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Offers public health services to the Clarke County communities. Services include home care, health care programs for women and children, general physicals, immunizations, mental health administration, early childhood development, and environmental health services. Also provides information on communicable diseases.


General Immunization
Prenatal Care
Environmental Hazards Information
General Health Education Programs
Homemaker Assistance
Public Health Nursing
Communicable Disease Control
Home Health Aide Services
General Physical Examinations
Lead Poisoning Screening
Public Clinics
Well Baby Care
Provides primary medical and preventive services, lead/poison and prevention services, maternal/child home visitations, TeleHealth services, and other supportive services such as low cost prescription drugs.


General Immunization
Lead Poisoning Screening
General Physical Examinations
Sports Participation Physical Examinations
Community Clinics
Provides services and education to promote and protect the health of Union County residents. Communicable Disease follow-up, Lead Education and Community Health Assessments are available.


Communicable Disease Control
Public Clinics
General Immunization
Public Health Nursing
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Lead Poisoning Screening
Provides care coordination to families by informing them of available resources regarding their health care needs such as doctor and dental possibilities. Health program include: child and adolescent health programs, adolescent pregnancy prevention program, family planning for women and men, sexually transmitted disease information and prevention (screening) services, Hawk-I, I-Smile, lead poisoning prevention, maternal health program, WIC program, and the1st Five program.


General Physical Examinations
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams
Breast Examinations
Blood Pressure Screening
Dental Care
Birth Control
Lead Poisoning Screening
Benefits Screening
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Pregnancy Testing
Pap Tests
Provides lead screening for children 6 months to 6 years of age.
Participants in WIC receive an eWIC card for healthy foods. The foods provided by WIC provide nutrients that are essential for good health and growth. Participants also meet with nurses and dietitians to review health and diet information, discuss important nutrition information for their family, and receive referrals for other services when needed.


Water Well Construction/Maintenance/Abandonment Regulation
Communicable Disease Control
Public Health Nursing
General Immunization
Tuberculosis Screening
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams
Tap Water Testing
Pool Sanitation
Lead Poisoning Screening
Dental Care
Public Facility Health Inspection
Restaurant/Food Sanitation
Public Health services.


Health Fairs
Lead Poisoning Screening
Communicable Disease Control
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
General Health Education Programs
Provides care coordination to families by informing them of available resources regarding their health care needs such as doctor and dental possibilities. Health program include: child and adolescent health programs, adolescent pregnancy prevention program, family planning for women and men, sexually transmitted disease information and prevention (screening) services, Hawk-I, I-Smile, lead poisoning prevention, maternal health program, WIC program, and the1st Five program.


General Physical Examinations
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams
Breast Examinations
Blood Pressure Screening
Dental Care
Birth Control
Lead Poisoning Screening
Benefits Screening
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Pregnancy Testing
Pap Tests
Health care for all ages, including obstetrical, pediatrics, geriatrics, general medical care, women's health, reproductive health, prenatal, obstetrics and gynecology.

Blood testing for lead.

Immunizations for children and adults, including flu vaccines.

Screening and treatment for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cholesterol, and depression.

Routine services such as pap smears, school physicals, prenatal visits, well baby exams, physicals and other routine healthcare procedures. Follow-up visits for patients with diabetes, elevated blood lead levels, hypertension, behavioral health concerns and other on-going health problems are also routine activities at the clinic.

Health education integrated into each patient's visit. Nutrition, disease prevention and management are taught to patients individually and in groups. Educational follow-up, care coordination, management and peer education, including care for sexually transmitted diseases, latent tuberculosis, high lead levels, prenatal care and care for chronic diseases (asthma, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and depression).

Specialist referrals for services not available at the clinic are made for all patients. Appointments for patients without insurance and/or limited income are made through Hope Medical Outreach Coalition volunteer physicians and facilities.


Diabetes Screening
Pap Tests
General Physical Examinations
General Medical Care
Prenatal Care
General Immunization
Flu Vaccines
Community Clinics
Nutrition Education
Well Baby Care
Lead Poisoning Screening
Tuberculosis Clinics
Cholesterol/Triglycerides Tests

Provides HIV/STD confidential testing and treatment for anyone, regardless of where they live, specializing in sexually transmitted diseases. This includes Hepatitis A, B and C testing as well as immunizations for Hepatitis A and B.


HIV Testing
Lead Poisoning Screening
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Hepatitis Testing
General Immunization

Offers a Child Health program that provides developmental screenings, help finding a doctor or dentist, lead risk assessments and lead testing, oral health services, interpretive services and referrals to other resources.

Winterset: 4th Thursday
First United Methodist Church
309 E. Jefferson


Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams
Public Clinics
Community Clinics
Lead Poisoning Screening
Provides blood pressure, diabetes, and lead poisoning screening.


Diabetes Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Lead Poisoning Screening

Offers programs aimed at keeping families healthy. Provides the community with effective educational services in order to promote healthy lifestyles and a higher quality of life such as WIC, breast and cervical cancer screening, lead poison prevention, and low cost blood testing.


