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Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Assists veterans and transitioning service members by connecting businesses with qualified veterans looking for career opportunities. Resources help veterans and their families with education and in transitioning to a new community with focused support and individuals who want to help.

Offers a platform for veterans to translate military careers into skills based profiles that are used and understood by employers. Services include resume preparation, an interview feature that allows vets to practice interviewing skills and a chance to search and apply for jobs from partner employers.

All services are offered online through the Major Talent website.


Veteran Employment Programs
Job Search/Placement

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Offers services to disabled Veterans. Services include transportation to medical appointments at the VA Hospital, a medical equipment loan program and employment support.


Veteran Employment Programs
Assistive Technology Equipment
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
IowaWorks of Decorah provides a Veteran's Employment Specialist to assist with coordinating counseling, testing, and identifying training and employment opportunities for veterans.

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Helps veterans who have physical and mental health challenges find and keep jobs through three different services:

Transitional work program - matches each veteran's skills with a specific job and provides supervision to help them gain work experience.

Supported employment program - provides long-term support for veterans with serious mental illnesses or physical disabilities to help them compete for jobs in their communities.

Vocational assistance program - trains veterans living at the VA residential facility to improve job search and career development skills.


Supported Employment
Veteran Employment Programs

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers