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Education and assistance for Medicare beneficiaries. Homestead exemptions filing assistance.


Certificates/Forms Assistance
Tax Information
Medicare Information/Counseling
Offers assistance with state taxes for individuals and businesses through the Tax Service area. Tax Service area also answers general and technical tax questions from customers.
Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Provides tax relief to low income families, seniors (65 plus) and disabled individuals. Applications are taken between January 2 and June 1. Applications for late filings are filed with the State of Iowa through December 31 of the next year as explained on the applications.

HOMEOWNERS may be eligible for a partial reduction of property taxes. Applications for property tax credit are applied to the current-year taxes.

MOBILE HOME OWNERS (23 or older as of 12/31) may be eligible for a reduced mobile home tax rate. The deadline for a late filing for mobile home credit is December 31 of the current year's application.

*APPLICATIONS can be obtained at local Community Action Agencies, Community Centers, Senior Centers, or at www.iowa.gov/tax.


Tax Forms
Property Tax Payment Assistance
Tax Information

Offers to match the caller's legal problem with available resources, such as advice, extended representation, or referral. For most low-income applicants. Callers are screened for eligibility, and a determination is made whether eligible callers have a legal problem that falls within the priorities. If the caller's legal problem is eligible for review for extended services, the caller is referred to one of our five regional offices. If the callers are not eligible for referral to a regional office, attorneys provide the caller with immediate advice or quick access to other information and resources.


Housing Counseling
Welfare Rights Assistance
Tax Information
General Legal Aid
Debt Management
Labor and Employment Law
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Will Preparation Assistance
Advance Medical Directives
Legal Representation
Elder Law
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Legal Information Services
Legal Counseling
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance grant program is an Internal Revenue Service initiative designed to support free tax preparation services for underserved populations.


General Federal Income Tax Information

Property assessments for tax valuation purposes; lookup and mapping tool available online.

Homestead exemptions provide relief from property taxes by exempting all or a portion of the valuation of a home from taxation; the percentage of relief is based on the applicant's income level and home valuation; applications accepted by June 30 each year, some late applications may be accepted under certain conditions (medically incapacitated, in a residential care facility, etc.).

Exemptions eligibility requirements:


-- Be 65 years of age or older before January 1st of the application year.

Disabled Individuals

-- Have a permanent physical disability and cannot walk without the regular use of a mechanical aide or prosthesis

-- Have undergone amputation of both arms above the elbows

-- Have a permanent partial disability of both arms in excess of 75%

Disabled Veterans or Widow(er) of a Qualified Veteran

-- A wartime veteran drawing compensation from the VA due to a 100% service connected disability

-- An un-remarried widow/widower of an above qualified veteran

- A wartime veteran totally disabled due to a non-service connected illness or accident

-- A veteran whose home is substantially contributed to by the VA

Other Qualifications

-- The valuation of the home cannot exceed 200% (225% for veterans and persons with qualifying disabilities) of the County's average assessed value for single family residences. (In 2017 the average assessed value was $159,840)

-- The maximum exemption available is 100% of the County's average assessed value for single family residences (120% for disabled veterans and persons with qualifying disabilities)

-- The home must be owned and occupied between January 1 and August 15 of the tax year being exempted

-- The applicants must meet the income guidelines


Tax Collection Agencies
Tax Information
County Government Departments/Offices
Tax Forms
Accessline provides free legal advice, brief service and representation to low-income people on areas such as: consumer law, family law, housing law, public benefits, disability benefits, employment/unemployment, public benefits, clearing a criminal history and educational rights.

After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.

Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.

Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.

Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.

Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.

Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.

Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Labor and Employment Law
Housing Counseling
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Legal Counseling
Welfare Rights Assistance
Legal Information Services
Advance Medical Directives
Legal Representation
Elder Law
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Tax Information
Will Preparation Assistance
Debt Management
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
General Legal Aid
Accessline provides free legal advice, brief service and representation to low-income people on areas such as: consumer law, family law, housing law, public benefits, disability benefits, employment/unemployment, public benefits, clearing a criminal history and educational rights.

After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.

Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.

Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.

Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.

Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.

Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.

Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Labor and Employment Law
Housing Counseling
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Legal Counseling
Welfare Rights Assistance
Legal Information Services
Advance Medical Directives
Legal Representation
Elder Law
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Tax Information
Will Preparation Assistance
Debt Management
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
General Legal Aid
Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Tax collection agency.

Taxpayer assistance.
General assistance provides emergency financial assistance for utilities.

Offers a medical equipment loan program, which also accepts donations of medical equipment.

Provides notary services and voter registration.

Handles applications for Senior Freeze/Property Taxes and Circuit Breaker program for seniors and disabled persons, as well as food stamps application.

Provides property tax assessments and appeals.


Notary Public Services
Tax Forms
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Medical Equipment/Assistive Technology Donation Programs
Tax Information
Voter Registration Offices
Accessline provides free legal advice, brief service and representation to low-income people on areas such as: consumer law, family law, housing law, public benefits, disability benefits, employment/unemployment, public benefits, clearing a criminal history and educational rights.

After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.

Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.

Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.

Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.

Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.

Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.

Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Labor and Employment Law
Housing Counseling
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Legal Counseling
Welfare Rights Assistance
Legal Information Services
Advance Medical Directives
Legal Representation
Elder Law
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Tax Information
Will Preparation Assistance
Debt Management
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
General Legal Aid
Tax collection agency.

Taxpayer assistance.

Taxpayer services include: Accepting Cash payments, Account Inquiries (help with letters, notices and levies on your wages or bank account), Adjustments (changes to tax account information or payments) , Alien Clearances (Sailing Permits), Application for Taxpayer Assistance Order (ATAO), Copies of Tax Returns & Transcripts (Usually available for current year and three prior years) , Help with preparing Form 2290 (Heavy Vehicle Use Tax), Multilingual Assistance (over 150 languages translated), Federal Tax Return Preparation, Payments/Payment Arrangements, Procedural Inquiries, Solutions to Tax Issues, Tax Forms (based on availability), Tax Law Assistance (answers related to your individual Federal Tax Return), Taxpayer Identification Numbers.

TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAM offers assistance with tax questions, forms, etc. Mon-Fri 8 am-4:30 pm at local office, call to make an appointment.

FREE FILE online available through the IRS - must make $84,000 or less to qualify for free filing online.

VITA and TCE: is a program to assist low income, elders, and persons with disabilities with tax information and form preparation. Visit the website or call 211 to find local free tax preparation assistance.


Tax Forms
Tax Appeals/Audit Assistance
Tax Preparation Assistance
Tax Collection Agencies
Tax Information
Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Property tax relief program for eligible homeowners, including those over age 65, disabled individuals, and disabled veterans.
Tax collection agency.

Taxpayer assistance.
Allows deferment of payment of property tax until transfer of the property for low income persons. Eligible persons may have to reapply each fiscal year to continue to defer taxes.
Property tax relief program for eligible homeowners, including those over age 65, disabled individuals, and disabled veterans.
Accessline provides free legal advice, brief service and representation to low-income people on areas such as: consumer law, family law, housing law, public benefits, disability benefits, employment/unemployment, public benefits, clearing a criminal history and educational rights.

After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.

Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.

Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.

Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.

Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.

Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.

Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Labor and Employment Law
Housing Counseling
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Legal Counseling
Welfare Rights Assistance
Legal Information Services
Advance Medical Directives
Legal Representation
Elder Law
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Tax Information
Will Preparation Assistance
Debt Management
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
General Legal Aid
Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Tax collection agency.

Taxpayer assistance.


Tax Collection Agencies
Tax Information
Tax Forms
Property tax relief program for eligible homeowners, including those over age 65, disabled individuals, and disabled veterans.