Referrals to mental health services and support groups and following the case through the legal system.
Community educational presentations.
Assist parents in reporting abuse or following up on reports already made.
Hair testing and medical exams to determine if a child has been exposed to illegal drug, gather evidence, and access safety plan.
Referrals to mental health services and support groups and following the case through the legal system.
Community educational presentations.
Assist parents in reporting abuse or following up on reports already made.
Hair testing and medical exams to determine if a child has been exposed to illegal drug, gather evidence, and access safety plan.
S.A.N.E stands for Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner which is a registered nurse or nurse practitioner who has completed specialized training to assist sexual assault victims. They collect all forensic evidence and perform exams.
S.A.N.E stands for Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner which is a registered nurse or nurse practitioner who has completed specialized training to assist sexual assault victims. They collect all forensic evidence and perform exams.
Provides a patient Advocate helps children and families navigate through the system, assisting the child and family to receive appropriate services. The Center's team works in coordination with DHS and law enforcement. After an interview and medical exam, the Child Protection Center staff, a DHS assessment worker and a law enforcement officer reviews the information together. They make recommendations and referrals to community services and specify any investigative action.
Provides a patient Advocate helps children and families navigate through the system, assisting the child and family to receive appropriate services. The Center's team works in coordination with DHS and law enforcement. After an interview and medical exam, the Child Protection Center staff, a DHS assessment worker and a law enforcement officer reviews the information together. They make recommendations and referrals to community services and specify any investigative action.
Drug Endangered Children program (DEC) provides services for infants and children who have been exposed to drugs before birth (or through a parent's illicit drug use or manufacturing). DEC is dedicated to protecting Iowa's children through a multi-disciplinary collaboration of services. Early identification and intervention for children exposed to drugs is the emphasis, so they can live a healthier life.
Drug Endangered Children program (DEC) provides services for infants and children who have been exposed to drugs before birth (or through a parent's illicit drug use or manufacturing). DEC is dedicated to protecting Iowa's children through a multi-disciplinary collaboration of services. Early identification and intervention for children exposed to drugs is the emphasis, so they can live a healthier life.
Advocacy and support for the child victim and non-offending family members throughout the investigation and prosecution of the case, including Court School.
Training for community professionals on the investigation, prosecution and treatment of child abuse and neglect cases.
Community education focused on identification and reporting of abuse, as well as Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children emphasizing our roles in understanding the facts and minimizing opportunities for child sexual abuse.
Advocacy and support for the child victim and non-offending family members throughout the investigation and prosecution of the case, including Court School.
Training for community professionals on the investigation, prosecution and treatment of child abuse and neglect cases.
Community education focused on identification and reporting of abuse, as well as Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children emphasizing our roles in understanding the facts and minimizing opportunities for child sexual abuse.
Video taped forensic interviews of children who are victims of sexual and physical abuse and neglect or witnesses to violence.
Child advocacy.
Community education and outreach.
Video taped forensic interviews of children who are victims of sexual and physical abuse and neglect or witnesses to violence.
Child advocacy.
Community education and outreach.
Forensic interviews when requested by law enforcement or Child Protective Services. A child interview specialist will conduct a video-taped forensic interview with the child. One of the goals of this interview is to reduce the number of times the child must tell the story of his/her abuse.
Medical exams to evaluate children who are suspected to have been abused or neglected.
Assessment and referrals by mental health professionals, who assess each child's needs and refer them to the appropriate therapy, support groups, and other resources. Families also receive help in "understanding the system".
Multidisciplinary teams consisting of law enforcement, Child Protective Services, medical professionals, prosecution, school personnel, Project Harmony staff, and other professionals regularly review cases to make certain children do not fall through the cracks. Teams work toward making changes and finding solutions to any problems in reporting and investigating child abuse, permanency, treatment, and system issues.
Anyone can refer a case to the teams; call and include:
-- The child's name
-- Date of birth
-- School
-- Protective Service Worker's name
-- The reason for the referral
Training to professionals and volunteers.
Forensic interviews when requested by law enforcement or Child Protective Services. A child interview specialist will conduct a video-taped forensic interview with the child. One of the goals of this interview is to reduce the number of times the child must tell the story of his/her abuse.
Medical exams to evaluate children who are suspected to have been abused or neglected.
Assessment and referrals by mental health professionals, who assess each child's needs and refer them to the appropriate therapy, support groups, and other resources. Families also receive help in "understanding the system".
Multidisciplinary teams consisting of law enforcement, Child Protective Services, medical professionals, prosecution, school personnel, Project Harmony staff, and other professionals regularly review cases to make certain children do not fall through the cracks. Teams work toward making changes and finding solutions to any problems in reporting and investigating child abuse, permanency, treatment, and system issues.
Anyone can refer a case to the teams; call and include:
-- The child's name
-- Date of birth
-- School
-- Protective Service Worker's name
-- The reason for the referral
Training to professionals and volunteers.
Coordination of law enforcement, Health and Human Service, prosecutors, healthcare professionals, and advocates to respond to abuse and sexual assault.
Referral source for victims of child abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence, and abused or neglected vulnerable adults.
Coordination of law enforcement, Health and Human Service, prosecutors, healthcare professionals, and advocates to respond to abuse and sexual assault.
Referral source for victims of child abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence, and abused or neglected vulnerable adults.