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Strength-based, in-home and community-based program designed to reduce youth and family risk that contributes to delinquent behavior while increasing youth and family protective factors. Family Consultants work with families to enhance and improve youth and family functioning in the home and community while preventing the need for youth to be detained or referred to an out-of-home setting. Each family has an individualized service plan developed to include youth and family-driven goals that address the emotional, behavioral, social and educational needs of at-risk youth and families. The services provided strongly focus on family engagement, initial and ongoing assessment, individualized interventions, and case closure planning for long-term outcomes.

This program integrates parent training and intensive in-home family work and case management. Boys Town Family Consultants are available 24/7 and work with families in their homes, communities and schools. This service is designed to implement focused interventions and cognitive behavioral techniques to enhance youth skill development, such as social skills, problem-solving skills, and anger management skills. Family Consultants work with parents on evidence-based, behaviorally-oriented parenting practices to improve family functioning and stability within the home. Services provided to the youth and family include: teaching cognitive behavioral techniques and skills that promote self-sufficiency, developing problem-solving skills, practicing new skills and developing skills to help open lines of communication within the family and its support network (schools, relatives, friends).
Provides advocacy for families with government agencies, Child Protective Services, courts, probation, foster placements, etc. Parenting skills development, home visits, and court recommendations. Transportation is available to and from appointments as outlined in state and/or Tribal case plans. Includes transportation for employment, housing, behavioral health services, referrals, court, DHHS, and other agencies. Transportation requires 24 hour notice and is based on availability.
A structured meeting to identify strengths, needs and a plan related to children who are placed out of the home, are at risk of being removed from the home or have a mental health diagnosis in which planning needs to occur. Referrals accepted from the Department of Human Services, Medicaid and any other concerned party.
Strength-based, in-home and community-based program designed to reduce youth and family risk that contributes to delinquent behavior while increasing youth and family protective factors. Family Consultants work with families to enhance and improve youth and family functioning in the home and community while preventing the need for youth to be detained or referred to an out-of-home setting. Each family has an individualized service plan developed to include youth and family-driven goals that address the emotional, behavioral, social and educational needs of at-risk youth and families. The services provided strongly focus on family engagement, initial and ongoing assessment, individualized interventions, and case closure planning for long-term outcomes.

This program integrates parent training and intensive in-home family work and case management. Boys Town Family Consultants are available 24/7 and work with families in their homes, communities and schools. This service is designed to implement focused interventions and cognitive behavioral techniques to enhance youth skill development, such as social skills, problem-solving skills, and anger management skills. Family Consultants work with parents on evidence-based, behaviorally-oriented parenting practices to improve family functioning and stability within the home. Services provided to the youth and family include: teaching cognitive behavioral techniques and skills that promote self-sufficiency, developing problem-solving skills, practicing new skills and developing skills to help open lines of communication within the family and its support network (schools, relatives, friends).
Family4ward takes a team approach to Intensive Family Preservation providing both a therapeutic and skill building intervention with the family in a community setting. Our Licensed Mental Health Therapist will develop a treatment plan with measurable (SMART) goals and objectives for the client. The Skill Builder will work with the family to achieve goals.

Family4ward will address the criminogenic risk factors including mental health issues, family relationship problems, youth delinquency, truancy, abuse, and neglect.

The goal of Intensive Family Preservation (IFP) is to preserve the family integrity and function and prevent out of home placement. To reduce the risk of out of home placement and mitigate criminogenic risk. The program will strive to improve the capacity after services have discontinued.

Family4ward will implement a service model based on HOMEBUILDERS and Strengthening Families curriculum and is designed for families who are at substantial risk of having their children placed in out-of-home care.


Family Preservation Programs
Offers a number of behavioral health, mental health and substance abuse services that are both trauma focused and strengths based. Services offered place a high emphasis on education, practice, and development of new skills to help individuals achieve goals.

