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County level services provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service. Must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Fillmore County.

State level services do not require wartime service. Assist in completing applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund, fee exempt fishing and hunting permits, applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes, and waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veteran Burial Benefits

County level services provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service. Must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Morrill County. Issue Bronze flag holders for Morrill County Veterans grave sites.

State level services do not require wartime service. Assist in completing applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund, fee exempt fishing and hunting permits, applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes, and Waivers of Tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's death pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones/medallions, educational benefits, home loans, life insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veteran Burial Benefits
Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Veteran/Military Health Insurance

County level services provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs; personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service. Must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Saline County.

Ride to the VA Medical Clinics for medical appointments only. Some help with current bills for housing, food, and electrical, gas for the home, medical bills, and burials for the veterans and family members.

State level services (do not require wartime service) assist in completing applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund. Fee exempt fishing and hunting permits, applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes, and waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veterans services include veterans benefits and aid in the case of a hardship.


Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
County level services include the following: County Veterans' Aid Fund (CVA) to meet immediate emergency financial needs; flag holders for placement on the grave of every veteran buried in Platte County; mapping each veteran's grave in all of the Platte County Cemeteries; assist eligible veterans with completion and filing of Homestead Exemption forms; enrollment of new veterans to Platte County; filing discharges (DD214's) for local veterans; assisting retired veterans with benefits, such as health care services and insurance benefits; assisting bereaved dependents of deceased veterans with burial benefits, headstone applications, claims for veterans life insurance policies; filing necessary paperwork for educational benefits for veterans and/or their dependents; assist eligible veterans with applications for VA Home Loans.

State level services do not require wartime service and include the following: Nebraska Veterans' Aid Fund (NVA) for unforeseen emergency financial need; waiver of tuition for state college/university cost to qualified dependents; discharges and replacement of lost military service records (DD-214); grave registration and report of grave location for veterans buried in the state; complete application for residency in a Veterans Home; filing for Hunt & Fish Permits for qualified veterans (age 64 or 50% or greater VA disability; Nebraska Veterans' Driver's License and License Plate Registry.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to: Service Connected Disability Compensation, appeals of VA Claim Decisions; non-service connected pensions for veterans or widowers; education and vocational rehabilitation, including GI Bill and disability retraining; life insurance, VGLI/NSLI or disability; burial benefits including grave marker application and burial allowance assistance; VA Home Loan Programs; residential improvement for the handicapped; enrollment in VA Health Care; VA Medical Center inpatient and outpatient services; Long Term Nursing Home Care for veterans rated at 70% or higher; military records, discharge upgrades, and location of service and medical records; military medals replacement; military retirement benefits (20 plus years); dependent and survivors benefits; Reserve and National Guard benefits.


Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
The Veterans Service Office will assist veterans and their families in obtaining the local, state, and federal benefits that they are entitled to receive. This may include assistance in obtaining military records, compensation and pension benefits, education and retraining grants, health insurance, and veteran burial benefits.


Veteran Education Benefits
Veteran Burial Benefits
Military Records
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits

Advises and aids veterans and their dependents in applying for federal benefits through compensation or pension claims. Emergency financial assistance for basic necessities such as rent or utility payments, burial and food may be available. Can also assists with applications for benefits made available by federal, state or local laws.


Burial/Cremation Expense Assistance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Utility Service Payment Assistance
Veteran Burial Benefits
Rent Payment Assistance
Prescription Medication Services
County level services: direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs; personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents; must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from; active duty or wartime service; must be a resident in Nebraska in Phelps, Franklin, or Harlan County.

State level services do not require wartime service: applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund; fee exempt fishing and hunting permits; applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes; waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provides and/or completes Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to: service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave Markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.

VA healthcare enrollment.


Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance

County level services provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service. Must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Kimball County. Issue Bronze flag holders for Kimball County Veterans grave sites.

State level services do not require wartime service. Assist in completing applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund, fee exempt fishing and hunting permits, applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes, and Waivers of Tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's death pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones/medallions, educational benefits, home loans, life insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Benefits information on county, state, and federal level benefits.

Claim filing assistance for veterans and their families, including applications to Veterans Home in Marshalltown and applications for lifetime hunting and fishing licenses for service connected disabled vets (small fee).

Funeral assistance.

Application assistance for VA medical care.


Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Burial Benefits

County level services provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service. Must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Saunders County.

State level services do not require wartime service. Assist in completing applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund, fee exempt fishing and hunting permits, applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes, waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
County level services provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service. Must be a resident in Iowa for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Muscatine County.

State level services do not require wartime service. Assist in completing applications for the Iowa Veterans Aid Fund, fee exempt fishing and hunting permits, applications to the Iowa Veterans Home, waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Benefits Assistance
County level services provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service; must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Thayer County.

State level services do not require wartime service. Assist in completing applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund, fee exempt fishing and hunting permits, applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes, and waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Veteran service office.


Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
County level services provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service. Must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year.

State level services do not require wartime service. Assist in completing applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund; fee exempt fishing and hunting permits; applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes; waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
County level services provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service. Must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year.

State level services do not require wartime service. Assist in completing applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund; fee exempt fishing and hunting permits; applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes; waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
County level services provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service. Must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Logan County.

State level services do not require wartime service. Assist in completing applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund; fee exempt fishing and hunting permits; applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes; waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance

County level services provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service. Must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Hamilton County.

State level services do not require wartime service and assist in completing applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund, fee exempt fishing and hunting permits, applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes, and waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
County level services provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service. Must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year.

State level services do not require wartime service. Assist in completing applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund; fee exempt fishing and hunting permits; applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes; waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
County level services provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service. Must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Knox County.

State level services do not require wartime service. Assist in completing applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund; fee exempt fishing and hunting permits; applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes; waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits

County level services include the following: provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs; personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents; must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty (wartime service for some benefits); and must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Cass County.

State level services do not require wartime service and include the following: completes applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund, nominal fee for fishing and hunting permits, applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes, and waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, Grave Markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veteran Burial Benefits
Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Veteran Benefits Assistance
County level services provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service. Must be a resident in Iowa for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Clinton County.

State level services do not require wartime service. Assists in completing applications for the Iowa Veterans Aid Fund, fee exempt fishing and hunting permits, applications to the Iowa Veterans Home, waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Burial Benefits
Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Loup County Veteran Services operates within the Custer County Veterans Services Office at 431 South 10th Avenue, Broken Bow, NE.

County level services provide direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service. Must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Loup County.

State level services do not require wartime service. Assist in completing applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund; fee exempt fishing and hunting permits; applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes; waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veteran Burial Benefits
County level services include direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs and personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service and must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Burt County.

State level services do not require wartime service and include the following services: completes applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund, fee exempt fishing and hunting permits, applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes, and waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provides and/or completes Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, Grave Makers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Veteran Burial Benefits
Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Veteran/Military Health Insurance
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
County level services include direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty or wartime service. Must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Dixon County.

State level services do not require wartime service. Completes applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund, fee exempt fishing and hunting permits, Nebraska Veterans Homes, and waivers of tuition.

Federal level services provide and/or complete Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.


Home Purchase/Mortgage Refinance Loans
Veteran Burial Benefits
Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits
Veteran/Military Health Insurance