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Promotes safety and health education through training, products and services. Focuses on safety on roads, in workplaces and in homes/communities.

Driving services - ADD (Attitudinal Dynamics of Driving) focuses on changing the behavior of problem drivers by offering education about the consequences of offensive driving, collisions, and moving violations.

Defensive Driving provides education about traffic death and injury prevention, as well as safe driving issues including airbags, antilock braking systems, safety belts, child restraints, and substance abuse.

STOP (Safety Training Option Program) traffic Diversion program for minor traffic citations. Students complete an 8-hour defensive driving course and the minor traffic citation is dismissed. Can only take STOP once every three years.

Teen Driver Education Program, certified by the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles, for youth who want to learn how to drive a motor vehicle and obtain the POP (Provisional Operators License). The program provides 22 hours of classroom instruction and 5 1/2 hours hands-on behind the wheel training.

Workplace Services:
First Aid/CPR/AED offered monthly; on-site classes are also available for organizations. First Aid certificates good for three years, and CPR/AED certificates are good for two years.

Workplace Safety Training offers safety and health training for safety professionals, managers, supervisors, and employees. Types of programs include compliance courses for OSHA, EPA, and D.O.T., safety committees, accident/incident investigation, safety inspections, First Aid/CPR/AED training, bloodborne pathogens training and many more. Provides consulting services for organizations such as industrial hygiene services, Comprehensive Safety and Environmental Audits, and development of written safety programs.


Driving Safety Education
Traffic School
Driver Training
CPR Instruction
General Safety Education
General First Aid Instruction
Occupational Health and Safety
Assists individuals of all cultures to assume responsibility for their own health through education and outreach services. The Division responds to public information needs or issues related to health and safety, and works collaboratively with other community entities to formulate responses to issues which impact public health. Major program areas include:

Chronic Disease Prevention program promotes activities community-wide that encourage healthy living, embrace health screenings for early detection of disease, and encourage appropriate self-management of existing diseases. Additional effort is placed on reducing the high incidence of chronic diseases among racial/ethnic minorities and other vulnerable Lancaster County residents. Program activities include community education on topics such as reducing the incidence of childhood obesity, increasing physical activity, and developing healthy eating habits, diabetes prevention or control, learning to manage chronic health problems, and colorectal cancer awareness.

Injury Prevention and Safe Kids Lincoln-Lancaster County coordinate activities directed at reducing unintentional injuries and death. Priorities are established by the Injury Surveillance System and Safe Kids Lincoln-Lancaster County. Print material, videos and presentations are available on bike and pedestrian safety, fall prevention, child passenger safety/occupant restraints, and home safety. Monthly community-wide car seat check events are offered at no charge. Visit www.safekidslincoln.org for a schedule of events and call to make an appointment.

Tobacco Prevention and Control provides tobacco prevention information/education to schools, businesses and the community, and cessation referrals.


Disease Prevention Programs
Child Passenger Safety Seat Inspections
Bicycle Safety Education
Child Passenger Safety Education
Fall Prevention Programs
General Safety Education
Pedestrian Safety Education
General Health Education Programs
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Making Appropriate Decisions deals with juveniles beginning to get into trouble with schools, family, and community. Adult life reality program.

Alcohol education.

DUI offender education class.

Anger management classes for adults.

Life Skills classes.

Defensive driving classes for adults and juveniles.

Babysitting class for 11-15 year olds.

First Aid and CPR.

Occupational safety and health programs.


Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
CPR Instruction
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
General Safety Education
Anger Management
Workplace Safety Education
DUI Offender Programs
General First Aid Instruction
Babysitting Instruction
Diversion Programs
Traffic School
Winneshiek County Public Health Nursing Services offers demonstrations and instruction to community groups in areas of CPR, first aid classes, farm safety, sun protection, infection prevention, and heart health.


Community Wellness Programs
General First Aid Instruction
CPR Instruction
General Safety Education
Unintentional injury prevention education and safety device (i.e. car seats, bicycle helmets) distribution as available through Safe Kids Nebraska.


General Safety Education
Bicycle Safety Education
Child Passenger Safety Education
Sports Safety Education
Promotes safety and health education through training, products and services. Focuses on safety on roads, in workplaces and in homes/communities.

Driving services - ADD (Attitudinal Dynamics of Driving) focuses on changing the behavior of problem drivers by offering education about the consequences of offensive driving, collisions, and moving violations.

Defensive Driving provides education about traffic death and injury prevention, as well as safe driving issues including airbags, antilock braking systems, safety belts, child restraints, and substance abuse.

STOP (Safety Training Option Program) traffic Diversion program for minor traffic citations. Students complete an 8-hour defensive driving course and the minor traffic citation is dismissed. Can only take STOP once every three years.

Teen Driver Education Program, certified by the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles, for youth who want to learn how to drive a motor vehicle and obtain the POP (Provisional Operators License). The program provides 22 hours of classroom instruction and 5 1/2 hours hands-on behind the wheel training.

Workplace Services:
First Aid/CPR/AED offered monthly; on-site classes are also available for organizations. First Aid certificates good for three years, and CPR/AED certificates are good for two years.

Workplace Safety Training offers safety and health training for safety professionals, managers, supervisors, and employees. Types of programs include compliance courses for OSHA, EPA, and D.O.T., safety committees, accident/incident investigation, safety inspections, First Aid/CPR/AED training, bloodborne pathogens training and many more. Provides consulting services for organizations such as industrial hygiene services, Comprehensive Safety and Environmental Audits, and development of written safety programs.


Driving Safety Education
Traffic School
Driver Training
CPR Instruction
General Safety Education
General First Aid Instruction
Occupational Health and Safety
Offers affordable courses designed to provide quality training for individuals wanting to upgrade job skills, explore new careers, recertify or renew licenses, start a new hobby or develop new personal or professional skills. Also offers programs for those needing Adult literacy assistance including General Education Diploma (GED) preparation and Adult Basic Skills such as math, reading, writing, English as a Second Language, etc. Classes available in the following categories: Career Development, Computer Technology, Trades and Industry, Transportation, Licensure and Recertification, Health, and Life and Leisure Personal Interest.


New Driver Training
Mature Driver Training
General Safety Education
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Adult Basic Education
Subject Tutoring
Technical/Trade Schools
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
English as a Second Language