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Provides comprehensive HIV care. Provides clinical trials, education/information, medication services, social services and community referrals, HIV specific financial programs, counseling, psychiatry services, referrals to HIV-experienced professionals in other specializations, case management.


Disease/Disability Information
Prescription Medication Services
AIDS/HIV Clinics
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
HIV Testing
Offers a full continuum of HIV services from HIV and STD testing to HIV medical treatment and care management. For a comprehensive list of services visit the website.

PREVENTION AND TESTING: free HIV and STD testing. Free safer-sex supplies are available as well as bleach kits for sterilizing needles. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis/Post-exposure Prophylaxis education and access (medications that significantly reduce the risk of becoming infected when taken as directed).

MEDICAL CARE: Comprehensive primary care and HIV specialty care.

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE offers assistance when other community resources are exhausted. People living with HIV may qualify for emergency assistance from this fund. This service is intended to be temporary financial assistance.

CASE MANAGEMENT will work with clients individually to determine their needs, may assist clients in applying for these programs: Housing Assistance, Transportation, AIDS Drug Assistance Program,Disability, Medicaid, Food Stamps,General Relief, WIC, FIP, and others. Call for details.

MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM provides individuals living with HIV/AIDS culturally relevant psychotherapy in a non-judgmental, accepting environment by a therapist experienced in the complex issues associated with HIV/AIDS.

SUPPORT & COUNSELING GROUPS for people living with HIV, persons testing HIV positive, family and friends. Call for information on meeting times and locations.


HIV Testing
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Case/Care Management
General Counseling Services
AIDS/HIV Clinics
Disease/Disability Information
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Temporary Financial Assistance
Prescription Medication Services