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Offers weekly in home visits with a trained parent educator to focus on parent-child interaction, literacy, meeting milestones and healthy development.


Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Parent/Child Instruction
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Home based program focusing on expectant parents and parents of newborn.


Well Baby Care
Home Based Parenting Education
Parent/Child Instruction
Prenatal Care

Provides adolescent pregnancy prevention programs such as, Draw the Line, Love Notes and other research based curriculum to school districts and community organizations. These programs are available in 8 counties Appanoose, Clarke, Dallas, Davis, Decatur, Marion, Ringgold and Wapello Counties.

Expectant and Parenting Teen program available for Dallas, Decatur, Marion and Wapello Counties. Parents as Teachers parent education home visiting available for 0-5 in Decatur County, Iowa. Family literacy, GED/HSED available to residents in Decatur County, Iowa.


Parent/Child Instruction
Life Skills Education
Adult Basic Education
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
High School Equivalency/GED Test Instruction
Nutrition Education
Literacy Programs

Offers weekly in home visits with a trained parent educator to focus on parent-child interaction, literacy, meeting milestones and healthy development.


Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Parent/Child Instruction
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs