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Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance.


Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Job Search/Placement
Job Retraining
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Offers youth employment programs through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Provides year round placement service for youth 14-21; access to youth program providers, workshops, resume assistance and job fairs. Completion of work permits.


Summer Youth Employment Programs
General Youth Employment Programs
Work Permits
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance.


Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Job Search/Placement
Job Retraining
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance.


Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Job Search/Placement
Job Retraining
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance

Offers youth employment programs through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Provides year round placement service for youth 14-21; access to youth program providers, workshops, resume assistance and job fairs. Completion of work permits.


Summer Youth Employment Programs
General Youth Employment Programs
Work Permits
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance.


Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Job Search/Placement
Job Retraining
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance.


Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Job Search/Placement
Job Retraining
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Offers youth employment programs through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Provides year round placement service for youth 14-21; access to youth program providers, workshops, resume assistance and job fairs. Completion of work permits.


Summer Youth Employment Programs
General Youth Employment Programs
Work Permits
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance.


Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Job Search/Placement
Job Retraining
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance

Offers youth employment programs through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Provides year round placement service for youth 14-21; access to youth program providers, workshops, resume assistance and job fairs. Completion of work permits.


Summer Youth Employment Programs
General Youth Employment Programs
Work Permits

Offers youth employment programs through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Provides year round placement service for youth 14-21; access to youth program providers, workshops, resume assistance and job fairs. Completion of work permits.


Summer Youth Employment Programs
General Youth Employment Programs
Work Permits

Offers youth employment programs through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Provides year round placement service for youth 14-21; access to youth program providers, workshops, resume assistance and job fairs. Completion of work permits.


Summer Youth Employment Programs
General Youth Employment Programs
Work Permits

Offers youth employment programs through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Provides year round placement service for youth 14-21; access to youth program providers, workshops, resume assistance and job fairs. Completion of work permits.


Summer Youth Employment Programs
General Youth Employment Programs
Work Permits
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance.


Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Job Search/Placement
Job Retraining
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance.


Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Job Search/Placement
Job Retraining
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides information regarding immigration and naturalization benefits. Applications for: citizenship, green card, work visa in the U.S., and international adoption.


Citizenship and Immigration Services Offices
Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services
Work Permits
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance.


Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Job Search/Placement
Job Retraining
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance