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Offers services to older adults 60+ to maximize their independence, increase physical well-being, and reduce social isolation and the risk of falls. Components include exercise classes; gardening, cooking and nutrition classes; social and educational outings; and the Generation Xchange (GenX) program.

GenX, a partnership with the UCLA Department of Medicine, UNMC Center for Reducing Health Disparities, and Omaha Public Schools (OPS), trains and places older adult mentors in K-3rd grade classrooms where they work with students to improve academic skills (i.e., reading and math) of the students, and health outcomes of the mentors.

Bingocize helps to improve flexibility, balance and body strength while enjoying a game of bingo.

Vegetable gardening.

Sewing/Craft group.


Nutrition Education
Cooking Classes
Fall Prevention Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Provides employment assistance to older job seekers 55 and older. Services include skill assessment, paid training opportunities, job search assistance, and community referrals.


Job Search/Placement
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance

Provides chore services to the aged and disabled population in rural Nebraska, including home health care, medical supplies, employment services and senior disability transportation.


Disability Related Transportation
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Home Health Aide Services
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Provides employment assistance to older job seekers 55 and older. Services include skill assessment, paid training opportunities, job search assistance, and community referrals.


Job Search/Placement
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Provides employment assistance to older job seekers 55 and older. Services include skill assessment, paid training opportunities, job search assistance, and community referrals.


Job Search/Placement
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
A work training program for low-income job seekers age 55 and over. SCSEP offers job counseling, job training and support to help individuals make the transition to permanent employment. Participants usually work 20 hours per week and receive no less than the current minimum wage. The goal of the program is to help participants develop their work capabilities and obtain permanent employment with the assigned host agency or in the private sector. The U.S. Department of Labor gives each organization or state an annual grant to pay for its SCSEP program.


Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Computer Literacy Training Programs
Job Search/Placement
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Seeks volunteers who are 55+ to help their community through companionship, food resource access, and medical transportation services. Volunteers can also volunteer at partner organizations, which can be found on the website, and receive the benefits of being a volunteer with HIRTA Helps. Volunteers receive mileage reimbursement and supplemental and liability insurance.


Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Required to respond to cases of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation, including financial exploitation. Elder abuse prevention and advocacy methods include providing outreach, education, training and consultation to aging network partners, key stakeholders and the general public.
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Seeks volunteers who are 55+ to help their community through companionship, food resource access, and medical transportation services. Volunteers can also volunteer at partner organizations, which can be found on the website, and receive the benefits of being a volunteer with HIRTA Helps. Volunteers receive mileage reimbursement and supplemental and liability insurance.


Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance
Provides services such as job placement assistance, unemployment insurance, unemployment tax liability services, services for veterans, labor market information, dislocated worker programs (Re-employment Services), proficiency testing and career guidance


Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Work Permits
Unemployment Insurance

Provides chore services to the aged and disabled population in rural Nebraska, including home health care, medical supplies, employment services and senior disability transportation.


Disability Related Transportation
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Home Health Aide Services