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Childhood immunizations, flu shots, education and home visits to teen moms, cancer screening on site, child psychologist on site, breastfeeding assistance, smoking cessation for pregnant women, TB treatment, help finding a doctor or dentist, help with finding medication or other care, Every Women Matters Education and Outreach, Denver Developmental Screening, and case management to reduce lead and other hazard exposure.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Physician Referrals
Home Based Parenting Education
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Flu Vaccines
General Immunization
Entry point for all children ages 0 to 3 who are suspected of having a delay in their development. A service coordinator assists families in procuring appropriate services determined by the child's special needs. Children are linked to any of 16 needed services which include physical, occupational, and speech therapy.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays

A free statewide, central point of contact and directory for children with disabilities and specialized needs, their families, their service providers and other members of the community. Also connects families to family support services and parent education groups. IFSN provides information and referrals to community-based services through a website, an online searchable resource directory and a toll-free telephone service.


Disability Related Parenting Programs
Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays

Special education services for students with all type of disabilities ages birth to 21.

Specialists in speech pathology, hearing, vision, physical, and occupational therapies.

Professional development for all levels of staff within both public and private schools specializing in math, reading, science, and early childhood curriculum areas.

School and community planning and addressing long-range goals for schools.

Provides training in many school climate issues around bullying, discipline, and addressing at risk factors.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Special Education
Bullying Prevention
Educational Testing
Audiological Evaluations
Speech and Language Evaluations
Childhood immunizations, flu shots, education and home visits to teen moms, cancer screening on site, child psychologist on site, breastfeeding assistance, smoking cessation for pregnant women, TB treatment, help finding a doctor or dentist, help with finding medication or other care, Every Women Matters Education and Outreach, Denver Developmental Screening, and case management to reduce lead and other hazard exposure.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Physician Referrals
Home Based Parenting Education
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Flu Vaccines
General Immunization
Preschool and Head Start program.

Service coordination and home visitation program.

Developmental testing, speech and language pathologist, occupational and physical therapists, and vision and hearing consultants.

Parent support groups.


Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Special Education
Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Parent Support Groups
Early Childhood Education
The Early ACCESS program for children birth to age 3 provides evaluations to identify children with special needs. Children ages birth to 3 years old with special needs are connected to early intervention services. In addition, Early Childhood Special Education services are available for children ages 3 to 5 who are identified as needing special education services.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Early Identification Programs
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Home based public health services for prenatal mothers including prenatal risk assessment, health screenings and health education.

Dental screening for children 0-21 years of age (iSmile).

Service Coordination provided to children who are at risk for developmental delay.

HAWK-I Coordination provides health care coverage for Iowa children in families with limited income.

Child care nurse consultation with child care providers to improve health and safety practices.

Lead screening to children aged 12 months or 24 months who have not had a screening by their medical provider.

Care coordination to connect children to medical and dental homes that serve their particular needs (Care for Kids).


Case/Care Management
Dental Screening
Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Lead Poisoning Screening
Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Early education and family support program free to all families with children prenatal to kindergarten entry. Parent educators provide home visits, developmental screenings, and resource and referral for early childhood resources in Harrison County. GetTogether meetings offered 12 or more times a year.

Bright Beginnings program for Harrison County families prenatally and with children under the age of three.

Child passenger safety program provides seat checks and education regarding car seats.

Diaper Bank, "No Child Wet Behind", for Harrison County families only.

Book and toy lending library for registered child care providers and early elementary teachers.


Child Passenger Safety Seat Inspections
Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Home Based Parenting Education
Library Services
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Child Passenger Safety Education
Early Access is a partnership between families with young children, birth to age three, and providers from the Departments of Education, Public Health, Human Services, the Child Health Specialty Clinics. Families and staff work together in identifying, coordinating and providing needed services and resources that will help the family assist their infant or toddler to grow and develop.

Early Childhood Education Services offer instructional and supportive services for special needs children and their families, in cooperation with local school districts. Offers developmental and hearing screenings as well as educational evaluations. Instructional and supportive services include home intervention, speech and language therapy, physical and occupational therapy, toddler groups, and parent education and consultation to preschools and daycare centers.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Home Based Parenting Education
Assists individuals in developing or maintaining life skills and community integration. Programming is coordinated on-site and in the community to enhance opportunities to learn in a variety of environments. Day Habilitation services are designed to assist young adults to successfully transition to adulthood by increasing community integration and life skills.

In Ames, Day Habilitation is only offered in the summer.
In Johnston, Day Habilitation is offered year-round.


