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Provides an advocacy group for persons with mental health concerns and has support groups statewide. It strives to raise public awareness and concern about mental illness, to foster research, to improve treatment and to upgrade the care delivery system.

NAMI locations offer a variety of support groups and educational programs for those with mental health concerns their family and friends. Visit the website or call to get more information about support groups available and other mental health resources available.


Mental Health Associations
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Mental Health Information/Education

Provides an advocacy group for persons with mental health concerns and has support groups statewide. It strives to raise public awareness and concern about mental illness, to foster research, to improve treatment and to upgrade the care delivery system.

NAMI locations offer a variety of support groups and educational programs for those with mental health concerns their family and friends. Visit the website or call to get more information about support groups available and other mental health resources available.


Mental Health Associations
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Mental Health Information/Education
Offers mental health education services to emergency responders, service providers and to the public. Facilitates discussions between emergency responders, providers, and communities to better educate individuals and groups about the causes and nature of mental health and intellectual disorders. Can also help fund provider training.


Mental Health Information/Education
Disease/Disability Information
Offers mental health education services to emergency responders, service providers and to the public. Facilitates discussions between emergency responders, providers, and communities to better educate individuals and groups about the causes and nature of mental health and intellectual disorders. Can also help fund provider training.


Mental Health Information/Education
Disease/Disability Information
Offers programs focusing on preventing use and misuse of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and gambling. A DOT-approved DUI/OWI class is also offered.


Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Alcohol Related Harm Reduction Programs
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Families/Friends of Individuals With an Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Gambling Disorder Relapse Prevention
DUI Offender Programs
Mental Health Information/Education
Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Provides the County Rural Offices of Social Services, which works to improve health, hope, and successful outcomes for the adults in the region who have a chronic mental illness, intellectual disability or developmental disability. Support services are offered for those who are disabled. The County Rural Offices of Social Services is the only place to complete an enrollment packet for the disability program. A service coordinator will schedule an intake interview within 10 days of receiving contact for assistance to assess service and support needs.


Mental Health Information/Education
Integrated Physical/Mental Health Services
Counselors are present at various locations around the community. Visit website for a current listing.

Crisis intervention for individuals who are experiencing a personal or family crisis.

Professional consultation offers guidance to parents or other family caretakers, and church clergy or their staff seeking solutions for those in need.

Assessment, individual and family therapy counseling to address social, emotional, behavioral, or mental health issues.

Marital and family counseling to promote understanding, communication, cooperation, and joint resolution of problem issues.

Educational programs enhance awareness of mental health issues, increase informed choices and actions, prevent problems, increase community support, and initiate positive change.


Mental Health Information/Education
General Counseling Services
Marriage and Relationships Counseling
Offers mental health education services to emergency responders, service providers and to the public. Facilitates discussions between emergency responders, providers, and communities to better educate individuals and groups about the causes and nature of mental health and intellectual disorders. Can also help fund provider training.


Mental Health Information/Education
Disease/Disability Information
Offers programs focusing on preventing use and misuse of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and gambling. A DOT-approved DUI/OWI class is also offered.


Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Alcohol Related Harm Reduction Programs
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Families/Friends of Individuals With an Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Gambling Disorder Relapse Prevention
DUI Offender Programs
Mental Health Information/Education
Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
YSS prepares youth to make healthy choices through prevention and education programs relating to substance use, adolescent pregnancy, and suicide prevention. These services provide early awareness, intervention, and out-of-classroom support to give youth the tools they need to stay on the right path.

Programs include:
Substance Use Prevention
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
Suicide Prevention


Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Youth Enrichment Programs
Mental Health Information/Education
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
Smoking/Vaping Cessation Support
Youth Violence Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Offers programs focusing on preventing use and misuse of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and gambling. A DOT-approved DUI/OWI class is also offered.


Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Alcohol Related Harm Reduction Programs
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Families/Friends of Individuals With an Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Gambling Disorder Relapse Prevention
DUI Offender Programs
Mental Health Information/Education
Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Organization providing educational trainings in the areas of prevention, intervention, and post-vention. Trainings specific to Native populations are available.


