Offers educational courses which are free to the public. Each month a different aspect of life's journey is explored and enhanced. Vouchers to ATLAS's Christmas Store or School Supply drives may be earned for active participation of the attendees.
Courses offered may vary and may cover topics such as:
-- Public Speaking
-- Setting Boundaries
-- Learning to Budget
-- Grief Recovery
-- Life Skills for Teens
-- Parenting
Offers educational courses which are free to the public. Each month a different aspect of life's journey is explored and enhanced. Vouchers to ATLAS's Christmas Store or School Supply drives may be earned for active participation of the attendees.
Courses offered may vary and may cover topics such as:
-- Public Speaking
-- Setting Boundaries
-- Learning to Budget
-- Grief Recovery
-- Life Skills for Teens
-- Parenting
Rent Wise is a tenant education program that helps people learn how to find and keep decent rental housing, and how to become successful renters. Renters who complete this program of six modules earn a certificate of completion to show potential landlords and property managers that they want to be good tenants.
Matt Talbot will offers this program quarterly.
Rent Wise is a tenant education program that helps people learn how to find and keep decent rental housing, and how to become successful renters. Renters who complete this program of six modules earn a certificate of completion to show potential landlords and property managers that they want to be good tenants.
Matt Talbot will offers this program quarterly.
Using an evidence-based poverty alleviation curriculum, individuals attend an 8-10 week long Getting Ahead class in a cohort of 12-14 people meeting once or twice per week, followed by Life Skill Coaching with certified coaches for as long as needed.
Individuals identify resources, tools, and skills needed to remove barriers to success in their lives. Participants, aka "Investigators", investigate the root causes of poverty and how to make changes needed in their lives toward stability and self-sufficiency, through learning soft skills, SMART goal setting, building assets, decreasing debts, increasing salary and wages, learning and discussing hidden rules of economic classes, learning emotional regulation, and much more.
Using an evidence-based poverty alleviation curriculum, individuals attend an 8-10 week long Getting Ahead class in a cohort of 12-14 people meeting once or twice per week, followed by Life Skill Coaching with certified coaches for as long as needed.
Individuals identify resources, tools, and skills needed to remove barriers to success in their lives. Participants, aka "Investigators", investigate the root causes of poverty and how to make changes needed in their lives toward stability and self-sufficiency, through learning soft skills, SMART goal setting, building assets, decreasing debts, increasing salary and wages, learning and discussing hidden rules of economic classes, learning emotional regulation, and much more.
Community college.
GED preparation and testing.
ESL - English as a Second language classes.
Adult basic education, including literacy, job seeking, and life skills education.
Citizenship preparation.
Tutors available in various locations in the Panhandle.
Single parent / displaced homemaker program provides career counseling, dependent care, non-traditional training, skills training, technology training, books and tuition, personal counseling, support groups, and transportation. Contact a student services advisor for information.
Veterans Upward Bound programs offer intensive basic skills development and short-term remedial courses for military veterans to help them successfully transition to post-secondary education.
Community college.
GED preparation and testing.
ESL - English as a Second language classes.
Adult basic education, including literacy, job seeking, and life skills education.
Citizenship preparation.
Tutors available in various locations in the Panhandle.
Single parent / displaced homemaker program provides career counseling, dependent care, non-traditional training, skills training, technology training, books and tuition, personal counseling, support groups, and transportation. Contact a student services advisor for information.
Veterans Upward Bound programs offer intensive basic skills development and short-term remedial courses for military veterans to help them successfully transition to post-secondary education.
Provides assistance for youth, ages 17 up to age 23, who are preparing to exit or have 'aged out' of foster care or other court ordered placement, meet the challenges of living independently and transition successfully to adulthood.Case Management provides coordination and linkage to available community resources.
Services include life skills training and experimental learning opportunities, assistance in obtaining and maintaining a safe and stable place to live, assistance in identifying and achieving personal education and employment goals, access to financial assistance to meet emergency or short-term needs, and assistance in obtaining medical care and mental health services.