Breast Examinations
Lead Poisoning Screening
In-office 15-minute blood lead testing available for children ages 6 months to 5 years of age. Blood lead testing promotes early detection and referral for treatment of lead poisoning; informs parents and guardians about their children's exposure to lead; and promotes the importance of living in a lead-safe environment.
Provides lead testing on children and the home.
Offers public health services to the Lucas County communities. Services include home care, health care programs for women and children, immunizations, mental health administration, early childhood development, health promotion activities including Matter of Balance, a fall prevention program and Prevent T2, diabetes prevention program and environmental health services. Also provides information on communicable diseases.


Lead Poisoning Screening
Home Health Aide Services
Communicable Disease Control
General Immunization
General Health Education Programs
General Physical Examinations
Public Clinics
Public Health Nursing
Prenatal Care
Well Baby Care
Homemaker Assistance
Lead poisoning education, screening, and follow up to prevent and treat lead poisoning in children ages 1-5.

Offers comprehensive health services to area children, including:

-- Periodic "head to toe" well-child exams for children from birth to 18 years of age

-- Hemoglobin tests

-- Blood lead screenings

-- Immunizations

-- TB Waiver if needed

-- Developmental screenings

-- Physical exams, including school physicals and sports physicals

-- Counseling and referral

Clinics are held in Kewanee at the Health Department office.


Sports Participation Physical Examinations
Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams
Pediatric Developmental Screening
Lead Poisoning Screening
General Physical Examinations
Public Clinics
Community Clinics
General Immunization
Provides care coordination to families by informing them of available resources regarding their health care needs such as doctor and dental possibilities. Health program include: child and adolescent health programs, adolescent pregnancy prevention program, family planning for women and men, sexually transmitted disease information and prevention (screening) services, Hawk-I, I-Smile, lead poisoning prevention, maternal health program, WIC program, and the1st Five program.


General Physical Examinations
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams
Breast Examinations
Blood Pressure Screening
Dental Care
Birth Control
Lead Poisoning Screening
Benefits Screening
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Pregnancy Testing
Pap Tests
Provides primary medical and preventive services, lead/poison and prevention services, maternal/child home visitations, TeleHealth services, and other supportive services such as low cost prescription drugs.


General Immunization
Lead Poisoning Screening
General Physical Examinations
Sports Participation Physical Examinations
Community Clinics
Lead screening for children and follow-up testing for children with elevated blood lead levels. Follow-up includes education in nutrition, cleaning, and intervention.
Health care for all ages, including obstetrical, pediatrics, geriatrics, general medical care, women's health, reproductive health, prenatal, obstetrics and gynecology, and radiology/ultrasound.

Blood testing for lead.

HIV testing and counseling.

Tuberculosis prevention and case management.

Immunizations for children and adults, including flu vaccines. COVID vaccines available in office or at home.

Screening and treatment for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cholesterol, and depression.

Routine services such as pap smears, school physicals, prenatal visits, well baby exams, physicals and other routine healthcare procedures. Follow-up visits for patients with diabetes, elevated blood lead levels, hypertension, behavioral health concerns, and other on-going health problems are also routine activities at the clinic.

Health education is integrated into each patient's visit. Nutrition, disease prevention and management are taught to patients individually and in groups. Educational follow-up, care coordination, management and peer education, including care for sexually transmitted diseases, latent tuberculosis, high lead levels, prenatal care, and care for chronic diseases (asthma, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and depression).

Specialist referrals for services not available at the clinic are made for all patients. Appointments for patients without insurance and/or limited income are made through Hope Medical Outreach Coalition volunteer physicians and facilities.


General Medical Care
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Pap Tests
General Immunization
Tuberculosis Screening
Prenatal Care
Lead Poisoning Screening
COVID-19 Immunization Home Visits
Community Clinics
Cholesterol/Triglycerides Tests
Nutrition Education
HIV Testing
Tuberculosis Clinics
Flu Vaccines
General Physical Examinations
Provides primary medical and preventive services, lead/poison and prevention services, maternal/child home visitations, TeleHealth services, and other supportive services such as low cost prescription drugs.


General Immunization
Lead Poisoning Screening
General Physical Examinations
Sports Participation Physical Examinations
Community Clinics

Offers a Child Health program that provides developmental screenings, help finding a doctor or dentist, lead risk assessments and lead testing, oral health services, interpretive services and referrals to other resources.

Carlisle: 2nd Monday
Missionary Baptist Church
615 Highway 5, Carlisle

Indianola: 1st and 3rd Mondays and Tuesdays, 4th Tuesday
First United Methodist Church
307 W. Ashland St., Indianola

Norwalk: 4th Monday
New Life Lutheran Church
4380 Wakonda Dr., Norwalk


Lead Poisoning Screening
Public Clinics
Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams
Community Clinics
Provides primary medical and preventive services, lead/poison and prevention services, maternal/child home visitations, TeleHealth services, and other supportive services such as low cost prescription drugs.


General Immunization
Lead Poisoning Screening
General Physical Examinations
Sports Participation Physical Examinations
Community Clinics