more limbs.

Vehicle must be titled in the name of the disabled person; a trust whose designated beneficiary who meets the above definition of handicap; or the parent, guardian, foster parent, or agent of an individual who meets the above definition of handicap. Specially marked plates approved by the DMV and issued by the offices of the county treasurer authorize individuals who meet the above definition of handicap to park in designated handicapped parking stalls. The holders of such plates must recertify his or her disability each year a new design of license plates is issued (6 years).
Temporary handicap placards available.
Provides street and bridge maintenance.


City Government Departments/Offices
Street Maintenance
Parking Permits

Offers a advocate for the mentally ill, county assessor, county auditor, county attorney, county treasurer and the Wayne County Development Corporation.

COUNTY ASSESSOR: (641) 872-2663
COUNTY ATTORNEY: (641) 872-2054
COUNTY TREASURER: (641) 872-2515


Driver Licenses
Mental Health Crisis Lines
Public Counsel
Mental Health Evaluation
County Government Departments/Offices
Parking Permits
The Fayette County Treasurer offers driver license services. Services include issuing Iowa driver licenses, permits, identification cards, Commercial Drivers License (CDL), and handicapped parking permits; and conducting written and road tests for automobiles and motorcycles.


Disability Parking Permits
Identification Cards
Motor Vehicle Registration
Driver License Testing Sites
Driver Licenses
Temporary handicapped placards offer parking privileges for those with temporary disabilities; doctor's form and placards are available at the township.

Offers licensing or permits for, Chauffeur's license, instruction permit, school permit, motorcycle license, moped license, state ID cards, handicapped parking permits. Services include, online services, driver's license/ID, driver's education, motor carriers, commercial vehicles/CDL, title, registration and plates when buying and selling of motor vehicles.