Provides assistance for youth, ages 17 up to age 23, who are preparing to exit or have 'aged out' of foster care or other court ordered placement, meet the challenges of living independently and transition successfully to adulthood.Case Management provides coordination and linkage to available community resources.
Services include life skills training and experimental learning opportunities, assistance in obtaining and maintaining a safe and stable place to live, assistance in identifying and achieving personal education and employment goals, access to financial assistance to meet emergency or short-term needs, and assistance in obtaining medical care and mental health services.
Provides day and respite services, and addresses individual needs and desires for care, for informed choices and the individual's vision for the future. OWL is an approved provider for the Brain Injury Waiver Program, which was created by Iowa State Legislature in 1996. Services provided through the program include, supported Community Living-designed to assist the consumer with daily living needs, which includes, but are not limited to, community skills, personal needs, budgeting, social skills, home management and individual advocacy.
Provides day and respite services, and addresses individual needs and desires for care, for informed choices and the individual's vision for the future. OWL is an approved provider for the Brain Injury Waiver Program, which was created by Iowa State Legislature in 1996. Services provided through the program include, supported Community Living-designed to assist the consumer with daily living needs, which includes, but are not limited to, community skills, personal needs, budgeting, social skills, home management and individual advocacy.
Offers a state-widetransitional and independent living coaching program, that includes educationaland financial literacy programming, designed to provide support and guidance toyouth and young adults ages 14-26 who have foster care or experience, arepregnant/parenting, homeless/near homeless, or are a victim of humantrafficking.
Coaching assists these youth and young adults with the challenges of becomingindependent. A Coach will work one-on-one with each of these youth to accesstheir strengths and abilities, as well as assist the youth in identifying theirpersonal vision for becoming a successful independent adult. A Coach willassist them in their time of transition and provide ongoing support.
Offers a state-widetransitional and independent living coaching program, that includes educationaland financial literacy programming, designed to provide support and guidance toyouth and young adults ages 14-26 who have foster care or experience, arepregnant/parenting, homeless/near homeless, or are a victim of humantrafficking.
Coaching assists these youth and young adults with the challenges of becomingindependent. A Coach will work one-on-one with each of these youth to accesstheir strengths and abilities, as well as assist the youth in identifying theirpersonal vision for becoming a successful independent adult. A Coach willassist them in their time of transition and provide ongoing support.
Offers leadership opportunities, financial literacy and asset-building through Opportunity Passport, central navigation to connect to services, coaching toward goals, and gap funding for essential services or resources.
Offers leadership opportunities, financial literacy and asset-building through Opportunity Passport, central navigation to connect to services, coaching toward goals, and gap funding for essential services or resources.
Offers to help individuals who have been in foster care move towards stability and self-sufficiency in six areas: education, employment, housing, health, life skills and relationships.
Offers to help individuals who have been in foster care move towards stability and self-sufficiency in six areas: education, employment, housing, health, life skills and relationships.
Provides help to individuals with develop and to achieve life goals. Offers participants social-emotional support and acts as a bridge in making connections to immediate needs, as well as developing life-changing skills. The program has 3 phases, each phase lasting 60 days. The participant will meet one on one with a Fountain of Youth professional each week to see how they are progressing with their goals and what can be done to help. This program consists of each participant making an individual success plan that pertains to one of the following areas: knowledge of self and others, citizenship, basic life skills, education, health and wellbeing, financial literacy and workplace success. The program is a minimum of 60 days commitment and a maximum of 6 months.
Provides help to individuals with develop and to achieve life goals. Offers participants social-emotional support and acts as a bridge in making connections to immediate needs, as well as developing life-changing skills. The program has 3 phases, each phase lasting 60 days. The participant will meet one on one with a Fountain of Youth professional each week to see how they are progressing with their goals and what can be done to help. This program consists of each participant making an individual success plan that pertains to one of the following areas: knowledge of self and others, citizenship, basic life skills, education, health and wellbeing, financial literacy and workplace success. The program is a minimum of 60 days commitment and a maximum of 6 months.
