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Education and assistance for Medicare beneficiaries. Homestead exemptions filing assistance.


Certificates/Forms Assistance
Tax Information
Medicare Information/Counseling
Senior Care Options program available to older Nebraskans who are considering admission to a nursing home and may be eligible for Medicaid assistance. Clients are screened according to a standardized assessment process developed by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Care Managers arrange for services, which allow older adults to live as independently as possible, for as long as possible.

Housekeeping and supportive services to include grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, transportation and personal care.

Family Caregiver Support for those caring for an aging adult or grandparents caring for a minor child. Provides information, assistance, support group, respite care, and supplemental services.

Home delivered meals are provided to homebound by reason of illness, disability or isolation. The meals meet 1/3 of the daily dietary recommended needs of adults 60 years and over and the requirements of the Older Americans Act and state and local laws.

Public benefit services, legal assistance, education, Medicare filing, and volunteer training through SHIIP.


Adult In Home Respite Care
Adult Out of Home Respite Care
Children's Out of Home Respite Care
Homemaker Assistance
Medicare Information/Counseling
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Case/Care Management
Specialized Information and Referral
Children's In Home Respite Care
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Area Agencies on Aging
Home Delivered Meals
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Provides counselors who will assist older seniors with questions and problems related to Medicare/Medicaid, Medicare supplement insurance, long-term care insurance, other health insurance and claims.
Senior Health Insurance Information Counseling provided by volunteers for Medicare assistance. Counseling done by appointment only.

Assistance with applying for benefits and services, including Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, and discounted license plate sticker program. Referrals to other community partners for assistance when applicable.


Food Stamps/SNAP
Medicaid Information/Counseling
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Medicare Information/Counseling
Provides free, unbiased Medicare counseling and education to Nebraskans. Services may include: Medicare eligibility and benefits, Medicare Fraud Awareness, quick quotes on supplemental insurance, prescription drug plans, Medicare Advantage plans, and other coverage.


Medicare Information/Counseling
Medicaid Information/Counseling
Congregate and home delivered meals.

Blood pressure clinics monthly.

Senior centers offer, pool, shuffleboard, exercise, cards (pitch, bridge and chicken foot), puzzles, socialization with coffee every day and pedicures.
Information and referral services.


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Senior Centers
Home Delivered Meals
Blood Pressure Screening
Foot Screening
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Medicare Information/Counseling
Provides free informational materials as well as one-to-one assistance with questions and problems related to Medicare benefits, Medicare supplement insurance, Medicare and insurance claims and other related issues.


Long Term Care Insurance Information/Counseling
Medicare Information/Counseling

Services and activities for senior citizens within York County to support their independence and community involvement.

Information and referral, including referrals for minor home repair, yard work, personal care, and homemaker services.

Counseling and case management.

Recreational activities.

Assistance with Medicare and medical insurance.

Friendly visiting.


Friendly Visiting
Medicare Information/Counseling
Senior Centers
Case/Care Management
Specialized Information and Referral
Benefits Outreach Program connects older Americans and their families to public and private benefits that support health and financial security; provides fact sheets for each state, Benefits QuickLINK on-line screening tool that connects people to programs in their community, and Prepare to Care planning guides for families who are, or may soon be, supporting parents and/or older relatives.


Medicare Information/Counseling
Medicaid Information/Counseling
General Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Long Term Care Insurance Information/Counseling
Provides free informational materials along with one on one assistance with questions and problems related to Medicare benefits, supplement insurance and insurance claims.
Offers a free program for seniors and their families. SHIIP counselors can help find answers to questions on Medicare, Medicare supplement insurance, long term care insurance, and other health insurance issues.


Medicare Information/Counseling
Long Term Care Insurance Information/Counseling
Provides trained SHIIP counselors to help understand Medicare coverage options to help make informed choices based upon health, budget or both, of the individual. Provides free assistance to walk individuals through the Medicare process, including:
  • Medicare Parts A & B Benefits
  • Prescription Drug Benefits (Part D)
  • Medicare Advantage Plans
  • Medicare Supplement Insurance
  • Medicaid covered services and eligibility
SHIIP is a free, confidential counseling program provided by the State of Iowa Insurance Division. (annual open enrollment period is October 15 through December 7).
Provides information to individuals from volunteers who explain Medicare, Medicare Part D counseling, and Long Term Care insurance.


Long Term Care Insurance Information/Counseling
Medicare Information/Counseling
Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) offers guidance on topics including Medicare, and health insurance issues.
Volunteers can help seniors and their families find answers to important questions on Medicare, supplemental insurance, long-term care insurance, other health insurance issues and Medicare prescription drug coverage.
Senior Care Options program available to older Nebraskans who are considering admission to a nursing home and may be eligible for Medicaid assistance. Clients are screened according to a standardized assessment process developed by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Care Managers arrange for services, which allow older adults to live as independently as possible, for as long as possible.

Housekeeping and supportive services to include grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, transportation and personal care.

Family Caregiver Support for those caring for an aging adult or grandparents caring for a minor child. Provides information, assistance, support group, respite care, and supplemental services.

