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Employment services including access to computers/internet for employment purposes. Assistance provided to individuals with job search, filing unemployment insurance, resumes, and cover letters. Access to partner agencies in the American Job Center include One Stop Employment Solutions/Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) job training, Experience Works, Department of Labor Office, Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation, Goodwill/YWCA Job Outfitters, and Adult Basic Education.

One Stop Employment Solutions offers job training for adult and those unemployed due to layoffs or business closing and displaced homemakers through assistance with post-secondary education, on-the-job training, work experience, and career guidance.

Nebraska Department of Labor offers employment and training services for workers, job seekers, and businesses in the building, with many services also offered through self-service electronic access. Services to job seekers include, but are not limited to: assessment of skill levels; career guidance; job search assistance; workshops; job referral and placement assistance; and reemployment services offered through the NEres program. Services offered to employers include, but are not limited to: referral of job seekers to job openings; matching job requirements with job seeker experience; assistance with special recruitment needs; analyzing hard-to-fill job orders; assistance with job restructuring; and industry counseling and guidance.

Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation assists people with disabilities in preparing for, finding, and keeping jobs. Helps businesses recruit, train, and retrain employees with disabilities. Through this "dual client" approach, the agency assists individuals with injuries, illness, or impairments achieve competitive employment and increased independence, and assists business owners and employers through full services business consultation on a variety of business an disability-related areas. Every other Thursday 8:30 am-11:30 am.

Experience Works administers the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). See separate listing for more information.


Job Search/Placement
WIOA Programs
Career Counseling
Prejob Guidance
Job Information
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Occupation Specific Job Training
Assists SNAP participants in finding employment and/or training for employment. Provides gas vouchers and other supportive services for independent job search, to attend job search training, vocational training and for job retention.


Prejob Guidance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Search/Placement

Classes in English as a Second Language, citizenship, and workforce development. Classes online and at various locations.


Prejob Guidance
English as a Second Language
Citizenship Education
Promotes personal, academic, and career growth. Services include academic, pre-enrollment and financial aid counseling; connection to DMACC's Workforce Training Academy (WTA); pre-employment counseling (including rsum writing and interviewing techniques); referrals to appropriate supportive agencies; financial assistance for childcare and transportation.

Available at the Boone and Carroll campuses.


Displaced Homemaker Employment Programs
Specialized Information and Referral
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Prejob Guidance
Career Counseling
Food Stamp Employment and Training Program provides employment and training services for the purpose of enhancing the participant's employability. Services include an assessment, job search assistance, basic education (high school completion, English as a second language, and adult basic education); this program also pays expenses for transportation and child care for participants.
-- Resume development
-- Preparing for work through job readiness, etc.
-- Practicing through mock interviews
-- Understanding ADA rights in the interview process
-- Discussing disability issues
-- Accessing the hidden job market
-- Writing follow up letters
-- Job Application skills
-- Interviewing skills development
-- Use mass transit to get to and from work, including learning bus routes, practice using the bus system with the assistance of a coach, and successfully navigating mass transit system

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Assists SNAP participants in finding employment and/or training for employment. Provides gas vouchers and other supportive services for independent job search, to attend job search training, vocational training and for job retention.


Prejob Guidance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Search/Placement
Assists SNAP participants in finding employment and/or training for employment. Provides gas vouchers and other supportive services for independent job search, to attend job search training, vocational training and for job retention.


Prejob Guidance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Search/Placement

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides one-on-one assistance to job seekers for job searches, resume assistance, interview preparation, and employer connections. Multiple Career Fairs during the year connect job seekers with employers. Walk-ins and also pre-arranged appointments with a Career Coach are available.


Dropout Programs
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Personal Financial Counseling
Adult Basic Education
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Vocational Assessment
Career Exploration
Benefits Screening
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Help neighbors increase employment success and economic self-sufficiency through adult education, language classes, resume writing and interview skills, job placement, and financial workshops.


Financial Literacy Training
English as a Second Language
Prejob Guidance
Adult Basic Education

Job training and placement program, with 15-20 weeks of intensive job training and personal development.

Social development, social recreation, art, dance, drama, and physical education.

Education support (grades K-12) including tutoring and computer training. STEM activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).

Career development (7-18 years), including non-traditional careers.

Family counseling

USDA Meal Program, nutrition education, gardening

Adolescent pregnancy 4-component prevention program for girls 9-18 years old.

Pathfinders Mentoring Program matches girls, ages 5-16, with professional women in the Omaha business community to work on academic and personal goals. Scholarships may be awarded at the end of the successful completion of high school and the Pathfinders program.

Transportation to programs.


Boys/Girls Clubs
Mentoring Programs
Team Sports/Leagues
Youth Enrichment Programs
Tutoring Services
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Prejob Guidance
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education

The HUB serves unconnected youth/young adults ages 16-24. Unconnected youth are defined as young adults who are living without permanent family support and have any of the following lived experience: pregnant/parenting, homeless or near homeless, foster care, juvenile probation, runaway or human trafficking/exploitation or are unconnected from their family of origin for any reason. The HUB has focused on providing programming support and services in the areas of education, employment, and empowerment.

