Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Offers to advocate for community members with understanding civil rights and responsibilities when dealing with the government, employers, or other service providers. Examples of advocacy services, IEP advocacy for students, information on Social Security/Disability benefits application and appeals. Please note that we are not lawyers and we do not offer legal counsel.
Offers to advocate for community members with understanding civil rights and responsibilities when dealing with the government, employers, or other service providers. Examples of advocacy services, IEP advocacy for students, information on Social Security/Disability benefits application and appeals. Please note that we are not lawyers and we do not offer legal counsel.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Legal advocacy, investigation, and representation to eligible persons whose disability related cases meet priorities set by our Board of Directors.
Information and referral.
Engaging people with disabilities in advocacy through education, information and training that builds self-advocacy skills, awareness, and understanding.
Policy advocacy, including analysis, monitoring, and recommend changes to state and federal legislation.
Legal advocacy, investigation, and representation to eligible persons whose disability related cases meet priorities set by our Board of Directors.
Information and referral.
Engaging people with disabilities in advocacy through education, information and training that builds self-advocacy skills, awareness, and understanding.
Policy advocacy, including analysis, monitoring, and recommend changes to state and federal legislation.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
DOES NOT help with divorce, custody, adoption, bankruptcy, criminal representation, civil mental health commitment, consumer/business law, debtor-creditor law, personal injury, malpractice, etc. The issue must arise from the individual's disability.
DOES NOT help with divorce, custody, adoption, bankruptcy, criminal representation, civil mental health commitment, consumer/business law, debtor-creditor law, personal injury, malpractice, etc. The issue must arise from the individual's disability.
Legal advocacy, investigation, and representation to eligible persons whose disability related cases meet priorities set by our Board of Directors.
Information and referral.
Engaging people with disabilities in advocacy through education, information and training that builds self-advocacy skills, awareness, and understanding.
Policy advocacy, including analysis, monitoring, and recommend changes to state and federal legislation.
Legal advocacy, investigation, and representation to eligible persons whose disability related cases meet priorities set by our Board of Directors.
Information and referral.
Engaging people with disabilities in advocacy through education, information and training that builds self-advocacy skills, awareness, and understanding.
Policy advocacy, including analysis, monitoring, and recommend changes to state and federal legislation.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Offers to help individuals navigate through paperwork, funding sources, and eligibility for service requirements; attends IEP meetings at schools and advocates for your child's needs to be met; attends adult service agency staffing at your request.
Offers to help individuals navigate through paperwork, funding sources, and eligibility for service requirements; attends IEP meetings at schools and advocates for your child's needs to be met; attends adult service agency staffing at your request.
Offers to help individuals navigate through paperwork, funding sources, and eligibility for service requirements; attends IEP meetings at schools and advocates for your child's needs to be met; attends adult service agency staffing at your request.
Offers to help individuals navigate through paperwork, funding sources, and eligibility for service requirements; attends IEP meetings at schools and advocates for your child's needs to be met; attends adult service agency staffing at your request.
Offers to advocate for community members with understanding civil rights and responsibilities when dealing with the government, employers, or other service providers. Examples of advocacy services, IEP advocacy for students, information on Social Security/Disability benefits application and appeals. Please note that we are not lawyers and we do not offer legal counsel.
Offers to advocate for community members with understanding civil rights and responsibilities when dealing with the government, employers, or other service providers. Examples of advocacy services, IEP advocacy for students, information on Social Security/Disability benefits application and appeals. Please note that we are not lawyers and we do not offer legal counsel.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.