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Offers a 8-week program offered to fathers and mothers, the women have a female facilitator. There is also an opportunity to enter into a co-parenting environment where a male and female instructor co-facilitate a co-parenting group. Includes sessions on health, child development, housing, financial stability, substance abuse, racism, and the importance of being involved in your child's life physically, emotionally, and financially.
Offers a 8-week program offered to fathers and mothers, the women have a female facilitator. There is also an opportunity to enter into a co-parenting environment where a male and female instructor co-facilitate a co-parenting group. Includes sessions on health, child development, housing, financial stability, substance abuse, racism, and the importance of being involved in your child's life physically, emotionally, and financially.
Parent Support Groups
Parenting Materials
Parent Rights Classes
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Provides educational advocacy, resources, training and on-on-one guidance for families of students with disabilities and the professionals who serve them.
FAMILY TO FAMILY program is a statewide network of Family Navigators who provide assistance to families of children with special needs (developmental, behavioral, emotional, and/or physical).
Provides educational advocacy, resources, training and on-on-one guidance for families of students with disabilities and the professionals who serve them.
FAMILY TO FAMILY program is a statewide network of Family Navigators who provide assistance to families of children with special needs (developmental, behavioral, emotional, and/or physical).
Parent Rights Classes
Education Advocacy Groups
Disability Related Parenting Programs
Special Education
Parenting Helplines
Parenting Skills Classes
Disability Rights Groups