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Offers public health services to the residents of Pocahontas County. Services include Adult and Child Immunizations, Communicable Disease Program, Maternal Child Adolescent Health, Health Screenings, Assessment and Education, Emergency Preparedness, Lifeline, and a DME loan closet.


COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Pool Sanitation
General Immunization
Public Health Nursing
Tap Water Testing
Communicable Disease Control
Restaurant/Food Sanitation
Participants in WIC receive an eWIC card for healthy foods. The foods provided by WIC provide nutrients that are essential for good health and growth. Participants also meet with nurses and dietitians to review health and diet information, discuss important nutrition information for their family, and receive referrals for other services when needed.


Water Well Construction/Maintenance/Abandonment Regulation
Communicable Disease Control
Public Health Nursing
General Immunization
Tuberculosis Screening
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams
Tap Water Testing
Pool Sanitation
Lead Poisoning Screening
Dental Care
Public Facility Health Inspection
Restaurant/Food Sanitation

Provides licensing and inspection of public establishments.


Public Facility Health Inspection
Restaurant/Food Sanitation
Responds to potential food-borne illnesses due to eating contaminated food. Helps collect samples to be tested and completes interviews to determine the source of the disease.

Preventable disease control.

Food and drink restaurant permits and complaints.

Provides testing for residential wells and water quality, radon and lead, home/facility and food inspections, and a spay/neuter program for pets, as well as health education. Also manages an injury surveillance and prevention program including instruction on Tai Chi and Yoga.

Visit the website to download the Pet Information Form or Application To Operate a Temporary Food Establishment, or to view the Requirements for Food Establishment Operations.


Water Well Construction/Maintenance/Abandonment Regulation
Radon Testing
Home Sanitation
Restaurant/Food Sanitation
Lead Testing
Domestic Animal Services
General Health Education Programs
Regulatory program that provides food sanitation inspections and education, as well as inspections for potable water supplies (wells), private sewage disposal, nuisance control, housing, solid waste, insects and rodents, tanning beds, and radon education.


Pest Control Services
Restaurant/Food Sanitation
Radon Testing
Home Sanitation
Public Facility Health Inspection
Tap Water Testing
Conducts hotel/motel inspections in Cerro Gordo County every year. Each facility is inspected for health-related issues including room inspections, bathrooms, and outside and inside facilities including the lobby, halls, storerooms, closets, and housekeeping rooms. The inspections identify deficiencies and require compliance when necessary.

Conducts inspections in tattoo establishments in Cerro Gordo County. Inspections are conducted to protect the public from diseases that may be transmitted from one person to another through unsanitary or unsafe conditions. People who get tattoos and their future contacts are at risk for HIV, Hepatitis B and C, other blood borne pathogens, and infections if proper procedures are not in place. During inspections, inspectors check sterilization equipment and records, facility and equipment sanitation and condition, artist procedures and sanitary measures that are used during the tattooing procedure, facility records, and after-care instruction and education. The tattoo operators are charged an inspection fee of $250.

Inspections are conducted for public swimming pools and spas at hotels, municipal facilities, fitness centers, apartment complexes, and other publicly used pools and spas. Inspections are conducted to protect the public from recreational water illnesses, swimming accidents, and drowning. Inspectors check pool records and signage, personnel certifications, water chemistry and sanitation, pool design, maintenance and construction, safety procedures, and equipment. Swimming pool and spa operators are charged a fee for the inspection. The fee is based on the type and size of the pool or spa.

Conducts inspects on over 350 food establishments in Cerro Gordo County. There are two to three inspections per year for most food operations in Cerro Gordo County. Inspectors look at the physical conditions of the establishment as well as the food handling practices of the employees. In addition, the department investigates food service complaints and conducts food sanitation training. Licenses are required for all food establishments.


Building and Safety
Restaurant/Food Sanitation