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Litter reduction, beautification, and education on recycling and solid waste issues.
Litter reduction, beautification, and education on recycling and solid waste issues.
Promotes sustainable riverfront development, better public access, and protection of natural resources on the Mississippi River in the Quad Cities.
Litter reduction, beautification and education on recycling and solid waste issues. Earth Day activities and conservation of water information.

Keep Lincoln-Lancaster County Beautiful (KLLCB) works to keep Lincoln and Lancaster County clean, prevent and reduce litter and promote good waste management practices among residents.

Educational material is available for youth, community members and businesses.

Small grants are available to Neighborhood Associations and other community groups for clean-up projects on public property, lakes and streams.

Volunteer opportunities are available.

Nonprofit providing volunteer service opportunities, Omaha-area litter reduction resources, environmental education programs, waste reduction and recycling information, and public tree canopy improvement projects.


Environmental Beautification
Environmental Improvement Groups
Litter reduction, beautification, and education on recycling and solid waste issues.

Household Hazardous Waste promotes pollution prevention and the proper use, handling, storage and disposal of hazardous household materials.

Provides education on alternatives to hazardous chemicals and encourages residents to properly use products already on hand.

Mobile household hazardous waste collections are held in the spring and fall each year within the City of Lincoln and within Lancaster County.

Year-round access for residents to bring household hazardous waste for proper disposal at HazToGo - Lincoln's Hazardous Waste Center located at 5101 N 48th Street, Lincoln NE. For more information visit haztogo.com or call (402) 441-8020.


Environmental Beautification
Indoor Home Safety Education
Pollution Control
Home Sanitation
Neighborhood Inspection Division has three primary responsibilities; rental inspections, the oversight of condemned buildings and the abatement of junk and debris which includes junk vehicles. Other services include:

Can also help with:

Sound permits
Transient Merchant - Application
Transient Merchant - License Information
Sign permits
Land use questions
Abandoned Wells
Animal Waste Complaints
Illegal Businesses
Garage sales
Illegal Dumping
Illegal Parking in Front Yards
Interior Unsanitary Conditions
Mosquito Control
Noise Ordinance Enforcement
Nuisance Odor Ordinance
Rat Control
Renting a house without a certificate
Septic System and Sewer Line Failure
Voluntary Impounds


Government Consumer Protection Agencies
Consumer Complaints
Building and Safety
Pest Control Services
Graffiti Removal
Environmental Beautification
Public Facility Health Inspection

Responds to complaints from citizens to enforce City and County health codes concerning risks posed by garbage, safety hazards, and disease vectors (rodents and insects). Inspections include public education on the elimination of conditions which pose a risk to public health.

Litter reduction, beautification, and education on recycling and solid waste issues.
Environmental education, planning and organizing community cleanup events, etc.
Provides permits for well and septic, free well water testing.


County Government Departments/Offices
Environmental Hazards Information
Water Well Construction/Maintenance/Abandonment Regulation
Environmental Beautification