Home delivered meals are provided to homebound by reason of illness, disability or isolation. The meals meet 1/3 of the daily dietary recommended needs of adults 60 years and over and the requirements of the Older Americans Act and state and local laws.

Public benefit services, legal assistance, education, Medicare filing, and volunteer training through SHIIP.


Adult In Home Respite Care
Adult Out of Home Respite Care
Children's Out of Home Respite Care
Homemaker Assistance
Medicare Information/Counseling
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Case/Care Management
Specialized Information and Referral
Children's In Home Respite Care
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Area Agencies on Aging
Home Delivered Meals
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Information center pamphlets and information available at office on:
Automobile and Homeowner's Insurance
Boat Insurance
Credit Card Services
Dental Insurance
Driver's Safety Classes for seniors
Grief and Loss
Health Care Options
Homeowners Insurance
Investment Programs
Information Center monthly program schedule
Legal Services Network
Identity theft
Life Insurance Program
Medicare RX Plan
Medicare Supplement Insurance
Motoring Assistance Program
Motorcycle Insurance
Pharmacy Services
Reverse Mortgages
Social Security

Referrals made to agencies providing service needed throughout Nebraska.

Benefits check-up screenings.

Non-member usage of information center.

Signup assistance for Medicare Part D RX prescription drug plans.

Monthly program providing education and/or entertainment.


Senior Advocacy Groups
Specialized Information and Referral
Medicare Information/Counseling
Helps seniors find answers to questions on Medicare, Medicare Supplement Insurance, Medicare Part D Prescription Plans, long-term care insurance and other health insurance issues. Provides objective information and assistance to consumers about senior health insurance and related issues so they can make informed decisions.
Provides free informational materials as well as one-to-one assistance with questions and problems related to Medicare benefits, Medicare supplement insurance, Medicare and insurance claims and other related issues.


Long Term Care Insurance Information/Counseling
Medicare Information/Counseling
The Iowa Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) empowers and assists Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach, counseling, and education. The Iowa SMP provides group presentations and works one-on-one with Medicare beneficiaries. Additionally, we assist individual Medicare beneficiaries impacted by fraud, errors, or abuse. When fraud or abuse is suspected, we ensure the proper steps are taken by the beneficiary and refer the case to the appropriate state and federal agencies for further investigation.


Fraud Prevention
Medicare Information/Counseling
Provides free informational materials as well as one-to-one assistance with questions and problems related to Medicare benefits, Medicare supplement insurance, Medicare and insurance claims and other related issues.


Long Term Care Insurance Information/Counseling
Medicare Information/Counseling
Senior Care Options program available to older Nebraskans who are considering admission to a nursing home and may be eligible for Medicaid assistance. Clients are screened according to a standardized assessment process developed by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Care Managers arrange for services, which allow older adults to live as independently as possible, for as long as possible.

Housekeeping and supportive services to include grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, transportation and personal care.

Family Caregiver Support for those caring for an aging adult or grandparents caring for a minor child. Provides information, assistance, support group, respite care, and supplemental services.

Home delivered meals are provided to homebound by reason of illness, disability or isolation. The meals meet 1/3 of the daily dietary recommended needs of adults 60 years and over and the requirements of the Older Americans Act and state and local laws.

Public benefit services, legal assistance, education, Medicare filing, and volunteer training through SHIIP.


Adult In Home Respite Care
Adult Out of Home Respite Care
Children's Out of Home Respite Care
Homemaker Assistance
Medicare Information/Counseling
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Case/Care Management
Specialized Information and Referral
Children's In Home Respite Care
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Area Agencies on Aging
Home Delivered Meals
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Senior Care Options program available to older Nebraskans who are considering admission to a nursing home and may be eligible for Medicaid assistance. Clients are screened according to a standardized assessment process developed by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Care Managers arrange for services, which allow older adults to live as independently as possible, for as long as possible.

Housekeeping and supportive services to include grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, transportation and personal care.

Family Caregiver Support for those caring for an aging adult or grandparents caring for a minor child. Provides information, assistance, support group, respite care, and supplemental services.

Home delivered meals are provided to homebound by reason of illness, disability or isolation. The meals meet 1/3 of the daily dietary recommended needs of adults 60 years and over and the requirements of the Older Americans Act and state and local laws.

Public benefit services, legal assistance, education, Medicare filing, and volunteer training through SHIIP.


Adult In Home Respite Care
Adult Out of Home Respite Care
Children's Out of Home Respite Care
Homemaker Assistance
Medicare Information/Counseling
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Case/Care Management
Specialized Information and Referral
Children's In Home Respite Care
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Area Agencies on Aging
Home Delivered Meals
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Provides information and assistance to people on Medicare. Trained, knowledgeable staff and volunteers provide one-on-one counseling and information about Medicare, Medicaid, and other health insurance options depending on individual circumstances.


Medicare Information/Counseling
General Health Insurance Information/Counseling
Medicaid Information/Counseling
Long Term Care Insurance Information/Counseling