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Registered Nurse is on site weekly. The nurse can meet with the general population as well as the residents. Provides basic medical and preventative healthcare. Well check services such as blood pressure check, foot care, and assistance making doctors appointments is provided.


Parish Nursing
Blood Pressure Screening
Podiatry/Foot Care
Senior centers provide a variety of services including social activities and educational programs. Many also offer blood pressure screenings and foot care on a regular schedule.


Senior Centers
Foot Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Activities related to the prevention and mitigation of the effects of chronic disease. Services include health clinic, health education, group exercise, physical fitness, etc.


Blood Pressure Screening
Therapeutic Exercise
Congregate and home delivered meals.

Blood pressure clinics monthly.

Senior centers offer, pool, shuffleboard, exercise, cards (pitch, bridge and chicken foot), puzzles, socialization with coffee every day and pedicures.
Information and referral services.


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Senior Centers
Home Delivered Meals
Blood Pressure Screening
Foot Screening
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Medicare Information/Counseling
Provides blood pressure checks to businesses and those in need.
Provides care coordination to families by informing them of available resources regarding their health care needs such as doctor and dental possibilities. Health program include: child and adolescent health programs, adolescent pregnancy prevention program, family planning for women and men, sexually transmitted disease information and prevention (screening) services, Hawk-I, I-Smile, lead poisoning prevention, maternal health program, WIC program, and the1st Five program.


General Physical Examinations
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams
Breast Examinations
Blood Pressure Screening
Dental Care
Birth Control
Lead Poisoning Screening
Benefits Screening
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Pregnancy Testing
Pap Tests

Offers blood pressure screenings.


County Government Departments/Offices
Blood Pressure Screening
Activities related to the prevention and mitigation of the effects of chronic disease. Services include health clinic, health education, group exercise, physical fitness, etc.


Blood Pressure Screening
Therapeutic Exercise
Activities related to the prevention and mitigation of the effects of chronic disease. Services include health clinic, health education, group exercise, physical fitness, etc.


Blood Pressure Screening
Therapeutic Exercise

Services include:

-- Child health services

-- Maternal health services

-- Home health care and homemaker services

-- Hospice care

-- Cancer screening for women

-- Health education, community education, and health planning

-- Immunization clinics for children and adults

-- Family planning services

-- Blood pressure checks

-- Disaster planning and preparedness

-- Tobacco cessation classes

-- Parent education classes

-- Home visits for children ages 0-5

-- Life Assist Emergency Response Alert

-- Public health nursing visits


General Health Education Programs
Community Clinics
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Emergency Alert
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Home Nursing
Homemaker Assistance
Home Based Parenting Education
Public Health Nursing
Birth Control
Hospice Care
General Immunization
Blood Pressure Screening
Senior centers provide a variety of services including social activities and educational programs. Many also offer blood pressure screenings and foot care on a regular schedule.


Senior Centers
Foot Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Activities related to the prevention and mitigation of the effects of chronic disease. Services include health clinic, health education, group exercise, physical fitness, etc.


Blood Pressure Screening
Therapeutic Exercise
Clinics are open to the public and provides free medical services to people who are uninsured and under insured.

Services Offered
Illness/minor injury care
Well child exams
School/sport physicals
Employment physicals
Lead testing
Patient assistance program enrollment
Chronic disease management
Diabetes/blood glucose testing
High blood pressure testing


General Physical Examinations
Lead Testing
Sports Participation Physical Examinations
Blood Pressure Screening
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Community Clinics
Diabetes Screening
Senior centers provide a variety of services including social activities and educational programs. Many also offer blood pressure screenings and foot care on a regular schedule.
Activities related to the prevention and mitigation of the effects of chronic disease. Services include health clinic, health education, group exercise, physical fitness, etc.


Blood Pressure Screening
Therapeutic Exercise
Cardiovascular risk reduction program, including blood pressure screenings.

Services and activities for senior citizens to support their independence and community involvement.

Congregate meals Mon-Fri 12 pm.

Recreation, health education, and informational programs.

Information and referral.

Fun and fitness class.

Milford Senior Shuttle runs Mon-Fri 9:30 am-12 pm for doctor appointments, grocery shopping, hairdresser appointments, and shopping in the city limits.

Foot screening and blood pressure screening available, please check the website or call for information.


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Friendly Visiting
Blood Pressure Screening
Foot Screening
Senior Centers
Senior Ride Programs
Senior Corps Volunteer Programs
Specialized Information and Referral
Provides blood pressure clinics to anyone in Floyd County.
Offers blood pressure checks. Education is provided to the individual regarding the risks, prevention, treatment, and the follow-up of heart disease and stroke.
Offers public health services to the Keokuk County communities. Services include home care services and home care nursing, health care programs for women and children, prenatal care, general physicals, immunizations, blood pressure screenings, mental health administration, early childhood development, and environmental health services. Also provides information on communicable diseases.


Blood Pressure Screening
Communicable Disease Control
Prenatal Care
Personal Care
Diabetes Screening
Public Health Nursing
General Immunization
Home Nursing
Homemaker Assistance

O'Brien County Public Health including immunizations, communicable disease information and general public health.


-- Immunizations

-- Immunization Audits

-- Infectious Disease Management

-- Caring for Kindergarten

-- Emergency Planning and Preparedness

-- I-Smile-- Preschool I-Smile

-- Maternal Child Health

-- Lead and tobacco coalition

-- Foot care and blood pressure screening

-- Wellness fair

-- Jail nursing

-- Medication Administration

-- Wellness and Fall Assessment programs

-- Policies and procedures-- Resource advocate

-- 5210 fighting childhood obesity


Blood Pressure Screening
Communicable Disease Control
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
General Immunization
Public Health Nursing
Clinics are open to the public and provides free medical services to people who are uninsured and under insured.

Services Offered
Illness/minor injury care
Well child exams
School/sport physicals
Employment physicals
Lead testing
Patient assistance program enrollment
Chronic disease management
Diabetes/blood glucose testing
High blood pressure testing


General Physical Examinations
Lead Testing
Sports Participation Physical Examinations
Blood Pressure Screening
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Community Clinics
Diabetes Screening
Senior centers provide a variety of services including social activities and educational programs. Many also offer blood pressure screenings and foot care on a regular schedule.


Senior Centers
Foot Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Activities related to the prevention and mitigation of the effects of chronic disease. Services include health clinic, health education, group exercise, physical fitness, etc.


Blood Pressure Screening
Therapeutic Exercise

Free blood pressure screenings.