A free statewide, central point of contact and directory for children with disabilities and specialized needs, their families, their service providers and other members of the community. Also connects families to family support services and parent education groups. IFSN provides information and referrals to community-based services through a website, an online searchable resource directory and a toll-free telephone service.
A free statewide, central point of contact and directory for children with disabilities and specialized needs, their families, their service providers and other members of the community. Also connects families to family support services and parent education groups. IFSN provides information and referrals to community-based services through a website, an online searchable resource directory and a toll-free telephone service.
Provides educational advocacy, resources, training and on-on-one guidance for families of students with disabilities and the professionals who serve them.
FAMILY TO FAMILY program is a statewide network of Family Navigators who provide assistance to families of children with special needs (developmental, behavioral, emotional, and/or physical).
Provides educational advocacy, resources, training and on-on-one guidance for families of students with disabilities and the professionals who serve them.
FAMILY TO FAMILY program is a statewide network of Family Navigators who provide assistance to families of children with special needs (developmental, behavioral, emotional, and/or physical).