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Services for individuals with disabilities. Includes information and referral, service coordination, independent living skills training, individual and system advocacy, equipment loan and rental, equipment repair, barrier removal consultations and grants, peer mentoring, and disability awareness training. Personal assistant referral and management program.


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Specialized Information and Referral
Assistive Technology Information
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Disease/Disability Registries
Offers a day habilitation program focusing on socialization skills and community integration. Program includes community participation, increased independence, skill development, activity alternatives to avoid or reduce time in a more restrictive environment.


Developmental Disabilities Day Habilitation Programs
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Services for individuals with disabilities. Includes information and referral, service coordination, independent living skills training, individual and system advocacy, equipment loan and rental, barrier removal consultations and grants, and disability awareness training. Assists people with disabilities to transition from nursing homes to community based living.


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Specialized Information and Referral
Disease/Disability Registries
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Assistive Technology Equipment Provision Options
Offers rehabilitation services to those with mental illness and intellectual disabilities. Services are designed to help clients overcome barriers and acquire or relearn skills to help them live independently in the community through occupational therapy services. Services include, but are not limited to, learning about money management, paying bills, cleaning and house maintenance, self-advocacy and self-care.


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Occupational Therapy
Opportunity Homes offers supervision and training in independent living skills for people who experience a cognitive disability and/or chronic mental illness and live in their own apartments or homes in the community. Also provides representative payee services.


Representative Payee Services
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Independent living and employment skills to the developmentally disabled.


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Vocational Rehabilitation
Assists individuals with barriers to independence while they live independently in the community.


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Developmental Disabilities Day Habilitation Programs
HCBS (HOME AND COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES) programs provide training and support to people living in shared homes in the community with opportunities for learning skills to help develop independence.(Pella/Knoxville and Indianola/Des Moines regions).

SCL (SUPPORTED COMMUNITY LIVING) program is for those people who just need someone to "drop-in" to assist them with various things. Individuals in this program can live with their families, or they can live in their own home or apartment. A Living Skills Advisor will schedule time to meet with them every week to assist them with needed tasks - budgeting, cooking, cleaning, shopping, appointments, social skills, and problem solving.

SPIRITUAL SERVICES are available to all clients.


Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities
Residential Placement Services for People With Disabilities
Semi-Independent Living Residences for Adults With Disabilities
Everlasting Home Healthcare, L.L.C. prioritizes health, safety, personal goals, and promotes positive community interaction for individuals with disabilities. Staff work one-on-one with children and adults with intellectual disabilities to help them achieve their own goals of independence. Services may include learning how to cook, clean, go grocery shopping, be safe in their community, manage their checkbook, or communication skills.


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Social Skills Training

Community-based services and support to persons of all ages with developmental disabilities.

Residential program includes staffed group homes for youth and adults, supervised apartments, and independent living arrangements in Alliance, Chadron, and Hay Springs.

Vocational training and employment services through a supervised workshop, Niobrara Enterprises, includes on-site contract work, work stations in industry, supervised employment programs, and job coaching.

Year-round educational program is available to children through contractual arrangements with the school district.

Adult leisure and recreational center for individuals who have reached retirement age. Clients are served through an alternative day program that emphasizes recreation, leisure, and maintenance of daily living skills. Alternative day services are also available for other adults whose needs do not include vocational or employment goals.

Play It Again Sam Thrift Store, 427 Illinois St, work training site.


Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Developmental Disabilities Day Habilitation Programs
Supported Employment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Semi-Independent Living Residences for Adults With Disabilities
Disability Related Center Based Employment

Provides residential and vocational support services to persons with mental and physical disabilities. Includes HCBS waiver programs, supported community living, transportation, job coaching and placement, CDAC, medication management, independent living skills, and payee services for clients.


Semi-Independent Living Residences for Adults With Disabilities
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Centers for Independent Living
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Supported Employment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Representative Payee Services
Employment program for people who experience a disability. Assists people with disabilities prepare for, find, and keep a job. Program is voluntary and the services provided will be specific to an individual's needs.

Helps businesses recruit, train, and retain employees with disabilities.


Assistive Technology Equipment Provision Options
Assistive Technology Equipment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Employment program for people who experience a disability. Assists people with disabilities prepare for, find, and keep a job. Program is voluntary and the services provided will be specific to an individual's needs.

Helps businesses recruit, train, and retain employees with disabilities.


Assistive Technology Equipment Provision Options
Assistive Technology Equipment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Employment program for people who experience a disability. Assists people with disabilities prepare for, find, and keep a job. Program is voluntary and the services provided will be specific to an individual's needs.

Helps businesses recruit, train, and retain employees with disabilities.


