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Supports local families by offering parenting classes and family bonding events such as the father daughter dance, mother son fun night, gingerbread house making event, Thursday Night in Pella and by encouraging early literacy through ELMA (Early Literacy Mentoring Association).
Supports local families by offering parenting classes and family bonding events such as the father daughter dance, mother son fun night, gingerbread house making event, Thursday Night in Pella and by encouraging early literacy through ELMA (Early Literacy Mentoring Association).
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Helping Services for Youth and Families provides professionally trained family educators who serve families with children ages birth to age three. In-home services provided include:
Prenatal teaching and support,
Certified breastfeeding support,
Infant/child weight checks,
Child passenger safety,
Healthy, safe home environment checklist,
Developmental assessments,
Vision and hearing screenings, and
Resource referral.
Outside of the home parent-child play groups are offered providing social and networking opportunities for families. In addition parenting workshops are provided that focus on creating positive environments where a child can use their energy in successful ways and offering interventions tools for parents that are used by teachers in their child's classroom providing greater consistency for the child. Programs are available in English and Spanish.
Helping Services for Youth and Families provides professionally trained family educators who serve families with children ages birth to age three. In-home services provided include:
Prenatal teaching and support,
Certified breastfeeding support,
Infant/child weight checks,
Child passenger safety,
Healthy, safe home environment checklist,
Developmental assessments,
Vision and hearing screenings, and
Resource referral.
Outside of the home parent-child play groups are offered providing social and networking opportunities for families. In addition parenting workshops are provided that focus on creating positive environments where a child can use their energy in successful ways and offering interventions tools for parents that are used by teachers in their child's classroom providing greater consistency for the child. Programs are available in English and Spanish.
Parenting Skills Classes
Infant and Child Safety Education
Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Home Based Parenting Education
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Offers a 8-week program offered to fathers and mothers, the women have a female facilitator. There is also an opportunity to enter into a co-parenting environment where a male and female instructor co-facilitate a co-parenting group. Includes sessions on health, child development, housing, financial stability, substance abuse, racism, and the importance of being involved in your child's life physically, emotionally, and financially.
Offers a 8-week program offered to fathers and mothers, the women have a female facilitator. There is also an opportunity to enter into a co-parenting environment where a male and female instructor co-facilitate a co-parenting group. Includes sessions on health, child development, housing, financial stability, substance abuse, racism, and the importance of being involved in your child's life physically, emotionally, and financially.
Parent Support Groups
Parenting Materials
Parent Rights Classes
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Helping Services for Youth and Families provides professionally trained family educators who serve families with children ages birth to age three. In-home services provided include:
Prenatal teaching and support,
Certified breastfeeding support,
Infant/child weight checks,
Child passenger safety,
Healthy, safe home environment checklist,
Developmental assessments,
Vision and hearing screenings, and
Resource referral.
Outside of the home parent-child play groups are offered providing social and networking opportunities for families. In addition parenting workshops are provided that focus on creating positive environments where a child can use their energy in successful ways and offering interventions tools for parents that are used by teachers in their child's classroom providing greater consistency for the child. Programs are available in English and Spanish.
Helping Services for Youth and Families provides professionally trained family educators who serve families with children ages birth to age three. In-home services provided include:
Prenatal teaching and support,
Certified breastfeeding support,
Infant/child weight checks,
Child passenger safety,
Healthy, safe home environment checklist,
Developmental assessments,
Vision and hearing screenings, and
Resource referral.
Outside of the home parent-child play groups are offered providing social and networking opportunities for families. In addition parenting workshops are provided that focus on creating positive environments where a child can use their energy in successful ways and offering interventions tools for parents that are used by teachers in their child's classroom providing greater consistency for the child. Programs are available in English and Spanish.
Parenting Skills Classes
Infant and Child Safety Education
Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Home Based Parenting Education
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Helping Services for Youth and Families provides professionally trained family educators who serve families with children ages birth to age three. In-home services provided include:
Prenatal teaching and support,
Certified breastfeeding support,
Infant/child weight checks,
Child passenger safety,
Healthy, safe home environment checklist,
Developmental assessments,
Vision and hearing screenings, and
Resource referral.
Outside of the home parent-child play groups are offered providing social and networking opportunities for families. In addition parenting workshops are provided that focus on creating positive environments where a child can use their energy in successful ways and offering interventions tools for parents that are used by teachers in their child's classroom providing greater consistency for the child. Programs are available in English and Spanish.
Helping Services for Youth and Families provides professionally trained family educators who serve families with children ages birth to age three. In-home services provided include:
Prenatal teaching and support,
Certified breastfeeding support,
Infant/child weight checks,
Child passenger safety,
Healthy, safe home environment checklist,
Developmental assessments,
Vision and hearing screenings, and
Resource referral.
Outside of the home parent-child play groups are offered providing social and networking opportunities for families. In addition parenting workshops are provided that focus on creating positive environments where a child can use their energy in successful ways and offering interventions tools for parents that are used by teachers in their child's classroom providing greater consistency for the child. Programs are available in English and Spanish.
Parenting Skills Classes
Infant and Child Safety Education
Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Parent/Child Activity Groups
Home Based Parenting Education
Breastfeeding Support Programs