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Provides professional services to defuse family conflicts that can lead to family abduction, child abuse, and the sense of hopelessness that can cause children to run away.

Offers crisis intervention, conflict management, communication/parenting skill-building, safety planning, and more.

Information & Referral services provide additional options and resources regarding legal assistance, financial challenges, child support, kinship care, domestic violence, child abuse, youth-at-risk and other issues related to child well-being.

Services provided via phone or online.


Missing Persons Location Assistance
Parenting Helplines
Helpline providing parents behavioral health assistance and referrals for children and teens.

Connects eligible families to Family Navigator Services to help identify existing community-based services and provide family peer support.

Provides professional educational materials and workshops to childcare providers, parents, early childhood students and other community professionals. A resource library and toll-free "warm line" are available to provide a personal response to questions and concerns a client may have regarding childcare.

Offers in-services and workshops on topics such as child development, discipline, nutrition, CPR/First aid, and activities for children.


Parenting Skills Classes
Child Care Provider Training
Parenting Helplines

Provides educational advocacy, resources, training and on-on-one guidance for families of students with disabilities and the professionals who serve them.

FAMILY TO FAMILY program is a statewide network of Family Navigators who provide assistance to families of children with special needs (developmental, behavioral, emotional, and/or physical).


Parent Rights Classes
Education Advocacy Groups
Disability Related Parenting Programs
Special Education
Parenting Helplines
Parenting Skills Classes
Disability Rights Groups
Works to build meaningful connections, share resources, and expand knowledge to create a stronger prevention network in Iowa. PCA Iowa manages state and federal grant programs, which contribute financial support to community groups that provide services to families. Child abuse prevention programs provide families with social support and education.


Children's Rights Groups
Child Abuse Prevention
Parenting Materials
Parenting Helplines
Parenting helpline provides emotional support and referrals for parents.