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Provides case management services to help individuals experiencing hardship. Case Managers work individually with families to provide ongoing support and to get connected to much-needed services.

Medical case management services to help persons living with HIV or AIDS manage their diagnosis and any other needs in order to live healthy and empowered lives.
Coordination services for those with mental health or intellectual and other developmental disabilities. Each county offers a service coordinator to assist with applications for Medicaid, food assistance, housing, childcare assistance, Social Security and other human/social services that are available in the community. Directs individuals to a variety of programs to help with day-to-day living, housing, employment, and health challenges. Can also help direct clients to a variety of inpatient and outpatient resources focused on mental and physical health treatments.

Information and referral services for older adults.

Respite care.

Care management for those age 60+.Senior Care Options for those age 65+.Aged and Disabled Medicaid Waiver for those age 65+.

Referrals for handyman and housekeeping services.

Senior Companion Program.


Specialized Information and Referral
Friendly Visiting
Case/Care Management
Area Agencies on Aging
Adult Out of Home Respite Care
Adult In Home Respite Care
Supports individuals and strengthens communities by serving the unique needs of individuals with mental health, intellectual, and other developmental disabilities. Provides a link between individuals and appropriate resources in the region/community to improve health, hope, and successful outcomes. Service Coordinators help individuals navigate the process of applying for and securing the necessary financial support for their immediate needs.


Mental Health Related Community Support Services (CSS)
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Case/Care Management

Assists older adults to remain independent in their home as long as possible by providing an evaluation of the older adults' needs, developing a plan of care to meet those needs, and monitoring their plan to make changes as appropriate to keep them independent.

Care coordinators also provide an evaluation in the hospital or at home to educate individuals about their resource options prior to entering a nursing home.


Case/Care Management
Long Term Care Options Counseling

Assists individuals with mental illness, intellectual disabilities, and developmental disabilities in accessing needed services and supports. Coordinators provide information, referral, assess individuals for needs, develop a treatment plan, and coordinate funding as needed.


Psychiatric Case Management
Case/Care Management

Assists individuals with mental illness, intellectual disabilities, and developmental disabilities in accessing needed services and supports. Coordinators provide information, referral, assess individuals for needs, develop a treatment plan, and coordinate funding as needed.


Case/Care Management
Psychiatric Case Management

Provides several programs that may be able to assist families or individuals that find themselves homeless with no place to stay. Emergency Shelters may be provided through hotel vouchers when funding is available. Staff will work with the families/individuals to determine eligibility. Staff will provide case management and assist in locating housing that will meet the household's needs. Through HUD funding, C.E.F.S. can assist households with rent and supportive services while the household participates in case management. Case management will include budget counseling, goal setting, assessment of needs, and referrals.


Case/Care Management
Homeless Motel Vouchers

Provides pharmacogenomics testing to individuals who are experiencing behavioral health issues that may require prescription treatment.

The PGX testing includes a genetics profile identifying indicators for successful medication treatment options that match with individual genetic makeup. The testing process will include a patient/provider wraparound model to improve care coordination, close care quality gaps, achieve treatment goals, gain control of chronic conditions, reduce hospitalizations and readmissions.

Members of the team may include primary care providers, psychiatrists, mental health therapists, service coordinators and others essential to the positive outcome of the individual.


Case/Care Management
Medication Information/Management
Care management to help seniors find in-home services and care providers to allow them to live independently for as long as possible, preventing premature nursing home placement.
Network of health providers offering the following services: patient care coordination, nursing home network and referrals, post-discharge medication review, coordinates home health services, provides medical equipment delivery, medication management, nutritional management, and social work services focused on financial, legal, housing, mental health, and family issues.


Medical Equipment/Supplies
Medication Information/Management
Senior Housing Information and Referral
Nutrition Education
Case/Care Management
Provides outreach, health care services, and health promotion/disease prevention services.

Offers transportation to Marshalltown Dialysis Center and specialty clinics for patients referred by the Meskwaki Clinic.

Sets up and delivers medication to patients who require assistance.

Emergency Care case management and coordination after a hospital discharge.

Monitors patient blood sugar levels, blood pressure, weight, and medications. Home visits to diabetes patients and hospital discharge patients.

Health promotion and disease prevention programs.

Translates medical instructions to Meskwaki when needed.


Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Case/Care Management
Home Nursing
Language Translation
Medication Information/Management
Supports individuals and strengthens communities by serving the unique needs of individuals with mental health, intellectual, and other developmental disabilities. Provides a link between individuals and appropriate resources in the region/community to improve health, hope, and successful outcomes. Service Coordinators help individuals navigate the process of applying for and securing the necessary financial support for their immediate needs.


Mental Health Related Community Support Services (CSS)
Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities
Case/Care Management

Free, voluntary program where coaches work with families for 3-6 months to help navigate and access resources in the community, increase families' protective factors, and problem-solve to address challenges a family may be facing. A coach is assigned to meet with the family and connect them to needed support.

The program offers case management support, mental health services for parents/guardians and children, education support, and some supports to meet basic needs and ensure safety.

Other support includes assistance finding safe, stable housing, connections to local food resources, help applying for benefits and tracking application status, budgeting and employment assistance, and education supports for parents/guardians and children.


Comprehensive Information and Referral
Case/Care Management
Economic Self Sufficiency Programs

Provides several programs that may be able to assist families or individuals that find themselves homeless with no place to stay. Emergency Shelters may be provided through hotel vouchers when funding is available. Staff will work with the families/individuals to determine eligibility. Staff will provide case management and assist in locating housing that will meet the household's needs. Through HUD funding, C.E.F.S. can assist households with rent and supportive services while the household participates in case management. Case management will include budget counseling, goal setting, assessment of needs, and referrals.


Case/Care Management
Homeless Motel Vouchers

Assists individuals with mental illness, intellectual disabilities, and developmental disabilities in accessing needed services and supports. Coordinators provide information, referral, assess individuals for needs, develop a treatment plan, and coordinate funding as needed.

Coordination services for those with mental health or intellectual and other developmental disabilities. Each county offers a service coordinator to assist with applications for Medicaid, food assistance, housing, childcare assistance, Social Security and other human/social services that are available in the community. Directs individuals to a variety of programs to help with day-to-day living, housing, employment, and health challenges. Can also help direct clients to a variety of inpatient and outpatient resources focused on mental and physical health treatments.
Youth Trauma Response Team collaborates with local trauma centers at CHI and Nebraska Medicine following violent incidents.

School Outreach provides mentoring services at Omaha Public middle and high schools.

Street Outreach interrupts cycles of violence and offers mediation, conflict resolution and case management.

Health and human service referrals to community based service providers.

Education and training offering individual, family and group workshops and presentations. Distributes educational materials and hosts community rallies.

Staff include approved Juvenile Probation Mentoring and Family Support.


Case/Care Management
Gang Programs
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Offers Targeted Case Management designed to provide individuals with an advocate to help them navigate the system to find and contract the supports they need. Once a person is approved for case management services, a case manager will be assigned to them. The case manager will complete a social history, assessment and Individual Comprehensive/Service Plan for the individual. These documents are designed to collect the background necessary to assist the case manager in determining what supports are needed and what goals and objectives should be in the Individual Comprehensive/Service Plan. The client creates his or her own plan with the case manager. The case manager then monitors the ongoing progress of the supports and coordinates any necessary changes. This includes the development and tracking of several reports such as Quarterly Progress Reports, Incident Reports and Annual Reviews.

Assists individuals with mental illness, intellectual disabilities, and developmental disabilities in accessing needed services and supports. Coordinators provide information, referral, assess individuals for needs, develop a treatment plan, and coordinate funding as needed.


Case/Care Management
Psychiatric Case Management
Senior Care Options program available to older Nebraskans who are considering admission to a nursing home and may be eligible for Medicaid assistance. Clients are screened according to a standardized assessment process developed by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Care Managers arrange for services, which allow older adults to live as independently as possible, for as long as possible.

Housekeeping and supportive services to include grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, transportation and personal care.

Family Caregiver Support for those caring for an aging adult or grandparents caring for a minor child. Provides information, assistance, support group, respite care, and supplemental services.

Home delivered meals are provided to homebound by reason of illness, disability or isolation. The meals meet 1/3 of the daily dietary recommended needs of adults 60 years and over and the requirements of the Older Americans Act and state and local laws.

Public benefit services, legal assistance, education, Medicare filing, and volunteer training through SHIIP.


Adult In Home Respite Care
Adult Out of Home Respite Care
Children's Out of Home Respite Care
Homemaker Assistance
Medicare Information/Counseling
Long Term Care Options Counseling
Case/Care Management
Specialized Information and Referral
Children's In Home Respite Care
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Area Agencies on Aging
Home Delivered Meals
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Allamakee County Social Services is part of the County Social Services (CSS) region. The County Social Services Region serves counties in North Central and Northeastern Iowa offering financial support for mental health and disability services programs. The County office in Allamakee county is the entry point for people to apply for the Disability Program. If a person is determined to be eligible, the County Social Services office will provide service coordination and supportive services for individuals with mental health and other disabilities. CSS is a consortium of 12 Counties that provides financial support for mental health, AODA, and disability services for individuals in North Central and Northeastern Iowa.
SSVF is a Veterans Affairs funded program which is delivered through Primary Health Care. This program is focused on helping homeless and unstably-housed Veterans and their families living in Warren, Polk, Dallas, Jasper, Story, and Marshall Counties. Services provided include:

CASE MANAGEMENT services that will assist participants in obtaining VA and other public benefits, including: health care referrals, daily living referrals, personal financial planning, fiduciary and payee referrals, legal services, housing counseling services, employment and training referrals.

TEMPORARY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE (TFA) which may include rent assistance, moving expenses, security and utility deposits, transportation, and child care. All financial services based on eligibility and available funding.


Case/Care Management
Utility Deposit Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Moving Services
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Coordination services for those with mental health or intellectual and other developmental disabilities. Each county offers a service coordinator to assist with applications for Medicaid, food assistance, housing, childcare assistance, Social Security and other human/social services that are available in the community. Directs individuals to a variety of programs to help with day-to-day living, housing, employment, and health challenges. Can also help direct clients to a variety of inpatient and outpatient resources focused on mental and physical health treatments.