Offers to match the caller's legal problem with available resources, such as advice, extended representation, or referral. For most low-income applicants. Callers are screened for eligibility, and a determination is made whether eligible callers have a legal problem that falls within the priorities. If the caller's legal problem is eligible for review for extended services, the caller is referred to one of our five regional offices. If the callers are not eligible for referral to a regional office, attorneys provide the caller with immediate advice or quick access to other information and resources.
Offers to match the caller's legal problem with available resources, such as advice, extended representation, or referral. For most low-income applicants. Callers are screened for eligibility, and a determination is made whether eligible callers have a legal problem that falls within the priorities. If the caller's legal problem is eligible for review for extended services, the caller is referred to one of our five regional offices. If the callers are not eligible for referral to a regional office, attorneys provide the caller with immediate advice or quick access to other information and resources.
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
Legal services.
Long-Term Care Ombudsman.
Provides options counseling to connect individuals to resources about:
-In-home personal care and nursing
-Housing options
-Housekeeping and chore services
-Home modifications
-Adaptive equipment
-Nutrition and home-delivered meal programs
-Case Management services
-Caregiver supports and respite
Legal services.
Long-Term Care Ombudsman.
Provides options counseling to connect individuals to resources about:
-In-home personal care and nursing
-Housing options
-Housekeeping and chore services
-Home modifications
-Adaptive equipment
-Nutrition and home-delivered meal programs
-Case Management services
-Caregiver supports and respite
Provides a weekday noon meal to local seniors and Meals on Wheels for homebound seniors. A range of 60-90 meals are served each day.
Offers Seniors a variety of activities to promote active living, including:
-- Field trips
-- Pool tournaments
-- Bingo
-- Home Health Aides
-- Social Activities
-- Transportation
-- Legal Assistance
-- Exercise Classes
Provides a weekday noon meal to local seniors and Meals on Wheels for homebound seniors. A range of 60-90 meals are served each day.
Offers Seniors a variety of activities to promote active living, including:
-- Field trips
-- Pool tournaments
-- Bingo
-- Home Health Aides
-- Social Activities
-- Transportation
-- Legal Assistance
-- Exercise Classes
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
Offers to match the caller's legal problem with available resources, such as advice, extended representation, or referral. For most low-income applicants. Callers are screened for eligibility, and a determination is made whether eligible callers have a legal problem that falls within the priorities. If the caller's legal problem is eligible for review for extended services, the caller is referred to one of our five regional offices. If the callers are not eligible for referral to a regional office, attorneys provide the caller with immediate advice or quick access to other information and resources.
Offers to match the caller's legal problem with available resources, such as advice, extended representation, or referral. For most low-income applicants. Callers are screened for eligibility, and a determination is made whether eligible callers have a legal problem that falls within the priorities. If the caller's legal problem is eligible for review for extended services, the caller is referred to one of our five regional offices. If the callers are not eligible for referral to a regional office, attorneys provide the caller with immediate advice or quick access to other information and resources.
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).