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Addresses nuisance complaints and complaints regarding solid waste, weeds, and junk cars.

Services include air pollution and noise monitoring, rodent and pest surveillance, radon and indoor air information (radon kits available for a small fee), and free well testing.

Issues permits and licensing for tanning beds, swimming pools, spas, septic systems, tattoo services, and wells.


Radon Testing
Pollution Control
Weed Abatement/Brush Control
Pest Control Services
Tap Water Testing

Annual well permit required for all domestic wells inside the city limits. As a part of the permit process, the well is inspected to assure compliance with applicable state and local construction standards. In addition, the well is tested for presence of coliform bacterial and nitrate contamination. Technical assistance is provided to help correct well deficiencies and water contamination issues.

Prior to drilling a new well either inside the city or 3-mile limit, a well construction permit must first be obtained. A permit must also be obtained for any significant well repairs completed inside the city or 3-mile limit.

Property Transfer Program requires an inspection of domestic on-site wastewater systems and wells prior to the sale of the residence. Inspections are conducted by Property Transfer Inspectors who then file a written report of their findings with LLCHD. LLCHD reviews the report and issues a determination letter.

On-site wastewater treatment system permits and inspections ensures that wastewater systems are constructed in accordance with state and local codes. The department also assures that failed on-site wastewater systems are brought into compliance and the nuisance conditions are abated, and sewage is disposed of in a manner which protects public health and the environment.

Requires permits and inspections of all swimming pools and spas and hot tubs to assure a safe water recreational experience free from diseases, risk of accidents and drowning.

Provides groundwater and public health education focused on the prevention of groundwater contamination.


Pool Sanitation
Pollution Control
Water Well Construction/Maintenance/Abandonment Regulation
Tap Water Testing

Addresses nuisance complaints and complaints regarding solid waste, weeds, and junk cars.

Services include air pollution and noise monitoring, rodent and pest surveillance, radon and indoor air information (radon kits available for a small fee), and free well testing.

Issues permits and licensing for tanning beds, swimming pools, spas, septic systems, tattoo services, and wells.


Pollution Control
Radon Testing
Pest Control Services
Tap Water Testing
Weed Abatement/Brush Control
Licensing and inspection of restaurants, bars, grocery stores, temporary licenses, mobile food units, convenience stores, hotels, etc. for Shelby, Monona, Harrison, Audubon, Cass, Monona, and Crawford Counties.

Inspections of public swimming pools and tanning beds for Shelby, Monona, and Harrison Counties.

Permits and inspections on all site wastewater treatment systems, septic tanks, new private water wells, and heat pump wells for Shelby County.

Administers water well grants each year for Shelby County.

Investigates complaints about illegal or improper dumping, burning, dead animal disposal, burning of solid waste, discharge of sewage, etc.

Inspects property sold in rural Shelby County.

Radon information and radon kits available for purchase.

Assists in completing and mailing passport applications. No photo services.


Illegal Dumping Reporting
Pollution Control
Building and Safety
Weed Abatement/Brush Control
Public Facility Health Inspection
Ambient Air Quality provides continuous monitoring of Carbon Monoxide (CO), seasonal monitoring of Ozone, and periodical testing for particulate matter (PM2.5) levels in Lincoln and Lancaster County, as required by federal law to assure that air pollution levels do not exceed health-based standards.

Indoor Air Quality and Occupational Health assesses the air quality in businesses, institutions and homes, and recommends methods to improve the indoor air quality and reduce occupational health risks. Staff provide technical assistance and on-site review of mold problems and screening measurements for common indoor air contaminants, such as carbon monoxide and toxic chemicals.


Environmental Hazards Information
Pollution Control
Comprehensive Indoor Air Pollution Testing

Offers help with environmental concerns, including complaints about dumping, rodents, insects, ambient air quality, water contamination, and septic tank problems.


Environmental Hazards Information
Pollution Control
Pest Control Services

Provides testing of private well water, assistance with and permitting of private sewage disposal systems, health hazards related to the environment, general environmental issues such as radon, rat harborages, dangerous buildings, air quality, unhealthy living conditions, radon test kits, and waste tire collection information.


Water Well Construction/Maintenance/Abandonment Regulation
Radon Testing
Pollution Control
Environmental Hazards Information
Tap Water Testing
Pest Control Services

Landfill Division has responsibilities for both active and closed landfills; Douglas County contracts with Waste Management for the general operation and maintenance of the active Pheasant Point solid waste landfill site at Highway 36 and 216th Street.

Landscape maintenance and snow removal for various county offices.

Noxious and nuisance weed monitoring and control as required. Provides field inspection services based on the complaints received and to areas that have a known history of noxious weed problems. Random inspections are also conducted throughout the County's area of responsibility.

Permits and Inspections Division issues building permits and performs all inspections to assure appropriate building codes and zoning regulations are within compliance for the rural Douglas County area and the City of Bennington.

Planning and zoning.

Stormwater permit administration.


Building and Safety
Weed Abatement/Brush Control
Land Use Planning and Regulation Services
Pollution Control
Sanitary Landfills

Assists Lancaster County residents in minimizing health risks posed by environmental factors. Provides public information and technical assistance to businesses, focusing on pollution prevention, toxicity reduction, and addressing health-related complaints. Responsibilities include inspections and responses concerning food establishments, grocery stores, private water supplies, on-site wastewater treatment systems, schools, solid waste management, swimming pools, vector control, childcare facilities, children's environmental health, salvage yards, refuse hauling, special waste, household hazardous waste, hazardous materials, and both indoor and outdoor air quality.

Emergency Response provides 24-hour, 7 days a week response to chemical spills or releases both indoors and in the environment. Makes decisions regarding public health and environmental protection, evacuation, protective gear, public information releases and environmental clean-up based on the risk posed by chemicals that have been released.

Assistance is provided to other agencies (primarily the Lincoln Fire Department, Lincoln Police Department, Lancaster County Sheriff's Office, and State Patrol) to stabilize the incident and assure proper clean-up.

Land Use Plan and Subdivision Review provides the following assurances: newly proposed land uses do not pose health or environmental risks, adequate water or acceptable quality will be available for the proposed use of the property, and that adequate on-site wastewater sewage disposal is planned. Review all new plats, subdivisions, change of zones, special permits, and community unit plans with regard to groundwater quality and quantity, soil types and implications for on-site wastewater treatment systems. Other environmental health concerns including proximity of residential uses or schools, childcare or assisted living facilities to industrially zoned areas and hazardous materials risks are addressed. Community wastewater treatment systems are also reviewed in conjunction with the Nebraska Department of Environmental and Energy (NDEE) and specific recommendations are made for approval or disapproval.


Environmental Hazards Information
Safety Advisories
Land Use Planning and Regulation Services
Pollution Control

Household Hazardous Waste promotes pollution prevention and the proper use, handling, storage and disposal of hazardous household materials.

Provides education on alternatives to hazardous chemicals and encourages residents to properly use products already on hand.

Mobile household hazardous waste collections are held in the spring and fall each year within the City of Lincoln and within Lancaster County.

Year-round access for residents to bring household hazardous waste for proper disposal at HazToGo - Lincoln's Hazardous Waste Center located at 5101 N 48th Street, Lincoln NE. For more information visit haztogo.com or call (402) 441-8020.


Environmental Beautification
Indoor Home Safety Education
Pollution Control
Home Sanitation
Public health emergency preparedness.

Disease surveillance (responsibility shared with NHHSS)
a. School surveillance - absenteeism counts are collected weekly
b. West Nile Virus - dead bird collection and testing and mosquito trapping and testing
c. Rabies monitoring in animals and investigate potential human exposures
d. Other community health threats, as needed: mold, pertussis, food-borne illness

Scrubby Bear, an American Red Cross program that teaches proper hand-washing techniques to children in preschool through third grade.

Vaccinations for children.


Physician Referrals
Communicable Disease Control
Pollution Control
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Dental Care Referrals
General Immunization
Public Health Nursing
General Health Education Programs
Community health nursing and education. Home visits. Workplace wellness programs. Health education.

Immunization clinics, blood pressure screening/monitoring, tuberculosis testing

Communicable disease investigation and control. Disease surveillance.

Emergency response and planning, bio-terror/emergency response.


Flu Vaccines
Workplace Wellness Programs
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
General Immunization
Public Facility Health Inspection
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Pollution Control
Communicable Disease Control
Public Health Nursing
General Health Education Programs
Blood Pressure Screening
Tuberculosis Screening
Environmental concerns, including complaints about dumping, rodents, insects, ambient air quality, water contamination, and septic tank problems.


Environmental Hazards Information
Pest Control Services
Pollution Control