The Clinical Services Program expands beyond the Home's youth to serve other youth and families in the community. Services open to the public:
-- Evaluations - Available for individuals who have been court ordered to receive an initial diagnostic interview or for those who need evaluated for mental health, behavioral health or substance abuse treatment.
-- Intensive Outpatient Program - A comprehensive, structured therapy program to help adolescents overcome substance abuse and mental health symptoms.
-- Outpatient Program - A treatment plan focusing on increasing strengths and resources to help individuals overcome mental health, substance abuse and co-occurring disorders.
-- Day Reporting - A comprehensive and strengths focused daily program for youth who are struggling in their current environment and are in need of additional structure and activity; located on Omaha Home for Boys campus.
-- Family Support - A skill building program for families and youth that helps enhance family functioning in the home and overall functioning in the community.
-- Intensive Family Preservation - Directed by a licensed therapist and experienced skill builder, this service offers therapy and skill building for families and youth.


Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Family Preservation Programs
Mental Health Evaluation
Family support services, supervised visitation, tracker services, global positioning services, in-home safety services, home supported safety services, crisis respite, and drug testing available. Services are available to families involved in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice systems.
Strength-based, in-home and community-based program designed to reduce youth and family risk that contributes to delinquent behavior while increasing youth and family protective factors. Family Consultants work with families to enhance and improve youth and family functioning in the home and community while preventing the need for youth to be detained or referred to an out-of-home setting. Each family has an individualized service plan developed to include youth and family-driven goals that address the emotional, behavioral, social and educational needs of at-risk youth and families. The services provided strongly focus on family engagement, initial and ongoing assessment, individualized interventions, and case closure planning for long-term outcomes.

This program integrates parent training and intensive in-home family work and case management. Boys Town Family Consultants are available 24/7 and work with families in their homes, communities and schools. This service is designed to implement focused interventions and cognitive behavioral techniques to enhance youth skill development, such as social skills, problem-solving skills, and anger management skills. Family Consultants work with parents on evidence-based, behaviorally-oriented parenting practices to improve family functioning and stability within the home. Services provided to the youth and family include: teaching cognitive behavioral techniques and skills that promote self-sufficiency, developing problem-solving skills, practicing new skills and developing skills to help open lines of communication within the family and its support network (schools, relatives, friends).
Strength-based, in-home and community-based program designed to reduce youth and family risk that contributes to delinquent behavior while increasing youth and family protective factors. Family Consultants work with families to enhance and improve youth and family functioning in the home and community while preventing the need for youth to be detained or referred to an out-of-home setting. Each family has an individualized service plan developed to include youth and family-driven goals that address the emotional, behavioral, social and educational needs of at-risk youth and families. The services provided strongly focus on family engagement, initial and ongoing assessment, individualized interventions, and case closure planning for long-term outcomes.

This program integrates parent training and intensive in-home family work and case management. Boys Town Family Consultants are available 24/7 and work with families in their homes, communities and schools. This service is designed to implement focused interventions and cognitive behavioral techniques to enhance youth skill development, such as social skills, problem-solving skills, and anger management skills. Family Consultants work with parents on evidence-based, behaviorally-oriented parenting practices to improve family functioning and stability within the home. Services provided to the youth and family include: teaching cognitive behavioral techniques and skills that promote self-sufficiency, developing problem-solving skills, practicing new skills and developing skills to help open lines of communication within the family and its support network (schools, relatives, friends).
Short-term, intensive services to intact Illinois families that have an allegation of child abuse or neglect.
Short term, team approach providing therapeutic and skill-building interventions within the home. Families referred may have severe mental health issues, abuse and neglect issues, or youth with serious emotional and behavioral disturbances. The major goal of this program is to prevent an out-of-home placement of the youth or reunify families and stabilize placement. Treatment typically lasts 12-18 weeks and parents are asked to complete special play time assignments with their children between sessions. Coaching focuses on behavioral principles to strengthen the family relationship, supportive patterns of communication and child management skills.

Omni provides this service to preserve the family's integrity and prevent unnecessary out-of-home placements, to put adolescents and their families in touch with community resources for long term outside support, and to strengthen the family's coping skills and capacity to function effectively in the community after treatment is completed.
Long term residential placement for youth 10-18 years of age. Outpatient substance abuse treatment and therapy services available for youth placed in the long-term residential program.

Behavioral health services for youth 5-18 years of age depending on the program or service.

Volunteer mentoring program for 3rd through 12th grade in math or reading skills.

Family preservation services in Iowa and Nebraska.

Educational programs for professionals working with youth.


Mentoring Programs
Residential Mental Health Treatment Facilities
Family Preservation Programs
Family4ward takes a team approach to Intensive Family Preservation providing both a therapeutic and skill building intervention with the family in a community setting. Our Licensed Mental Health Therapist will develop a treatment plan with measurable (SMART) goals and objectives for the client. The Skill Builder will work with the family to achieve goals.

Family4ward will address the criminogenic risk factors including mental health issues, family relationship problems, youth delinquency, truancy, abuse, and neglect.

The goal of Intensive Family Preservation (IFP) is to preserve the family integrity and function and prevent out of home placement. To reduce the risk of out of home placement and mitigate criminogenic risk. The program will strive to improve the capacity after services have discontinued.

Family4ward will implement a service model based on HOMEBUILDERS and Strengthening Families curriculum and is designed for families who are at substantial risk of having their children placed in out-of-home care.


Family Preservation Programs
Strength-based, in-home and community-based program designed to reduce youth and family risk that contributes to delinquent behavior while increasing youth and family protective factors. Family Consultants work with families to enhance and improve youth and family functioning in the home and community while preventing the need for youth to be detained or referred to an out-of-home setting. Each family has an individualized service plan developed to include youth and family-driven goals that address the emotional, behavioral, social and educational needs of at-risk youth and families. The services provided strongly focus on family engagement, initial and ongoing assessment, individualized interventions, and case closure planning for long-term outcomes.

This program integrates parent training and intensive in-home family work and case management. Boys Town Family Consultants are available 24/7 and work with families in their homes, communities and schools. This service is designed to implement focused interventions and cognitive behavioral techniques to enhance youth skill development, such as social skills, problem-solving skills, and anger management skills. Family Consultants work with parents on evidence-based, behaviorally-oriented parenting practices to improve family functioning and stability within the home. Services provided to the youth and family include: teaching cognitive behavioral techniques and skills that promote self-sufficiency, developing problem-solving skills, practicing new skills and developing skills to help open lines of communication within the family and its support network (schools, relatives, friends).
Provides advocacy for families with government agencies, Child Protective Services, courts, probation, foster placements, etc. Parenting skills development, home visits, and court recommendations. Transportation is available to and from appointments as outlined in state and/or Tribal case plans. Includes transportation for employment, housing, behavioral health services, referrals, court, DHHS, and other agencies. Transportation requires 24 hour notice and is based on availability.

Offers to assist former refugee families through education, family wellness, work readiness and economic development programs.


Literacy Programs
Immigrant/Refugee Employment Programs
Family Preservation Programs
Establishes a supportive relationship with families where a child or adolescent has persistent psychiatric and behavioral concerns leading to psychiatric and residential placement out of the home.
Screening, Assessment, and Support Services (SASS) is a home and community-based program that provides mental health services to adolescents and children who are at risk of being removed from their family; the goal is to keep children in their homes through comprehensive assessments and intensive treatment services.
Offers a number of behavioral health, mental health and substance abuse services that are both trauma focused and strengths based. Services offered place a high emphasis on education, practice, and development of new skills to help individuals achieve goals.

