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No-kill shelter which provides temporary shelter, food, medical attention, and comfort to displaced and neglected companion animals.
Food pantry available when needed.

Pet food also available.

Offers boarding for companion animals at a reasonable cost.

Pet adoptions.

Shelters pets when owners are in a homeless shelter or otherwise temporarily unable to care for them.

Pet food pantry for Douglas and Sarpy County Residents

Provides animal control services including dispatch in response to calls for stray or loose dogs, animal neglect, and wildlife calls involving public safety issues.
Domestic animal services including pet licensing, cattery and kennel licenses, farm animal permit inspections, trapping and hunting, bite investigations, cruelty investigations, enforcement of animal control codes.

Animal welfare services including cruelty and abandonment investigations.

Animal control, such as pick up of loose animals, dead animals, dog bites, and rabies tracking.

Lost and found reunites pet owner with lost pets when possible. Reclaim hours are Mon-Fri 12 pm-7 pm, Sat-Sun 12 pm-5 pm.

Adoption services Mon-Fri 12 pm-7 pm, Sat-Sun 10 am-5 pm.

Pet Food Pantry offers free pet food to owners facing economic issues on Friday 2 pm-4 pm at the Spay Neuter Center.

AnimMeals offers delivery of free pet food to low income seniors.

Licenses for cats and dogs in Douglas and Sarpy counties.

Emergency sheltering for those going to the hospital, loss of home, or natural disaster.

Low cost spay and neuter for pets.

Humane education through literature, films, speakers.

Training classes for dogs and puppies. Free behavior helpline for tips on animal issues

.Project P.E.T.S. (Pet Enhanced Therapy for Seniors) places suitable pets as residents in long-term care facilities.

Project Pet Safe provides temporary housing of pets of domestic violence victims.

Rainbow Bridge pet cremation services.

Retail shop for pet supplies; Mon-Fri 12 pm-7 pm, Sat-Sun 10 am-5 pm.

Provides a shelter for unwanted pets and stray animals for Warren County. Adoption services for families desiring a pet. Investigation of suspected cases of animal cruelty. General information about care of animals, particularly family pets. Assistance in finding lost pets and boarding facility also available.

Provides outpatient services to enhance emotional health.

Services include:

-- Crisis intervention, community outreach

-- Case Management

-- Outpatient Mental Health Services

-- Treatment Referral Services

-- Individual Therapy

-- Couples Therapy/Family Therapy

-- Psychiatric Evaluations

-- Outpatient Treatment Services for Adults

-- Screening, Intake Orientation, Assessments

-- Treatment Planning

-- Referrals, Placement into Treatment Programs

-- Individual Counseling, Group Therapy


Lead Testing
Home Sanitation
General Counseling Services
General Health Education Programs
Domestic Animal Services
Mental Health Information/Education
In Person Crisis Intervention
Mental Health Evaluation

Services provided by HHH are tailored to the patient's/client's individual needs. All services available by private pay or Medicaid waiver only.

Services include encouraging active thinking and light exercise, errands, friendly conversation, homemaker services, meal preparation, planning social activities, pet care assistance, snow removal and lawn care, and transportation assistance.


Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Friendly Visiting
In Home Meal Preparation
Housekeeping Assistance
General Yard Work
Domestic Animal Services
Disability Related Transportation
Residential Snow Shoveling
Homemaker Assistance
Offers a special needs, no-kill animal shelter that rescues cats and dogs that are injured, handicapped, have a serious medical condition, abused, pregnant and nursing moms, or orphans that require bottle feeding. All animals are rehabilitated and then put up for adoption.
Addresses the root causes of animal homelessness in Lincoln and the surrounding area. Assists pets and their people through a voucher-based low cost spay/neuter program, a temporary assistance pet food bank, a low-cost vaccination clinic, and teaching people about being responsible pet guardians at community events.
Financial assistance for dog/cat spay or neutering (when available) and finding temporary or permanent homes for pets.
Humane society cares for stray and abandoned animals.
Provides pet food for pet owners who are struggling to feed their pets due to financial difficulty. Owners are able to pick up food from ARL Animal Services and/or food pantries across the Des Moines metro. ARL locations to pick up pet food during business hours:

ARL Pet Help Center - 5452 NE 22nd St., Des Moines, IA 50313
- Mon-Fri 9:30 am-7 pm and Sat-Sun 9:30 am-6 pm
ARL Animal Services - 1441 Harriet St, Des Moines, IA 50317
- Mon-Fri 12 pm-7 pm and Sat-Sun 10 am-6 pm

Visit website to view map of all the food pantry locations that have pet food supplies via ARL.
Animal welfare services, including animal shelter, adoption program for homeless animals, advocacy for enforcement of county ordinances through the Lancaster County Sheriff's Department, pet therapy programs, development of legislation and ordinances, cremation, euthanasia, presentations to community groups, volunteer and education programs.
Animal welfare services- foster homes, no euthanasia, adoption, education and advocacy.
The ARL's Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program humanely and effectively reduces Des Moines' outdoor community cat population by altering, vaccinating, ear-tipping and returning cats to the areas where they are already living and thriving. The program is free to community cat caregivers in Des Moines.
Provides emergency care for pets and specialty medicine in surgery, internal medicine, and oncology. Clinic also sees Exotics and perform Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine.
Offers spay/neuter assistance to owners who qualify in the Des Moines metro to help reduce unwanted litters and address the problem of pet overpopulation.
Provides shelter for pets during a disaster.

Provides assistance for stray cats and dogs, barking dogs, biting incidents, and the capture of domestic or wild animals posing a health or safety threat.

Offers adoption and shelter services for animals. Can also provide free transportation for dogs and cats from traditional shelters to non-kill shelters, all over the Midwest and Canada. Works to pull as many dogs out of traditional shelters that are on death row and placing them in foster homes and forever homes.


Animal Rights Groups
Domestic Animal Services
Provides pet licenses.
Supervises Election and Voter Information, Tax Levies, Maps and Census Information, CAFR and Animal Licenses. Also helps residents living in a unincorporated part of Polk County to register their pets and receive an animal license.


County Government Departments/Offices
Domestic Animal Services
Tax Forms

Offers affordable spay and neuter services for cats, dogs, and rabbits. Our Love for Pets program provides individuals in under-served neighborhoods with resources to keep their pets, safe, healthy, and in their homes. Our ITRAP program assists individuals and municipalities with trap/neuter/return resources and policies to humanely manage community cat populations.