Assistive Technology Equipment Provision Options
Assistive Technology Equipment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Provides supported community living (SCL). SCL gives individuals with disabilities the opportunity to live as independently as possible in the community. Service includes support with safety, housekeeping, finances, communication, employment, socialization, transportation and wellness.

Hourly supported community living provides service from just a few hours per month up to 8 hours per day. This goal focused program maintains the independence clients currently have while working toward greater independence. Clients access the community in varying ways to increase their own independence like using public transportation, grocery shopping, working out and forming meaningful relationships with peers.

24-hour supported community living serves adults who require a higher amount of service hours in their place of residence and the community. Clients learn independent living skills while working toward the goal of greater independence.


Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Provides person-centered services directed toward Supported Community Living and self-advocacy training. Training in independent living skills: self-care, social skills, home maintenance/ housekeeping, and community access for individuals with developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injury and chronic mental illness.


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Mental Health Related Community Support Services (CSS)
Home & Community-Based Services offer individuals with disabilities choice-driven support to maintain an optimum level of independence in their own homes and communities. Individuals are empowered to develop and work toward personal goals, learn effective communication skills, and participate in the community. Services are scheduled to meet the needs of the individual, whether the individual lives alone, with family members or a caregiver, or with roommates in a HCBS home.

Provides assistance for youth, ages 17 up to age 23, who are preparing to exit or have 'aged out' of foster care or other court ordered placement, meet the challenges of living independently and transition successfully to adulthood.Case Management provides coordination and linkage to available community resources.

Services include life skills training and experimental learning opportunities, assistance in obtaining and maintaining a safe and stable place to live, assistance in identifying and achieving personal education and employment goals, access to financial assistance to meet emergency or short-term needs, and assistance in obtaining medical care and mental health services.


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Occupation Specific Job Training
Case/Care Management
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Supervised Living for Older Youth
Life Skills Education

Offers a program supporting young adults ages of 14-26 to help them as they transition from the child welfare system to adulthood without permanent placement, while establishing a safe, nurturing, enduring relationship with ILS staff.

HCBS (HOME AND COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES) programs provide training and support to people living in shared homes in the community with opportunities for learning skills to help develop independence.(Pella/Knoxville and Indianola/Des Moines regions).

SCL (SUPPORTED COMMUNITY LIVING) program is for those people who just need someone to "drop-in" to assist them with various things. Individuals in this program can live with their families, or they can live in their own home or apartment. A Living Skills Advisor will schedule time to meet with them every week to assist them with needed tasks - budgeting, cooking, cleaning, shopping, appointments, social skills, and problem solving.

SPIRITUAL SERVICES are available to all clients.


Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities
Residential Placement Services for People With Disabilities
Semi-Independent Living Residences for Adults With Disabilities
Employment program for people who experience a disability. Assists people with disabilities prepare for, find, and keep a job. Program is voluntary and the services provided will be specific to an individual's needs.

Helps businesses recruit, train, and retain employees with disabilities.


Assistive Technology Equipment Provision Options
Assistive Technology Equipment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Independent Living Skills Instruction
The Training Advancement Skills in the Community (TASC) Day Habilitation program is an organized program of activities designed to foster the acquisition of skills, build positive social behavior and interpersonal competence, greater independence and personal choice. Day Habilitation services are designed and developed in a manner that is individualized and focused on enabling the member to attain or maintain their maximum potential. TASC defines the scope of these services and supports based on the identified needs and desires of the person served. Services offered enable and enhance the member's: intellectual functioning, physical and emotional health and development, language and communication development, cognitive functioning, socialization and community integration, functional skill development, behavior management, responsibility and self direction, daily living skills, self-advocacy skills or mobility.


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Social Skills Training
Behavior Modification
Life Skills Education
Employment program for people who experience a disability. Assists people with disabilities prepare for, find, and keep a job. Program is voluntary and the services provided will be specific to an individual's needs.

Helps businesses recruit, train, and retain employees with disabilities.


Assistive Technology Equipment Provision Options
Assistive Technology Equipment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Independent Living Skills Instruction

Provides day and respite services, and addresses individual needs and desires for care, for informed choices and the individual's vision for the future. OWL is an approved provider for the Brain Injury Waiver Program, which was created by Iowa State Legislature in 1996. Services provided through the program include, supported Community Living-designed to assist the consumer with daily living needs, which includes, but are not limited to, community skills, personal needs, budgeting, social skills, home management and individual advocacy.


Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Life Skills Education
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Provides employment training and placement, day habilitation, and residential services for people with disabilities.


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Supported Employment
In Home Developmental Disabilities Habilitation Programs
Developmental Disabilities Day Habilitation Programs
Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities