Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Provides abuse and crisis intervention services to those going through abuse or a sexual assault situation. Services include a 24 hour crisis line, support services, crisis intervention, resources, support groups for adults, teens and children, medical and legal advocacy court accompaniment, prevention training and education, crisis intervention, counseling, emergency shelter, transportation to safety and other housing options.
Provides abuse and crisis intervention services to those going through abuse or a sexual assault situation. Services include a 24 hour crisis line, support services, crisis intervention, resources, support groups for adults, teens and children, medical and legal advocacy court accompaniment, prevention training and education, crisis intervention, counseling, emergency shelter, transportation to safety and other housing options.
Provides abuse and crisis intervention services to those going through a domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or sex trafficking situation. Services include a family violence crisis line, counseling or counseling referrals for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault, emergency shelter and transportation, peer support groups, and child advocacy.
Protection order assistance, criminal justice/legal advocacy, and medical advocacy are also available to those who may need it.
Provides abuse and crisis intervention services to those going through a domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or sex trafficking situation. Services include a family violence crisis line, counseling or counseling referrals for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault, emergency shelter and transportation, peer support groups, and child advocacy.
Protection order assistance, criminal justice/legal advocacy, and medical advocacy are also available to those who may need it.
Crisis Line is answered by a trained domestic violence advocate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Victims of domestic violence or their friends and family members can receive counseling, information, and education about domestic abuse issues.
Crisis Line is answered by a trained domestic violence advocate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Victims of domestic violence or their friends and family members can receive counseling, information, and education about domestic abuse issues.
Hall of Justice, Room 101
The purpose of the Douglas County Domestic Violence Prosecution Unit is to provide a specialized group of trained prosecutors and support staff to aggressively prosecute Domestic Violence crimes.
The Douglas County Attorney recognizes the importance of communicating and cooperating with law enforcement and other public and private community agencies that provide services to families, victims, and perpetrators of domestic violence. A specialized Domestic Violence Prosecution Unit in coordination with other community agencies provides the best opportunity to achieve the following goals:
-- To stop the violence
-- To protect the victim from additional acts if violence committed by the Defendant
-- To protect the children or other family members from exposure to, or possible injury from domestic violence
-- To provide restitution to the victims
-- To hold the batterer accountable for their violent conduct
Hall of Justice, Room 101
The purpose of the Douglas County Domestic Violence Prosecution Unit is to provide a specialized group of trained prosecutors and support staff to aggressively prosecute Domestic Violence crimes.
The Douglas County Attorney recognizes the importance of communicating and cooperating with law enforcement and other public and private community agencies that provide services to families, victims, and perpetrators of domestic violence. A specialized Domestic Violence Prosecution Unit in coordination with other community agencies provides the best opportunity to achieve the following goals:
-- To stop the violence
-- To protect the victim from additional acts if violence committed by the Defendant
-- To protect the children or other family members from exposure to, or possible injury from domestic violence
-- To provide restitution to the victims
-- To hold the batterer accountable for their violent conduct
Offers to match the caller's legal problem with available resources, such as advice, extended representation, or referral. For most low-income applicants. Callers are screened for eligibility, and a determination is made whether eligible callers have a legal problem that falls within the priorities. If the caller's legal problem is eligible for review for extended services, the caller is referred to one of our five regional offices. If the callers are not eligible for referral to a regional office, attorneys provide the caller with immediate advice or quick access to other information and resources.
Offers to match the caller's legal problem with available resources, such as advice, extended representation, or referral. For most low-income applicants. Callers are screened for eligibility, and a determination is made whether eligible callers have a legal problem that falls within the priorities. If the caller's legal problem is eligible for review for extended services, the caller is referred to one of our five regional offices. If the callers are not eligible for referral to a regional office, attorneys provide the caller with immediate advice or quick access to other information and resources.
Provides abuse and crisis intervention services to those going through a domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or sex trafficking situation. Services include a family violence crisis line, counseling or counseling referrals for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault, emergency shelter and transportation, peer support groups, and child advocacy.
Protection order assistance, criminal justice/legal advocacy, and medical advocacy are also available to those who may need it.
Provides abuse and crisis intervention services to those going through a domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or sex trafficking situation. Services include a family violence crisis line, counseling or counseling referrals for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault, emergency shelter and transportation, peer support groups, and child advocacy.
Protection order assistance, criminal justice/legal advocacy, and medical advocacy are also available to those who may need it.
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
Legal advice and brief services provided by attorneys and paralegals. Attorneys do not provide court representation.
