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Offers to protect the health and welfare of residents through the identification of potential communicable disease problems and to control the spread of infectious disease within the county. Offers investigation and follow up on communicable diseases, and an immunization program.


General Immunization
Disease Prevention Programs
Communicable Disease Control

Offers to protect the health and welfare of residents through the identification of potential communicable disease problems and to control the spread of infectious disease within the county. Offers investigation and follow up on communicable diseases, and an immunization program.


General Immunization
Disease Prevention Programs
Communicable Disease Control

Offers to protect the health and welfare of residents through the identification of potential communicable disease problems and to control the spread of infectious disease within the county. Offers investigation and follow up on communicable diseases, and an immunization program.


General Immunization
Disease Prevention Programs
Communicable Disease Control
Responds to disasters and assists communities in recovery. Coordinates Regional Medical Response System and Citizen Corps Network to ensure efficient post-disaster mitigation.

Prevents epidemics and the spread of contagious diseases. Disease surveillance ensuring necessary precautions are being taken in order to effectively combat illness.

Protection against environmental hazards. Offers free short and long term radon test kits for Panhandle residents.

Prevents injury, illness, and disability.

Promotes and encourages healthy behaviors. Significant emphasis on increasing physical activity, improving nutrition, and decreasing environmental tobacco smoke, along with programming promoting healthy hand hygiene and proper dental hygiene. Technical assistance for worksite wellness programming utilizing an evidence-based process.

Diabetes Prevention Program offers lifestyle change programs that teach participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.


Radon Testing
Disaster Response Services
Public Health Nursing
Communicable Disease Control
General Immunization
General Health Education Programs
Disease Prevention Programs
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Occupational Health and Safety
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Lifestyle change programs teach participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.
Lifestyle change programs teach participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.
Navigators help connect individuals to programs and services that improve their health and wellness. The Navigator provides information on available resources, provides social support, and advocates for individuals and community health needs. Navigators also assist individuals with enrollment in community programs.


Case/Care Management
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Disease Prevention Programs

Offers services including community health programs, disease information, control, and prevention and emergency preparedness programs through Alert Iowa.


Disease Prevention Programs
General Immunization
Disaster Preparedness Information
Public Health Nursing
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Personal Care
Communicable Disease Control
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Lifestyle change programs teach participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.
Lifestyle change programs teach participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.

Provides services that prioritize the health concerns of individuals who use drugs. Services include overdose prevention, prevention of disease transmission, treatment for substance use dependency, and homelessness.


Disease Prevention Programs
Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
Lifestyle change programs teach participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.
Lifestyle change programs teach participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.

Lifestyle change programs teach participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.

Assists individuals of all cultures to assume responsibility for their own health through education and outreach services. The Division responds to public information needs or issues related to health and safety, and works collaboratively with other community entities to formulate responses to issues which impact public health. Major program areas include:

Chronic Disease Prevention program promotes activities community-wide that encourage healthy living, embrace health screenings for early detection of disease, and encourage appropriate self-management of existing diseases. Additional effort is placed on reducing the high incidence of chronic diseases among racial/ethnic minorities and other vulnerable Lancaster County residents. Program activities include community education on topics such as reducing the incidence of childhood obesity, increasing physical activity, and developing healthy eating habits, diabetes prevention or control, learning to manage chronic health problems, and colorectal cancer awareness.

Injury Prevention and Safe Kids Lincoln-Lancaster County coordinate activities directed at reducing unintentional injuries and death. Priorities are established by the Injury Surveillance System and Safe Kids Lincoln-Lancaster County. Print material, videos and presentations are available on bike and pedestrian safety, fall prevention, child passenger safety/occupant restraints, and home safety. Monthly community-wide car seat check events are offered at no charge. Visit www.safekidslincoln.org for a schedule of events and call to make an appointment.

Tobacco Prevention and Control provides tobacco prevention information/education to schools, businesses and the community, and cessation referrals.


Disease Prevention Programs
Child Passenger Safety Seat Inspections
Bicycle Safety Education
Child Passenger Safety Education
Fall Prevention Programs
General Safety Education
Pedestrian Safety Education
General Health Education Programs
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Lifestyle change programs teach participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.
Education programs for people concerned about their risk for diabetes, newly diagnosed, or want to learn more about managing their diabetes.

Diabetes Prevention Program teaches participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.


Disease Prevention Programs
Disease/Disability Information
Diabetes Management Clinics
Screening, treatment, and educational classes related to diabetes.

Lifestyle change programs teach participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.


Diabetes Screening
Disease Prevention Programs
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Diabetes Management Clinics
Lifestyle change programs teach participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.
Lifestyle change programs teach participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.
Lifestyle change programs teach participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.
Education programs for people concerned about their risk for diabetes, newly diagnosed, or want to learn more about managing their diabetes.

Diabetes Prevention Program teaches participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.


Disease Prevention Programs
Disease/Disability Information
Diabetes Management Clinics
Lifestyle change programs teach participants to make lasting lifestyle changes, like eating healthier, adding physical activity into their daily routine, and improving coping skills.