Mental Health Information/Education
Training for professionals and the general public on how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among adults.

In-person training offered as an 8 hour, instructor-led course.
Blended training offered as a 2 hour online course and a 4-5 hour, instructor-led training in person or by video conference.
Offers programs focusing on preventing use and misuse of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and gambling. A DOT-approved DUI/OWI class is also offered.


Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Alcohol Related Harm Reduction Programs
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Families/Friends of Individuals With an Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Gambling Disorder Relapse Prevention
DUI Offender Programs
Mental Health Information/Education
Alcohol/Drug Impaired Driving Prevention
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Offers mental health education services to emergency responders, service providers and to the public. Facilitates discussions between emergency responders, providers, and communities to better educate individuals and groups about the causes and nature of mental health and intellectual disorders. Can also help fund provider training.


Mental Health Information/Education
Disease/Disability Information
Offers mental health education services to emergency responders, service providers and to the public. Facilitates discussions between emergency responders, providers, and communities to better educate individuals and groups about the causes and nature of mental health and intellectual disorders. Can also help fund provider training.


Mental Health Information/Education
Disease/Disability Information
Consultation and education for community groups, agencies, families, and individuals. Anyone may request educational information, use mental health resources, and seek service consultation to aid in planning, designing, directing, coordinating, providing, or improving programs, services, or individual lives, and arrange for a public speaker to address a group or agency.
YSS prepares youth to make healthy choices through prevention and education programs relating to substance use, adolescent pregnancy, and suicide prevention. These services provide early awareness, intervention, and out-of-classroom support to give youth the tools they need to stay on the right path.

Programs include:
Substance Use Prevention
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
Suicide Prevention


Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Youth Enrichment Programs
Mental Health Information/Education
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
Smoking/Vaping Cessation Support
Youth Violence Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
A joint effort of Foundation 2, Horizons, ASAC, Abbe Center, Tanager Place and St. Luke's with the common goal of serving youth with immediate mental health or substance abuse needs quickly.

If there are concerns about a youth in crisis, J-FAST can meet to discuss options. Issues covered include depression, cutting, violent behavior, substance abuse and thoughts of suicide. J-Fast can be at any Linn County location within an hour of the call. Additional services include Assessment and Referrals, Case Management.


Mental Health Information/Education
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Offers programs to help evaluate and treat mental health problems. Services include individual and group therapy, psychological testing.


Psychiatric Disorder Counseling
General Counseling Services
Anger Management
Mental Health Information/Education
Mental Health Evaluation
Offers mental health education services to emergency responders, service providers and to the public. Facilitates discussions between emergency responders, providers, and communities to better educate individuals and groups about the causes and nature of mental health and intellectual disorders. Can also help fund provider training.


Mental Health Information/Education
Disease/Disability Information
Provides the County Rural Offices of Social Services, which works to improve health, hope, and successful outcomes for the adults in the region who have a chronic mental illness, intellectual disability or developmental disability. Support services are offered for those who are disabled. The County Rural Offices of Social Services is the only place to complete an enrollment packet for the disability program. A service coordinator will schedule an intake interview within 10 days of receiving contact for assistance to assess service and support needs.


Mental Health Information/Education
Integrated Physical/Mental Health Services
Offers mental health education services to emergency responders, service providers and to the public. Facilitates discussions between emergency responders, providers, and communities to better educate individuals and groups about the causes and nature of mental health and intellectual disorders. Can also help fund provider training.


Mental Health Information/Education
Disease/Disability Information
Support, education, and advocacy to and for anyone whose life has been touched by a mental illness.

Helpline for consumers, family members, friends and professionals for information related to mental illnesses.

NAMI Connection is a recovery support group group for adults living with mental illness and are held throughout the state of Nebraska.

Family to Family class is a free educational program for family members and friends that offers information, support and an opportunity to share. Call for locations.

NAMI Family Support Group meetings are held throughout Nebraska.


Mental Health Information/Education
Mental Health Related Support Groups
Educational materials on grief and loss for children and adults.