One on one assistance, information on what to expect during court proceedings, and review of completed court forms to ensure accuracy before entering court.
Assists walk-in clients with divorce, durable power of attorney, enforcement of child support, enforcement of visitation, child support modification, name change, conviction set aside, and protection orders.
Self-help clinics offered on a variety of legal subjects. Visit website to see if a clinic will be held soon related to a specific legal problem.
Legal advice and brief services provided by attorneys and paralegals. Attorneys do not provide court representation.
One on one assistance, information on what to expect during court proceedings, and review of completed court forms to ensure accuracy before entering court.
Assists walk-in clients with divorce, durable power of attorney, enforcement of child support, enforcement of visitation, child support modification, name change, conviction set aside, and protection orders.
Self-help clinics offered on a variety of legal subjects. Visit website to see if a clinic will be held soon related to a specific legal problem.
Provides abuse and crisis intervention services to those going through a domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or sex trafficking situation. Services include a family violence crisis line, counseling or counseling referrals for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault, emergency shelter and transportation, peer support groups, and child advocacy.
Protection order assistance, criminal justice/legal advocacy, and medical advocacy are also available to those who may need it.
Provides abuse and crisis intervention services to those going through a domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or sex trafficking situation. Services include a family violence crisis line, counseling or counseling referrals for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault, emergency shelter and transportation, peer support groups, and child advocacy.
Protection order assistance, criminal justice/legal advocacy, and medical advocacy are also available to those who may need it.
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
Provides abuse and crisis intervention services to those going through a domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or sex trafficking situation. Services include a family violence crisis line, counseling or counseling referrals for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault, emergency shelter and transportation, peer support groups, and child advocacy.
Protection order assistance, criminal justice/legal advocacy, and medical advocacy are also available to those who may need it.
Works to build awareness of abuse by partnering with local agencies to offer community education programs and a resource library.
Provides abuse and crisis intervention services to those going through a domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or sex trafficking situation. Services include a family violence crisis line, counseling or counseling referrals for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault, emergency shelter and transportation, peer support groups, and child advocacy.
Protection order assistance, criminal justice/legal advocacy, and medical advocacy are also available to those who may need it.
Works to build awareness of abuse by partnering with local agencies to offer community education programs and a resource library.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Legal advice and brief services provided by attorneys and paralegals. Attorneys do not provide court representation.
One on one assistance, information on what to expect during court proceedings, and review of completed court forms to ensure accuracy before entering court.
Assists walk-in clients with divorce, durable power of attorney, enforcement of child support, enforcement of visitation, child support modification, name change, conviction set aside, and protection orders.
Self-help clinics offered on a variety of legal subjects. Visit website to see if a clinic will be held soon related to a specific legal problem.
Legal advice and brief services provided by attorneys and paralegals. Attorneys do not provide court representation.
One on one assistance, information on what to expect during court proceedings, and review of completed court forms to ensure accuracy before entering court.
Assists walk-in clients with divorce, durable power of attorney, enforcement of child support, enforcement of visitation, child support modification, name change, conviction set aside, and protection orders.
Self-help clinics offered on a variety of legal subjects. Visit website to see if a clinic will be held soon related to a specific legal problem.
Provides abuse and crisis intervention services to those going through abuse or a sexual assault situation. Services include a 24 hour crisis line, support services, crisis intervention, resources, support groups for adults, teens and children, medical and legal advocacy court accompaniment, prevention training and education, crisis intervention, counseling, emergency shelter, transportation to safety and other housing options.
Provides abuse and crisis intervention services to those going through abuse or a sexual assault situation. Services include a 24 hour crisis line, support services, crisis intervention, resources, support groups for adults, teens and children, medical and legal advocacy court accompaniment, prevention training and education, crisis intervention, counseling, emergency shelter, transportation to safety and other housing options.
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
Provides abuse and crisis intervention services to those going through a domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or sex trafficking situation. Services include a family violence crisis line, counseling or counseling referrals for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault, emergency shelter and transportation, peer support groups, and child advocacy.
Protection order assistance, criminal justice/legal advocacy, and medical advocacy are also available to those who may need it.
Support group for victims of domestic violence. Open to anyone who is experiencing or has experienced abuse in an intimate relationship, including individuals who are still involved in the abusive relationship. Transportation available.
Provides abuse and crisis intervention services to those going through a domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or sex trafficking situation. Services include a family violence crisis line, counseling or counseling referrals for survivors of domestic violence or sexual assault, emergency shelter and transportation, peer support groups, and child advocacy.
