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Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance

Safeguards the rights of all employed persons in the State to obtain and hold employment without discrimination resulting from one or more of the protected basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy), disability, marital status, age, retaliation, or equal pay.

Eliminates unlawful discrimination in the acquisition, ownership, possession, or enjoyment of housing in Nebraska.

Ensures the full and equal enjoyment of any place of public accommodation without subjection to unlawful discrimination, race, creed, colon, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, and retaliation.

Receives and investigates charges of unlawful discrimination practices in Nebraska relating to employment, housing, and public accommodations.

Education, mediation, and conciliation, attempting to eliminate unlawful discrimination.

Holds public hearings and makes case referrals for litigation through the Attorney General's office to carry out the purposes of the statutes administered by NEOC.

Serves persons who are victims of alleged unlawful discrimination by employer, union, provider of housing, housing financier, or public proprietor due to membership in designated protected classes.

Training is provided in these areas free of charge.


Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups
Discrimination Assistance

Provides education and outreach services, receives, investigates, and acts on alleged discrimination complaints, and provides referrals to Iowa Civil Rights Commission.


Discrimination Assistance
Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups
Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Enforces the Davenport Civil Rights Ordinance that prohibits unlawful discrimination against persons in protected classes in the areas of employment, public accommodation, housing, credit, and education. The ordinance is enforced through a complaint process and the Commission staff provides civil rights education in the community. The program serves all individuals with a complaint of a civil rights violation that occurs within the City of Davenport, and organizations, businesses, or entities seeking education in the area of civil rights.
Handles complaints of unlawful discrimination or sexual harassment.

Human relations education.

Mediation for any level of conflict resolution.

Team building exercises.
Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance

Serves as a neutral, fact-finding, investigative agency and provides information regarding civil and human rights. The Commission investigates complaints of discrimination that occurred within the City of Des Moines in accordance with City Code (Chapter 62) in the following areas: Employment, Housing, Municipal Practices, Credit and Public Accommodations.

Complaints must be filed within 300 days of the alleged violation. To file, one must allege a difference of treatment based on their age, familial status (in housing only), race, color, creed, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, religion, mental or physical disability, or retaliation for reporting or assisting with a report of discrimination in the areas of employment, housing, credit, and public accommodations.

Also provides trainings and education for landlords, employers, and the general community about fair housing and employment practices and knowing your rights.

Protects civil liberties of all citizens including freedom of expression, religious liberty, right to privacy and equal protection under the law.

Reviews claims of violations of constitutional freedoms.


Discrimination Assistance
Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups
Protection of individuals with disabilities when their civil and human rights are denied, especially those who are most vulnerable or who learn, live, or work in isolated, segregated, or congregated settings.

Legal advocacy, investigation, and representation to eligible persons whose disability related cases meet priorities set by our Board of Directors.

Information and referral.

Engaging people with disabilities in advocacy through education, information and training that builds self-advocacy skills, awareness, and understanding.

Policy advocacy, including analysis, monitoring, and recommend changes to state and federal legislation.


Disability Rights Groups
Discrimination Assistance
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Discrimination complaint filing for incidents that occur in Council Bluffs.

Housing discrimination complaint referrals in Council Bluffs.
Investigates complaints in employment, housing, credit, education and public accommodations alleging discrimination on the basis of age, color, creed, mental or physical disability, national origin, race, religion, sex ,sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, or gender identity.


Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups
Discrimination Assistance
Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Free legal assistance with civil legal problems involving basic necessities for low-income individuals in all 99 Iowa counties. Assistance ranges from providing counsel and advice to representation before various agencies and courts.

Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.

Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).

Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.

Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.

Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.

Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.

Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.

Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.

Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.

End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.

Drivers License.

Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Protective/Restraining Orders
Consumer Law
School System Advocacy
Patient Rights Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Adoption Legal Services
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Will Preparation Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tax Information
Labor and Employment Law
Legal Information Services
Legal Representation
Debt Management
General Legal Aid
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Advance Medical Directives
Discrimination Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance

Safeguards the rights of all employed persons in the State to obtain and hold employment without discrimination resulting from one or more of the protected basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy), disability, marital status, age, retaliation, or equal pay.

Eliminates unlawful discrimination in the acquisition, ownership, possession, or enjoyment of housing in Nebraska.

Ensures the full and equal enjoyment of any place of public accommodation without subjection to unlawful discrimination, race, creed, colon, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, and retaliation.

Receives and investigates charges of unlawful discrimination practices in Nebraska relating to employment, housing, and public accommodations.

Education, mediation, and conciliation, attempting to eliminate unlawful discrimination.

Holds public hearings and makes case referrals for litigation through the Attorney General's office to carry out the purposes of the statutes administered by NEOC.

Serves persons who are victims of alleged unlawful discrimination by employer, union, provider of housing, housing financier, or public proprietor due to membership in designated protected classes.

Training is provided in these areas free of charge.


Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups
Discrimination Assistance
Provides safe and affordable housing while enhancing the quality of life for economically challenged individuals. Also assists with housing discrimination complaints in the City of Ames and administers Community Development Block Grant Programs (CDBG).
Assists minority clients (immigrant, refugees, vulnerable populations) with case management in five areas: food security, employment, mental and physical health care access, housing and immigration legal status. May help resolve any issue for a newcomer, either on-site or with the assistance of our partnering organizations and businesses.

Clients can access services via appointment in Arabic, English, French, Somali and Spanish. The agency does not provide interpretation or translation services to agencies or businesses.


Language Translation
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Discrimination Assistance
Language Interpretation
Recruits and supports citizens to act as advocates to speak out for and support those with developmental disabilities in long-term, one-on-one relationships.


Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Disability Rights Groups
Discrimination Assistance
Subsidized housing, fair housing, homelessness resources and discrimination concerns.


Government Subsidized Private Rental Housing Listings
Public Housing
Discrimination Assistance
Investigates employment discrimination cases for individuals who are employed in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.


Discrimination Assistance
Labor and Employment Law

Safeguards the rights of all employed persons in the State to obtain and hold employment without discrimination resulting from one or more of the protected basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy), disability, marital status, age, retaliation, or equal pay.

Eliminates unlawful discrimination in the acquisition, ownership, possession, or enjoyment of housing in Nebraska.

Ensures the full and equal enjoyment of any place of public accommodation without subjection to unlawful discrimination, race, creed, colon, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, and retaliation.

Receives and investigates charges of unlawful discrimination practices in Nebraska relating to employment, housing, and public accommodations.

Education, mediation, and conciliation, attempting to eliminate unlawful discrimination.

Holds public hearings and makes case referrals for litigation through the Attorney General's office to carry out the purposes of the statutes administered by NEOC.

Serves persons who are victims of alleged unlawful discrimination by employer, union, provider of housing, housing financier, or public proprietor due to membership in designated protected classes.

Training is provided in these areas free of charge.


Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups
Discrimination Assistance
Human Rights Department responds to individual complaints of discrimination and refers complaints for investigation and enforcement through the city's legal department.
Disability Rights Iowa is federally funded, as part of the nation-wide protection and advocacy system created by federal law, to serve people with developmental disabilities, mental illnesses, and other disabilities. Disability Rights Iowa may assist with abuse, neglect, education, employment, housing, or denial of services.

DOES NOT help with divorce, custody, adoption, bankruptcy, criminal representation, civil mental health commitment, consumer/business law, debtor-creditor law, personal injury, malpractice, etc. The issue must arise from the individual's disability.


Discrimination Assistance
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Assistance for people who want to register complaints or have other concerns with departments of city government.

Title VI compliance official investigating, documenting all constituent reports of discrimination by StarTran, Lincoln's public transit services and other divisions that have contact with the public.

Administers the city's online service request reporting system, Acting with Citizens To Improve Our Neighborhoods (ACTION) Center, providing in-depth responses to concerns that become complex. Go to www.lincoln.ne.gov and click on 'Service Requests' . People can find out about the laws that deal with their concern and report to the appropriate department any violations or problems they see in the community.

Problem Resolution Team, comprised of all City enforcement and codes compliance agencies and departments, brings problem properties back into compliance with local law.


Discrimination Assistance
Consumer Complaints
General Crime Reporting
Statewide agency that receives complaints of discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, creed, mental or physical disability, familial status (in housing and credit), marital status (in credit), pregnancy, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or sex. The Commission has jurisdiction in the areas of employment, education, housing, public accommodations and credit. The Commission does not provide legal representation.

Provides training and education in civil rights and anti-discrimination laws to individuals and stakeholder organizations.


Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups
Discrimination Assistance