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Howard County Extension and Outreach provides health and nutrition (dietary) information, and parenting and child care information.


General Health Education Programs
Nutrition Education
Parenting Materials
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Co-Parenting Workshops
Child Care Provider Training
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Co-Parenting Workshops
Child Care Provider Training
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Co-Parenting Workshops
Child Care Provider Training
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Co-Parenting Workshops
Child Care Provider Training
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Co-Parenting Workshops
Child Care Provider Training
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Co-Parenting Workshops
Child Care Provider Training
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Co-Parenting Workshops
Child Care Provider Training
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Offers a program for parents and youth to work together and build relationships. Participants will practice skills, play learning games, and do family projects in highly interactive sessions. Sessions are designed to increase family bonding, build positive communication skills, and solve problems together.
Offers a program for parents and youth to work together and build relationships. Participants will practice skills, play learning games, and do family projects in highly interactive sessions. Sessions are designed to increase family bonding, build positive communication skills, and solve problems together.
A health-related text messaging service providing accurate, text-length health information and resources for pregnant women or parents with a child up to age 1. Sign up online.

App available for Apple and Android products.


Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Parenting Materials
Offers a program for parents and youth to work together and build relationships. Participants will practice skills, play learning games, and do family projects in highly interactive sessions. Sessions are designed to increase family bonding, build positive communication skills, and solve problems together.
Instructional media is comprised of four lending libraries which supply supplemental media services to the school districts in Area 9. The library contains books, videos, CDs, DVDs, Iowa Public Television programs, and whole language set programs. The Professional Library is a collection of books, educational journals, and audio and video tape resources designed for professional growth and development for educators. The Curriculum Laboratory is a display area for new curriculum resources which may be examined by educators to facilitate material selection and purchase. Both basic and supplemental resources with a variety of formats are available in all academic areas.

Parent-Educator Resource Library provides books, videos, and periodicals on disabilities, special education, and general parenting topics. Resources are available to parents and teachers for one-month checkout on the website.
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Co-Parenting Workshops
Child Care Provider Training
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Co-Parenting Workshops
Child Care Provider Training
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Offers a program for parents and youth to work together and build relationships. Participants will practice skills, play learning games, and do family projects in highly interactive sessions. Sessions are designed to increase family bonding, build positive communication skills, and solve problems together.
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Co-Parenting Workshops
Child Care Provider Training
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Offers a program for parents and youth to work together and build relationships. Participants will practice skills, play learning games, and do family projects in highly interactive sessions. Sessions are designed to increase family bonding, build positive communication skills, and solve problems together.
Supports local families by offering parenting classes and family bonding events such as the father daughter dance, mother son fun night, gingerbread house making event, Thursday Night in Pella and by encouraging early literacy through ELMA (Early Literacy Mentoring Association).


Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Co-Parenting Workshops
Child Care Provider Training
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Offers a program for parents and youth to work together and build relationships. Participants will practice skills, play learning games, and do family projects in highly interactive sessions. Sessions are designed to increase family bonding, build positive communication skills, and solve problems together.
Provides research-based strategies to support the holistic development of the young child. Offers information and/or classes about parenting, grandparenting, discipline, child care selection, children and divorce, and money management.

Offers online professional development for early childhood professionals.


Co-Parenting Workshops
Child Care Provider Training
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Offers a program for parents and youth to work together and build relationships. Participants will practice skills, play learning games, and do family projects in highly interactive sessions. Sessions are designed to increase family bonding, build positive communication skills, and solve problems together.
Offers a program for parents and youth to work together and build relationships. Participants will practice skills, play learning games, and do family projects in highly interactive sessions. Sessions are designed to increase family bonding, build positive communication skills, and solve problems together.
Offers a program for parents and youth to work together and build relationships. Participants will practice skills, play learning games, and do family projects in highly interactive sessions. Sessions are designed to increase family bonding, build positive communication skills, and solve problems together.