
1-20 of 20
Employment services including access to computers/internet for employment purposes. Assistance provided to individuals with job search, filing unemployment insurance, resumes, and cover letters. Access to partner agencies in the American Job Center include One Stop Employment Solutions/Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) job training, Experience Works, Department of Labor Office, Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation, Goodwill/YWCA Job Outfitters, and Adult Basic Education.

One Stop Employment Solutions offers job training for adult and those unemployed due to layoffs or business closing and displaced homemakers through assistance with post-secondary education, on-the-job training, work experience, and career guidance.

Nebraska Department of Labor offers employment and training services for workers, job seekers, and businesses in the building, with many services also offered through self-service electronic access. Services to job seekers include, but are not limited to: assessment of skill levels; career guidance; job search assistance; workshops; job referral and placement assistance; and reemployment services offered through the NEres program. Services offered to employers include, but are not limited to: referral of job seekers to job openings; matching job requirements with job seeker experience; assistance with special recruitment needs; analyzing hard-to-fill job orders; assistance with job restructuring; and industry counseling and guidance.

Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation assists people with disabilities in preparing for, finding, and keeping jobs. Helps businesses recruit, train, and retrain employees with disabilities. Through this "dual client" approach, the agency assists individuals with injuries, illness, or impairments achieve competitive employment and increased independence, and assists business owners and employers through full services business consultation on a variety of business an disability-related areas. Every other Thursday 8:30 am-11:30 am.

Experience Works administers the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). See separate listing for more information.


Job Search/Placement
WIOA Programs
Career Counseling
Prejob Guidance
Job Information
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Occupation Specific Job Training

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Career resources, job search and placement, academic improvement services, financial assistance for supportive services.

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Grant is designed to help Americans, including those facing significant employment barriers, secure and retain high-quality jobs. The program helps people find employment and may fund training when needed for an individual to gain or retain employment. The Adult Program serves people who are at least 18 years old and (if applicable) registered for Selective Service. The Dislocated Worker Program serves individuals (if applicable) registered for Selective Service who have lost their jobs and who fit into one of the dislocated worker categories defined in WIOA. The Youth Program serves in-school youth (ages 14-21) and out-of-school youth (ages 16-24) who need assistance with training or education to enter the workforce successfully. The focus is on young people with barriers to success.

Workforce development through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Provides job training and job-seeking assistance to economically disadvantaged persons, dislocated workers, and youth.


WIOA Programs
Job Search/Placement
Occupation Specific Job Training
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Information

Workforce development through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Provides job training and job-seeking assistance to economically disadvantaged persons, dislocated workers, and youth.


WIOA Programs
Job Search/Placement
Occupation Specific Job Training
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Information
Provides communities with health, educational, and economic opportunities.

Serves immigrant, minority and low-income populations, helping them overcome language and cultural barriers in order to better provide for their families.

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides communities with health, educational, and economic opportunities.

Serves immigrant, minority and low-income populations, helping them overcome language and cultural barriers in order to better provide for their families.
Provides communities with health, educational, and economic opportunities.

Serves immigrant, minority and low-income populations, helping them overcome language and cultural barriers in order to better provide for their families.

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides communities with health, educational, and economic opportunities.

Serves immigrant, minority and low-income populations, helping them overcome language and cultural barriers in order to better provide for their families.

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

Computers with internet available.

Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

-- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

-- Tuition assistance

-- On site tutoring

-- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.


Veteran Employment Programs
Apprenticeship Training
On the Job Training
WIOA Programs
Education Related Fee Payment Assistance
Occupation Specific Job Training
Prejob Guidance
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Educational Testing
Job Training Resource Lists
General Youth Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

Career resources, job search and placement, academic improvement services, financial assistance for supportive services.