Education: The HUB provides programming at Lincoln High for students that are credit deficient, struggling with truancy. These supports and services are aimed to assist students with staying in school and successfully moving closer to the goal of graduation. The HUB recognizes that traditional school does not work for everyone, so we also provide free GED prep classes (ages 16-24) and remove barriers to accessing GED testing.

Employ: The HUB assists participants in developing job skills through connections to volunteer opportunities, access to resources for job searching and supports once employment has been secured.

Empower: Concrete supports are imperative to navigate the transition to adulthood. The HUB empowers participants to advocate for themselves, assists with learning supports and resources and provides additional caring adults in the lives of participants. The HUB assists young people to determine the supports and services available and ensure that a customized system of supports is assembled. Assistance available to young adults includes connection to a Peer Support Specialist, access to emergency needs-based funds, youth eviction prevention programming, connection to housing supports and resources, financial literacy and budgeting assistance through Central Access Navigation and Community Outreach Housing Specialist.


School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance

Member-based organization for individuals and organizations interested in community issues related to refugees and immigrants. Meets unfulfilled needs of immigrants and refugees in the Quad Cities.

Can assist with applying for resources in Illinois, including SNAP, Mediare/Medicaid, SEAP, etc.

Can help you apply for up to $500 to pay for DACA renewal fees.

Offers financial assistance to those that qualify.


Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Prejob Guidance
Immigrant Rights Groups
English as a Second Language
Cultural Transition Counseling
Assists SNAP participants in finding employment and/or training for employment. Provides gas vouchers and other supportive services for independent job search, to attend job search training, vocational training and for job retention.


Prejob Guidance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Search/Placement
Assists SNAP participants in finding employment and/or training for employment. Provides gas vouchers and other supportive services for independent job search, to attend job search training, vocational training and for job retention.


Prejob Guidance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Search/Placement
Assists SNAP participants in finding employment and/or training for employment. Provides gas vouchers and other supportive services for independent job search, to attend job search training, vocational training and for job retention.


Prejob Guidance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Search/Placement
Assists unemployed or underemployed individuals with obtaining and sustaining gainful employment. Services include: job search training, interview skills/class, resume and cover letter writing, computer class and resource center. This is also an Iowa Career Access Point, which allows clients to register for work or apply for unemployment insurance through Iowa Workforce Development.

Success in the Work Place is a class that focuses on keeping a job once you get it. The focus of this class is on seven important workplace behaviors: attitude, attendance, appearance, ambition, accountability, acceptance, and appreciation.

Job Club Class is provided to help build soft skills (self-esteem, goal setting, emotions in the workplace, dealing with difficult people in the workplace, etc.).

Computer Class (basics of computer use and Word, two times per month).

Interview Skills Class (two times per month).


Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Assistance with job searching, online applications, resume writing, practice interviews, and one on one assistance.
Social development, social recreation, art, dance, drama, and physical education.

Education support (grades K-12) including tutoring and computer training. STEM activities (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).

Career development (7-18 years), including non-traditional careers.

Family counseling

USDA Meal Program, nutrition education, gardening

Adolescent pregnancy 4-component prevention program for girls 9-18 years old.

Pathfinders Mentoring Program matches girls, ages 5-16, with professional women in the Omaha business community to work on academic and personal goals. Scholarships may be awarded at the end of the successful completion of high school and the Pathfinders program.

Transportation to programs.


Boys/Girls Clubs
Mentoring Programs
Team Sports/Leagues
Youth Enrichment Programs
Tutoring Services
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Prejob Guidance
Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Prepares Tribal members for competitive employment by offering skill and personal interest assessments, personal career advisement, group support, a personalized portfolio, and a financial award. Career enhancement skill training includes interview skills, resume writing, money management, computer training, leadership skills, etc.


Career Counseling
Vocational Assessment
Prejob Guidance
Computer Literacy Training Programs

Employment services including resume service and counseling.

Change is an Inside Job program provides people with the skills necessary to change the way they are living their lives through a series of videos and workbook sessions.

Conflict resolutions and collaborative negotiations.

Victim impact panel for first time DUI offenders.


DUI Offender Programs
Prejob Guidance
Career Counseling

Offers a college- and career-readiness program, designed to help 18-24-year-olds in Lincoln explore and make a plan for the future, and gain the knowledge, skills, and connections to make it happen (going to college, getting a job, or starting their own business).

The eight-month program creates upward mobility for out-of-high-school young adults by preparing them to be employers, employees, and leaders. Graduates will develop fundamental, transferable life and career skills, obtain certifications and college credits, enroll in paid internship programs, and get to experience in-demand, future-forward careers. The program starts with a career exploration phase, followed by a design thinking career planning process where students will select their passion track. Once students have determined their trajectory, they will earn certifications and complete a capstone project, mentorship, and a paid internship.

Gap Year runs October-May, with mandatory workshops and classes taking place at The Bay LNK on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30 am-1 pm. Open Lab hours, where students can dive deep into equipment, certifications, and technology, takes place at The Bay LNK on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings. Students must also complete at least two hours of Open Lab time each week.


Career Counseling
Career Exploration
Prejob Guidance