Physical Therapy
Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Audiological Evaluations
Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Inpatient Rehabilitation
Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities

Provides a free program for families with kids, ages 5 and younger, living in Dubuque County. At personal visits, children learn through play with provided materials and families get to connect through activities, games, and crafts. Families get information about every stage of child development and are invited to monthly groups to connect with other families.

Also offers annual screenings to make sure kids are developmentally on track and connect families to community resources. PAT partners with parents and caregivers to support them through their parenting journey.


Parenting Materials
Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Home Based Parenting Education
Helping Services for Youth and Families provides professionally trained family educators who serve families with children ages birth to age three. In-home services provided include: Prenatal teaching and support, Certified breastfeeding support, Infant/child weight checks, Child passenger safety, Healthy, safe home environment checklist, Developmental assessments, Vision and hearing screenings, and Resource referral. Outside of the home parent-child play groups are offered providing social and networking opportunities for families. In addition parenting workshops are provided that focus on creating positive environments where a child can use their energy in successful ways and offering interventions tools for parents that are used by teachers in their child's classroom providing greater consistency for the child. Programs are available in English and Spanish.


Parenting Skills Classes
Infant and Child Safety Education
Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Home Based Parenting Education
Breastfeeding Support Programs
The Early ACCESS program for children birth to age 3 provides evaluations to identify children with special needs. Children ages birth to 3 years old with special needs are connected to early intervention services. In addition, Early Childhood Special Education services are available for children ages 3 to 5 who are identified as needing special education services.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Early Identification Programs
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Assists individuals in developing or maintaining life skills and community integration. Programming is coordinated on-site and in the community to enhance opportunities to learn in a variety of environments. Day Habilitation services are designed to assist young adults to successfully transition to adulthood by increasing community integration and life skills.

In Ames, Day Habilitation is only offered in the summer.
In Johnston, Day Habilitation is offered year-round.


Physical Therapy
Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Audiological Evaluations
Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Inpatient Rehabilitation
Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities
Home based public health services for prenatal mothers including prenatal risk assessment, health screenings and health education.

Dental screening for children 0-21 years of age (iSmile).

Service Coordination provided to children who are at risk for developmental delay.

HAWK-I Coordination provides health care coverage for Iowa children in families with limited income.

Child care nurse consultation with child care providers to improve health and safety practices.

Lead screening to children aged 12 months or 24 months who have not had a screening by their medical provider.

Care coordination to connect children to medical and dental homes that serve their particular needs (Care for Kids).


Case/Care Management
Dental Screening
Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Lead Poisoning Screening
Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Works with children ages 0-3 who have a disability in their natural environments at no cost to families. Service coordination for speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, deaf education, and early childhood special education. Assistance in navigating resources.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Provides an assessment for children who either have a developmental delay or a condition with a high probability of later delays if intervention services not provided.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Parent Resouce Coordinators offer peer-to-peer support and assistance to families that have children with disabilities/special needs connect with community resources and navigate medical and school systems. Project is supported statewide at various clinics and medical facilities.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
The Early ACCESS program for children birth to age 3 provides evaluations to identify children with special needs. Children ages birth to 3 years old with special needs are connected to early intervention services. In addition, Early Childhood Special Education services are available for children ages 3 to 5 who are identified as needing special education services.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Early Identification Programs
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Services include:
-- Evaluation and therapy for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the lifespan.
-- Speech, physical, occupational, behavioral, and recreational therapies.
-- Pediatrics, nursing, psychology, social work, genetics, and ADHD assessment.
-- Genetic evaluation and counseling.
-- Adaptive equipment.
-- Severe behavior program.
-- Feeding and swallowing.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Genetic Counseling
Autism Therapy

Offers traditional speech and language therapy, social communication groups, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) services, pediatric feeding and swallowing services (Hastings location), parent training programs to teach caregivers to support speech, and language and communication development in the home.


Speech Therapy
Language Therapy
Genetic Counseling
Pediatric Developmental Assessment

Special education services for students with all type of disabilities ages birth to 21.

Specialists in speech pathology, hearing, vision, physical, and occupational therapies.

Professional development for all levels of staff within both public and private schools specializing in math, reading, science, and early childhood curriculum areas.

School and community planning and addressing long-range goals for schools.

Provides training in many school climate issues around bullying, discipline, and addressing at risk factors.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Special Education
Bullying Prevention
Educational Testing
Audiological Evaluations
Speech and Language Evaluations

Offers traditional speech and language therapy, social communication groups, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) services, pediatric feeding and swallowing services (Hastings location), parent training programs to teach caregivers to support speech, and language and communication development in the home.


Speech Therapy
Language Therapy
Genetic Counseling
Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Early intervention for children ages birth to three who are experiencing any developmental delay or have high medical needs.


Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Pediatric Developmental Assessment