The Clinical Services Program expands beyond the Home's youth to serve other youth and families in the community. Services open to the public:
-- Evaluations - Available for individuals who have been court ordered to receive an initial diagnostic interview or for those who need evaluated for mental health, behavioral health or substance abuse treatment.
-- Intensive Outpatient Program - A comprehensive, structured therapy program to help adolescents overcome substance abuse and mental health symptoms.
-- Outpatient Program - A treatment plan focusing on increasing strengths and resources to help individuals overcome mental health, substance abuse and co-occurring disorders.
-- Day Reporting - A comprehensive and strengths focused daily program for youth who are struggling in their current environment and are in need of additional structure and activity; located on Omaha Home for Boys campus.
-- Family Support - A skill building program for families and youth that helps enhance family functioning in the home and overall functioning in the community.
-- Intensive Family Preservation - Directed by a licensed therapist and experienced skill builder, this service offers therapy and skill building for families and youth.


Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Family Preservation Programs
Mental Health Evaluation
Long term residential placement for youth 10-18 years of age. Outpatient substance abuse treatment and therapy services available for youth placed in the long-term residential program.

Behavioral health services for youth 5-18 years of age depending on the program or service.

Volunteer mentoring program for 3rd through 12th grade in math or reading skills.

Family preservation services in Iowa and Nebraska.

Educational programs for professionals working with youth.


Mentoring Programs
Residential Mental Health Treatment Facilities
Family Preservation Programs
A structured meeting to identify strengths, needs and a plan related to children who are placed out of the home, are at risk of being removed from the home or have a mental health diagnosis in which planning needs to occur. Referrals accepted from the Department of Human Services, Medicaid and any other concerned party.
Long term residential placement for youth 10-18 years of age. Outpatient substance abuse treatment and therapy services available for youth placed in the long-term residential program.

Behavioral health services for youth 5-18 years of age depending on the program or service.

Volunteer mentoring program for 3rd through 12th grade in math or reading skills.

Family preservation services in Iowa and Nebraska.

Educational programs for professionals working with youth.


Mentoring Programs
Residential Mental Health Treatment Facilities
Family Preservation Programs
Long term residential placement for youth 10-18 years of age. Outpatient substance abuse treatment and therapy services available for youth placed in the long-term residential program.

Behavioral health services for youth 5-18 years of age depending on the program or service.

Volunteer mentoring program for 3rd through 12th grade in math or reading skills.

Family preservation services in Iowa and Nebraska.

Educational programs for professionals working with youth.


Mentoring Programs
Residential Mental Health Treatment Facilities
Family Preservation Programs
Strength-based, in-home and community-based program designed to reduce youth and family risk that contributes to delinquent behavior while increasing youth and family protective factors. Family Consultants work with families to enhance and improve youth and family functioning in the home and community while preventing the need for youth to be detained or referred to an out-of-home setting. Each family has an individualized service plan developed to include youth and family-driven goals that address the emotional, behavioral, social and educational needs of at-risk youth and families. The services provided strongly focus on family engagement, initial and ongoing assessment, individualized interventions, and case closure planning for long-term outcomes.

This program integrates parent training and intensive in-home family work and case management. Boys Town Family Consultants are available 24/7 and work with families in their homes, communities and schools. This service is designed to implement focused interventions and cognitive behavioral techniques to enhance youth skill development, such as social skills, problem-solving skills, and anger management skills. Family Consultants work with parents on evidence-based, behaviorally-oriented parenting practices to improve family functioning and stability within the home. Services provided to the youth and family include: teaching cognitive behavioral techniques and skills that promote self-sufficiency, developing problem-solving skills, practicing new skills and developing skills to help open lines of communication within the family and its support network (schools, relatives, friends).
Intensive team facilitation and service coordination for youth with serious emotional disturbances and their families.

Eligibility for traditional program: Youth, ages 0-21, with behavioral concerns, diagnosed with a serious emotional disorder, at risk for out-of-home placement.

Eligibility for transition age program: Young adults, ages 17-25, diagnosed with a serious and persistent mental illness, at risk of entering, or have entered, the adult emergency system.


Family Preservation Programs
Psychiatric Case Management