Community college.
GED preparation and testing.
ESL - English as a Second language classes.
Adult basic education, including literacy, job seeking, and life skills education.
Citizenship preparation.
Tutors available in various locations in the Panhandle.
Single parent / displaced homemaker program provides career counseling, dependent care, non-traditional training, skills training, technology training, books and tuition, personal counseling, support groups, and transportation. Contact a student services advisor for information.
Veterans Upward Bound programs offer intensive basic skills development and short-term remedial courses for military veterans to help them successfully transition to post-secondary education.
Community college.
GED preparation and testing.
ESL - English as a Second language classes.
Adult basic education, including literacy, job seeking, and life skills education.
Citizenship preparation.
Tutors available in various locations in the Panhandle.
Single parent / displaced homemaker program provides career counseling, dependent care, non-traditional training, skills training, technology training, books and tuition, personal counseling, support groups, and transportation. Contact a student services advisor for information.
Veterans Upward Bound programs offer intensive basic skills development and short-term remedial courses for military veterans to help them successfully transition to post-secondary education.
Provides adolescent pregnancy prevention programs such as, Draw the Line, Love Notes and other research based curriculum to school districts and community organizations. These programs are available in 8 counties Appanoose, Clarke, Dallas, Davis, Decatur, Marion, Ringgold and Wapello Counties.
Expectant and Parenting Teen program available for Dallas, Decatur, Marion and Wapello Counties. Parents as Teachers parent education home visiting available for 0-5 in Decatur County, Iowa. Family literacy, GED/HSED available to residents in Decatur County, Iowa.
Provides adolescent pregnancy prevention programs such as, Draw the Line, Love Notes and other research based curriculum to school districts and community organizations. These programs are available in 8 counties Appanoose, Clarke, Dallas, Davis, Decatur, Marion, Ringgold and Wapello Counties.
Expectant and Parenting Teen program available for Dallas, Decatur, Marion and Wapello Counties. Parents as Teachers parent education home visiting available for 0-5 in Decatur County, Iowa. Family literacy, GED/HSED available to residents in Decatur County, Iowa.
Community college.
GED preparation and testing.
ESL - English as a Second language classes.
Adult basic education, including literacy, job seeking, and life skills education.
Citizenship preparation.
Tutors available in various locations in the Panhandle.
Single parent / displaced homemaker program provides career counseling, dependent care, non-traditional training, skills training, technology training, books and tuition, personal counseling, support groups, and transportation. Contact a student services advisor for information.
Veterans Upward Bound programs offer intensive basic skills development and short-term remedial courses for military veterans to help them successfully transition to post-secondary education.
Community college.
GED preparation and testing.
ESL - English as a Second language classes.
Adult basic education, including literacy, job seeking, and life skills education.
Citizenship preparation.
Tutors available in various locations in the Panhandle.
Single parent / displaced homemaker program provides career counseling, dependent care, non-traditional training, skills training, technology training, books and tuition, personal counseling, support groups, and transportation. Contact a student services advisor for information.
Veterans Upward Bound programs offer intensive basic skills development and short-term remedial courses for military veterans to help them successfully transition to post-secondary education.
Case management provides coordination and linkage to available community resources.
Services include life skills training and experimental learning opportunities, assistance in obtaining and maintaining a safe and stable place to live, assistance in identifying and achieving personal education and employment goals, access to financial assistance to meet emergency or short-term needs, and assistance in obtaining medical care and mental health services.
Case management provides coordination and linkage to available community resources.
Services include life skills training and experimental learning opportunities, assistance in obtaining and maintaining a safe and stable place to live, assistance in identifying and achieving personal education and employment goals, access to financial assistance to meet emergency or short-term needs, and assistance in obtaining medical care and mental health services.