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Provides outpatient services to enhance emotional health.

Services include:

-- Crisis intervention, community outreach

-- Case Management

-- Outpatient Mental Health Services

-- Treatment Referral Services

-- Individual Therapy

-- Couples Therapy/Family Therapy

-- Psychiatric Evaluations

-- Outpatient Treatment Services for Adults

-- Screening, Intake Orientation, Assessments

-- Treatment Planning

-- Referrals, Placement into Treatment Programs

-- Individual Counseling, Group Therapy


Lead Testing
Home Sanitation
General Counseling Services
General Health Education Programs
Domestic Animal Services
Mental Health Information/Education
In Person Crisis Intervention
Mental Health Evaluation

Offers testing of private wells, well and septic system inspection, radon testing and correction advice. Also provides swimming pool, spa, tanning bed, and tattoo parlor inspections.

Complaints: Receives and investigates complaints dumping and other garbage issues, illegal burning, and animal bites. When possible, works with tenant complaints regarding rental home conditions.


Building and Safety
Radon Testing
Pool Sanitation
Public Facility Health Inspection
Home Sanitation
Consumer Complaints
Environmental Health is concerned with the environmental quality of the community and the health and safety of the community and is responsible for enforcing local, state, and federal regulations that pertain to water, sewage disposal, and other public health issues. Can provide financial assistance for abandoned well closing and on-site wastewater systems.


Tap Water Testing
County Government Departments/Offices
Home Sanitation
Water Well Construction/Maintenance/Abandonment Regulation

Offers testing of private wells, well and septic system inspection, radon testing and correction advice. Also provides swimming pool, spa, tanning bed, and tattoo parlor inspections.

Complaints: Receives and investigates complaints dumping and other garbage issues, illegal burning, and animal bites. When possible, works with tenant complaints regarding rental home conditions.


Building and Safety
Radon Testing
Pool Sanitation
Public Facility Health Inspection
Home Sanitation
Consumer Complaints
Ensures the quality of residents' water and property. Works with the local Board of Health on Environmental Health Topics.

Services include well construction permits, septic system permits, Grants-To-Counties funds for private well water testing/rehabilitation, nuisance complaints for public health-related issues, and Radon testing.

Also administers swimming pool and tattoo parlor inspections for the county.


Public Facility Health Inspection
Environmental Hazards Information
County Government Departments/Offices
Tap Water Testing
Mold Analysis
Home Sanitation
Regulatory program that provides food sanitation inspections and education, as well as inspections for potable water supplies (wells), private sewage disposal, nuisance control, housing, solid waste, insects and rodents, tanning beds, and radon education.


Pest Control Services
Restaurant/Food Sanitation
Radon Testing
Home Sanitation
Public Facility Health Inspection
Tap Water Testing

Provides testing for residential wells and water quality, radon and lead, home/facility and food inspections, and a spay/neuter program for pets, as well as health education. Also manages an injury surveillance and prevention program including instruction on Tai Chi and Yoga.

Visit the website to download the Pet Information Form or Application To Operate a Temporary Food Establishment, or to view the Requirements for Food Establishment Operations.


Water Well Construction/Maintenance/Abandonment Regulation
Radon Testing
Home Sanitation
Restaurant/Food Sanitation
Lead Testing
Domestic Animal Services
General Health Education Programs

Sanitation provides trash recyclables and yard debris collection; residential trash and yard debris is collected weekly, recyclables are picked-up bi-weekly.

Scrub Days 2024 for all neighborhoods in Des Moines: 3/18, 4/15, 5/20, 6/17, 7/15, 8/19, 9/16, and 10/21 at drop off points listed below.

MWA Transfer Station, 4198 Delaware Avenue - 7 am-2 pm
MWA Compost Center, 1601 Harriett Street - 7 am-2 pm

MEGA Scrub
4/15 - Merle Hay Mall, 3800 Merle Hay Rd, 7 am-1 pm
5/20 - Polk County River Place, 2309 Euclid Avenue - 7 am-1 pm
7/15 - Capitol Complex Lot#3 West of East 14th South of Court Avenue - 7 am-1 pm
9/16 - Bell Avenue Business Park, 1901 Bell Avenue - 7 am-1 pm


Home Sanitation
Disaster Related Debris Removal
Refuse Collection

Household Hazardous Waste promotes pollution prevention and the proper use, handling, storage and disposal of hazardous household materials.

Provides education on alternatives to hazardous chemicals and encourages residents to properly use products already on hand.

Mobile household hazardous waste collections are held in the spring and fall each year within the City of Lincoln and within Lancaster County.

Year-round access for residents to bring household hazardous waste for proper disposal at HazToGo - Lincoln's Hazardous Waste Center located at 5101 N 48th Street, Lincoln NE. For more information visit haztogo.com or call (402) 441-8020.


Environmental Beautification
Indoor Home Safety Education
Pollution Control
Home Sanitation

Coordinates and administers state codes dealing with environmental health. Issues septic permits, inspects septic systems, issues well permits for water wells, geothermal wells for heating and cooling. Inspects wells and conduct water testing, conducts investigations dealing with improper solid waste disposal also provides radon test kits. Under the Department of Public Health conducts swimming pool, spa and tattoo establishment inspections in accordance with State Codes.


Mold Analysis
Public Facility Health Inspection
Environmental Hazards Information
Home Sanitation
Tap Water Testing