Protection order assistance, criminal justice/legal advocacy, and medical advocacy are also available to those who may need it.
Support group for victims of domestic violence. Open to anyone who is experiencing or has experienced abuse in an intimate relationship, including individuals who are still involved in the abusive relationship. Transportation available.
Offers services that range from crisis intervention counseling, legal, medical and/or personal advocacy, safe shelter and safety planning, transitional and emergency housing, community education and outreach. CIAC staff and volunteers will travel to meet victims in order to accommodate their needs. Advocacy is provided with landlords, schools, employers, and other professionals to secure their rights, stop eviction or utility shut off and/or safety. All services are free, voluntary, confidential and available to all without discrimination.
Offers services that range from crisis intervention counseling, legal, medical and/or personal advocacy, safe shelter and safety planning, transitional and emergency housing, community education and outreach. CIAC staff and volunteers will travel to meet victims in order to accommodate their needs. Advocacy is provided with landlords, schools, employers, and other professionals to secure their rights, stop eviction or utility shut off and/or safety. All services are free, voluntary, confidential and available to all without discrimination.
Legal advice and brief services provided by attorneys and paralegals. Attorneys do not provide court representation.
One on one assistance, information on what to expect during court proceedings, and review of completed court forms to ensure accuracy before entering court.
Assists walk-in clients with divorce, durable power of attorney, enforcement of child support, enforcement of visitation, child support modification, name change, conviction set aside, and protection orders.
Self-help clinics offered on a variety of legal subjects. Visit website to see if a clinic will be held soon related to a specific legal problem.
Legal advice and brief services provided by attorneys and paralegals. Attorneys do not provide court representation.
One on one assistance, information on what to expect during court proceedings, and review of completed court forms to ensure accuracy before entering court.
Assists walk-in clients with divorce, durable power of attorney, enforcement of child support, enforcement of visitation, child support modification, name change, conviction set aside, and protection orders.
Self-help clinics offered on a variety of legal subjects. Visit website to see if a clinic will be held soon related to a specific legal problem.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
After contacting one of the hotlines, cases may be referred to Legal Aid local offices for extended representation.
Private Attorney Involvement Program links clients to attorneys in their local area for free legal services in family law matters.
Taxpayer clinics educate low-income taxpayers about their tax rights and responsibilities and how to file for low-income tax credit.
Homeless Assistance Project (Douglas and Lancaster Counties) provides assistance with family law, child support modification, bankruptcy, license revocation, and disability claims.
Migrant Worker program provides civil legal services to migrant farm workers.
Housing counseling assists people who are homeless by making referrals and assessing their legal needs. Assists renters who are having problems getting things fixed, need help with landlord issues, or are facing eviction; work with HUD issues; assist home buyers or home owners with questions, etc.
Assists in the following areas, in addition to the programs already noted: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, Landlord-Tenant, Utility Shutoffs, Public Benefits, Unemployment, Family Law (including Divorce, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Domestic Abuse).
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.
Community legal education presentations offered, as well as over 20 printed booklets on various legal topics; a wide variety of legal education materials are also available on the website.
Legal services are provided in all civil legal areas, including:
Consumer/Finance - debt collection, repossession, garnishment, contracts/warranties, predatory lending, and public utilities (including utility disconnection or shut off notices).
Education - expulsion/suspension, special education, learning disabilities, school fees, access, vocational education, and student financial aid.
Employment - employment discrimination, wage claims, earned income tax credit, and taxes.
Family - adoption, custody, visitation, guardianship, domestic abuse, human trafficking and exploitation, family violence (child abuse, elder abuse, battered women/men), including assistance with restraining orders, and child support.
Health - Medicaid, Medicare, government children's health insurance programs, long term health care facilities, nursing homes, supplemental medical insurance, and hospital care.
Housing - federally subsidized housing, homeownership, real property, landlord/tenant, public housing, mobile homes, housing discrimination, foreclosures, forfeitures, and mortgage predatory lending practices.
Benefit Programs - ADFC/FIP, Social Security, food stamps, Social Security Disability (SSD), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), unemployment compensation, veterans benefits, FEMA, government benefits, and utility assistance applications.
Individual Rights - mental health, disability rights, civil rights, human trafficking, AIDS/HIV issues, assistive devices, and institutional confinement.
End of Life Planning - wills, living wills, advance directives, and power of attorney.
Drivers License.
Advocacy and legal assistance for people with disabilities, people with Alzheimer's disease, people with brain injury, people with mental illness, children, migrants, and veterans.