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Certified nurse practitioners provide a wide variety of health care services to diagnose and treat men, women and adolescents, including: adult physical exams, behavioral health consultations, pregnancy testing and family planning, well woman exams, STD testing, HIV testing, TB screening and treatment and smoking cessation. The team also provides treatment for chronic health conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and asthma.


Birth Control
General Health Education Programs
Community Clinics
Blood Pressure Screening
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Pap Tests
General Immunization
Diabetes Management Clinics
Breast Examinations
Tuberculosis Screening
Pregnancy Testing
General Physical Examinations
Diabetes Screening
HIV Testing
Certified nurse practitioners provide a wide variety of health care services to diagnose and treat men, women and adolescents, including: adult physical exams, behavioral health consultations, pregnancy testing and family planning, well woman exams, STD testing, HIV testing, TB screening and treatment and smoking cessation. The team also provides treatment for chronic health conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and asthma.


Birth Control
General Health Education Programs
Community Clinics
Blood Pressure Screening
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Pap Tests
General Immunization
Diabetes Management Clinics
Breast Examinations
Tuberculosis Screening
Pregnancy Testing
General Physical Examinations
Diabetes Screening
HIV Testing
Focuses on the prevention of HIV and STI transmission through education and outreach efforts that include topics on lifestyle and healthy outcomes.


Disease/Disability Information
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
HIV positive individuals may receive assistance with the costs of medical care, dental care, substance abuse services, mental health care, etc.


AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Medical Expense Assistance
HIV Testing
Focuses on the prevention of HIV and STI transmission through education and outreach efforts that include topics on lifestyle and healthy outcomes.


Disease/Disability Information
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling

Offers to allow callers to speak with experienced health specialists for information about approved HIV treatment and help in locating HIV/AIDS clinical trials across the USA.


AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Disease/Disability Information
Offers services in one or more of the following program areas:

Family Medical Health Care
Behavioral Health
Dental Care
Reproductive Health
Women, Infant, & Children (WIC)
Migrant Health
Minority Health
HIV/Hepatitis C Testing & Counseling
Diabetes Education & Care
X-ray & Lab On-Site


Dental Care
Pregnancy Testing
Breast Examinations
Birth Control
General Immunization
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Tuberculosis Screening
Community Clinics
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Pap Tests
HIV Testing
Hepatitis Testing
HIV/AIDS testing and counseling.


HIV Testing
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Preventative health services available for men and women of all ages. All services are confidential. Services are provided regardless of income, insurance status, or ability to pay.

Clinical services Include:
Physical Exams
Cancer Screening (pap smears, breast, and testicular exams)
Birth Control options
Tests and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases
HIV screening and referrals
Pregnancy testing
Emergency contraception
HPV vaccinations
PrEP prescriptions


General Immunization
Pap Tests
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Breast Examinations
Pregnancy Testing
Birth Control
Testicular Examinations
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
STD testing and treatment.

HIV testing and counseling.


Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Offers free COVID-19 home test pickup and drop off; call for information. (Also available at other locations listed on the website.)

COVID-19 vaccines are not available at the public health clinic but are available at locations listed on the website: www.publichealth.pottcounty-ia.gov/public_health/communicable_diseases (or call the office).

Public health services includes adult flu clinic; children's immunization shots (through age 18); audits of immunization records for schools and licensed day cares; tuberculosis surveillance, control, and education; investigation of reportable diseases; head lice program, including chemical free supplies (Council Bluffs only); Hepatitis C surveillance, control, and education; prevention of communicable disease outbreaks.


Flu Vaccines
General Immunization
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Public Health Nursing
Community Clinics
Communicable Disease Control
Provides full-service health care to meet the LGBTQ health care needs.


Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Community Clinics
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
HIV Testing
Family planning program provides physical exams; cervical and breast cancer screening, including enrollment in Every Woman Matters program; sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing and treatment; pregnancy testing; and contraceptive counseling and dispensing. Counsels on all contraceptive methods.

Education offered on reproductive and preventative health, self breast/testicular exams, STD/HIV risks, and abstinence.

Educational resources and resource referrals to the community.

Family planning clinics are offered in:
-- Beatrice, first Thursday of each month and third Thursday of each month;
-- Peru, fourth Thursday of each month;
-- Tecumseh, first Monday of each month and second Thursday of each month;
-- Crete, fourth Thursday of each month;
-- Lincoln, 630 North Cotner, Suite 204, Mon-Fri, early and late clinics available


Pregnancy Testing
Birth Control
Pap Tests
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
HIV Testing
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Testicular Self Examination Instruction
General Physical Examinations
Breast Self Examination Instruction
Breast Examinations
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Family planning program provides physical exams; cervical and breast cancer screening, including enrollment in Every Woman Matters program; sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing and treatment; pregnancy testing; and contraceptive counseling and dispensing. Counsels on all contraceptive methods.

Education offered on reproductive and preventative health, self breast/testicular exams, STD/HIV risks, and abstinence.

Educational resources and resource referrals to the community.

Family planning clinics are offered in:
-- Beatrice, first Thursday of each month and third Thursday of each month;
-- Peru, fourth Thursday of each month;
-- Tecumseh, first Monday of each month and second Thursday of each month;
-- Crete, fourth Thursday of each month;
-- Lincoln, 630 North Cotner, Suite 204, Mon-Fri, early and late clinics available


Pregnancy Testing
Birth Control
Pap Tests
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
HIV Testing
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Testicular Self Examination Instruction
General Physical Examinations
Breast Self Examination Instruction
Breast Examinations
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of adult diseases including AIDS/HIV. Diagnosis and treatment can either take place in the office or a hospital setting depending on the severity of treatment needed. Can also receive AIDS/HIV preventative and treatment medications.


Disease/Disability Information
Prescription Medication Services
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Chronic Disease Self Management Programs
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Focuses on the prevention of HIV and STI transmission through education and outreach efforts that include topics on lifestyle and healthy outcomes.


Disease/Disability Information
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling

Provides confidential testing and counseling.


AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
HIV Testing
Focuses on the prevention of HIV and STI transmission through education and outreach efforts that include topics on lifestyle and healthy outcomes.


Disease/Disability Information
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling

HIV counseling and testing.

Offers an STD clinic, testing and treatment, including HIV testing and counseling.


Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Provides comprehensive HIV care. Provides clinical trials, education/information, medication services, social services and community referrals, HIV specific financial programs, counseling, psychiatry services, referrals to HIV-experienced professionals in other specializations, case management.


Disease/Disability Information
Prescription Medication Services
AIDS/HIV Clinics
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
HIV Testing
Offers a full continuum of HIV services from HIV and STD testing to HIV medical treatment and care management. For a comprehensive list of services visit the website.

PREVENTION AND TESTING: free HIV and STD testing. Free safer-sex supplies are available as well as bleach kits for sterilizing needles. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis/Post-exposure Prophylaxis education and access (medications that significantly reduce the risk of becoming infected when taken as directed).

MEDICAL CARE: Comprehensive primary care and HIV specialty care.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE offers assistance when other community resources are exhausted. People living with HIV may qualify for emergency assistance from this fund. This service is intended to be temporary financial assistance.

CASE MANAGEMENT will work with clients individually to determine their needs, may assist clients in applying for these programs: Housing Assistance, Transportation, AIDS Drug Assistance Program,Disability, Medicaid, Food Stamps,General Relief, WIC, FIP, and others. Call for details.

MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM provides individuals living with HIV/AIDS culturally relevant psychotherapy in a non-judgmental, accepting environment by a therapist experienced in the complex issues associated with HIV/AIDS.

SUPPORT & COUNSELING GROUPS for people living with HIV, persons testing HIV positive, family and friends. Call for information on meeting times and locations.


HIV Testing
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Case/Care Management
General Counseling Services
AIDS/HIV Clinics
Disease/Disability Information
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Temporary Financial Assistance
Prescription Medication Services
Focuses on the prevention of HIV and STI transmission through education and outreach efforts that include topics on lifestyle and healthy outcomes.


Disease/Disability Information
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Preventative health services available for men and women of all ages. All services are confidential. Services are provided regardless of income, insurance status, or ability to pay.

Clinical services Include:
Physical Exams
Cancer Screening (pap smears, breast, and testicular exams)
Birth Control options
Tests and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases
HIV screening and referrals
Pregnancy testing
Emergency contraception
HPV vaccinations
PrEP prescriptions


General Immunization
Pap Tests
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Breast Examinations
Pregnancy Testing
Birth Control
Testicular Examinations
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
STD testing and treatment.

HIV testing and counseling.


Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling