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Chiropractic care to qualified elderly, homeless, disabled, and other financially challenged persons.
Provides chiropractic care for those in need.

The Winnebago Public Health Department offers a Chiropractic Clinic to benefit the entire community. Specializes in the treatment of acute pain, chronic pain, auto accidents, personal injuries, and sports injuries.

Free health care services include medical, dental, dermatology, physical therapy, chiropractic, mental health, vision, hearing, and spiritual care. Specialty Clinics services such as allergy and asthma, orthopedic and diabetic services by referral only. Patients are seen on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Up to date schedule of services can be found online. Please call to make an appointment.


Dental Care
General Physical Examinations
Dental Screening
Community Clinics
Mental Health Evaluation
Eye Care
Eye Screening
Chiropractic care to qualified elderly, homeless, disabled, and other financially challenged persons.