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Offers information and resources for tobacco cessation.

Services include:

-- Child health services

-- Maternal health services

-- Home health care and homemaker services

-- Hospice care

-- Cancer screening for women

-- Health education, community education, and health planning

-- Immunization clinics for children and adults

-- Family planning services

-- Blood pressure checks

-- Disaster planning and preparedness

-- Tobacco cessation classes

-- Parent education classes

-- Home visits for children ages 0-5

-- Life Assist Emergency Response Alert

-- Public health nursing visits


General Health Education Programs
Community Clinics
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Emergency Alert
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Home Nursing
Homemaker Assistance
Home Based Parenting Education
Public Health Nursing
Birth Control
Hospice Care
General Immunization
Blood Pressure Screening
Free, confidential services for kids who want help quitting all forms of tobacco, including vaping. Participants receive five one-on-one coaching sessions, self-help and educational materials, and support by phone, text, or online chat.

Text "Start My Quit" to 36072 or go online to chat with a Coach.


Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Smoking/Vaping Cessation Support
YSS prepares youth to make healthy choices through prevention and education programs relating to substance use, adolescent pregnancy, and suicide prevention. These services provide early awareness, intervention, and out-of-classroom support to give youth the tools they need to stay on the right path.

Programs include:
Substance Use Prevention
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
Suicide Prevention


Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Youth Enrichment Programs
Mental Health Information/Education
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
Smoking/Vaping Cessation Support
Youth Violence Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Childhood immunizations, flu shots, education and home visits to teen moms, cancer screening on site, child psychologist on site, breastfeeding assistance, smoking cessation for pregnant women, TB treatment, help finding a doctor or dentist, help with finding medication or other care, Every Women Matters Education and Outreach, Denver Developmental Screening, and case management to reduce lead and other hazard exposure.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Physician Referrals
Home Based Parenting Education
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Flu Vaccines
General Immunization
Quitline Iowa is a toll-free, statewide tobacco use cessation telephone counseling hotline. Trained counselors provide callers information about health consequences of tobacco use, assistance in making an individualized quit plan, and on-going support through optional follow-up calls.


Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Smoking/Vaping Cessation Support
Child/Adolescent immunization program, communicable disease control, disaster preparedness, community health services.


Blood Pressure Screening
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Flu Vaccines
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Communicable Disease Control
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
General Immunization
Cholesterol/Triglycerides Tests
Gundersen Palmer offers health education for the general public and smoking cessation for all age groups.
YSS prepares youth to make healthy choices through prevention and education programs relating to substance use, adolescent pregnancy, and suicide prevention. These services provide early awareness, intervention, and out-of-classroom support to give youth the tools they need to stay on the right path.

Programs include:
Substance Use Prevention
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
Suicide Prevention


Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Youth Enrichment Programs
Mental Health Information/Education
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
Smoking/Vaping Cessation Support
Youth Violence Prevention
Human Trafficking Prevention
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Vaccines for adults and children.

Blood pressure screenings during business hours.

Disaster preparedness.

Tobacco cessation information.

Radon testing.

Preventive laboratory services.

Health education.


Radon Testing
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Communicable Disease Control
Flu Vaccines
Blood Pressure Screening
Public Health Nursing
General Immunization
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
General Health Education Programs
Child/Adolescent immunization program, communicable disease control, disaster preparedness, community health services.


Blood Pressure Screening
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Flu Vaccines
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Communicable Disease Control
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
General Immunization
Cholesterol/Triglycerides Tests
Offers Freedom From Smoking classes available to anyone in the community interested in quitting tobacco products. Meeting with a small group ensures personal attention from the facilitator and provides support from others who are in the same situation.

For 2024, class dates are Feb 20, 27, March 5, 12, 19, 26, and April 2.
Social services includes help from an oncology social worker to access community resources, including financial assistance, transportation, support groups and other services.

Counseling and behavioral health support includes counseling, stress management, relaxation techniques, education and help with spirituality.

Hereditary Cancer Risk Program offers risk assessment, genetic testing, prevention trials, community cancer screenings, and smoking cessation programs.

Physical wellness provides physical, occupational and speech therapy; exercise programs and lymphedema program.

Nutritional services offer nutritional evaluation, herbal education, and drug interaction review.

Inner Beauty specialty salon for cancer survivors offers consultation with a clinical cosmetologist and certified mastectomy fitter as part of a medically-based appearance program.


Genetic Counseling
Stress Management
Cancer Clinics
Appearance Enhancement Consultation Programs
Nutrition Assessment Services
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Educational presentations on tobacco, second hand smoke, smoke-free living, quitting smoking, and Latino specific information. Apartment tenant assistance to make apartments smoke-free, as well as technical assistance to property managers/landlords to increase smoke-free housing options within their properties.

Tobacco cessation counseling and treatment.

Women's tobacco educational support group in English and Spanish (Latinas, Tabaco, y Cancer group).


Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Smoking Addiction Support Groups
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Childhood immunizations, flu shots, education and home visits to teen moms, cancer screening on site, child psychologist on site, breastfeeding assistance, smoking cessation for pregnant women, TB treatment, help finding a doctor or dentist, help with finding medication or other care, Every Women Matters Education and Outreach, Denver Developmental Screening, and case management to reduce lead and other hazard exposure.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Physician Referrals
Home Based Parenting Education
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Flu Vaccines
General Immunization

Provides the following services:

-- Audiology Clinic

-- Breastfeeding

-- Consultation

-- Case Management

-- Colorectal Cancer Screening Program

-- Developmental Screening

-- Diabetes Prevention

-- Immunizations

-- Infectious Disease Surveillance

-- Nutrition Counseling

-- Prenatal and Postpartum Fairs

-- Stroke and Vascular Screening

-- Tobacco Cessation


General Immunization
Case/Care Management
Nutrition Assessment Services
Diabetes Screening
Communicable Disease Control
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Public school district offices for Pre K-12 schools.

DRUG and Alcohol Free Youth program (DAFY).

Tobacco awareness and voluntary cessation group for students.

Tean-net assists pregnant teens and teen parents and encourages them to stay in school.

Friendship School / Student Friendship Program is a puppet program to promote better understanding and acceptance of disabilities.


School Districts
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
School Based Teen Parent/Pregnant Teen Programs
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Smoking/Vaping Cessation

-- Home health, Hospice Care, and Personal Care, (402) 562-3300
-- General health education programs on topics such as nutrition and diabetes, (402) 562-4462
-- Occupational health and safety education, including flu shots, and treatment of injuries, (402) 562-4480
-- Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and medically at risk wellness program is open to the public, (402) 562-3344
-- Orthopedic and sports medicine clinic, (402) 562-4700


Physical Therapy
General Health Education Programs
Speech Therapy
Occupational Health and Safety
Home Nursing
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Hospice Care
Occupational Therapy
Home Health Aide Services
Flu Vaccines
Community Wellness Programs
Tobacco resources including free and confidential counseling available 24 hours a day.

Coaching is also available online. After enrolling in the program, participants will receive information about how to access Web Coach. The program offers e-learning tools, social support, and information about quitting. Participants can interact with other people trying to quit or with Quit Coaches.

A free QuitNow mobile app is also available.


Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention

Health promotion and disease prevention education.

Emergency preparedness. Substance abuse prevention coalitions.

West Nile virus surveillance.



Worksite Wellness including on-site employee health screenings and wellness programs.

School-based youth oral health program.


Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Public Health Nursing
General Health Education Programs
General Immunization
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Communicable Disease Control
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention

Services offered include:
-- Emergency preparedness
-- Health Promotion Education

-- Preventative dental services
-- Health Classes & Workshops (Including Living Well With Chronic Disease, Diabetes Prevention Program, Stepping On, Tai Chi, Question Persuade Refer Suicide Prevention Training, and more)
-- Public Health Nursing & Community Health Workers
-- Medicaid Application Assistance
-- Patient Navigation
-- Family Support Services & Home Visitation
-- Car Seat Fitting Stations (By Appointment)
-- Bike Safety Events & Helmet Fittings
-- Medication Assistance
-- Environmental Services
-- Disease investigation of food poisoning, influenza, rabies and West Nile virus
-- Tobacco Cessation Programs (Beat the Pack or Freedom From Smoking, also local information sessions)


Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Friendly Visiting
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Medication Information/Management
Child Passenger Safety Seat Inspections
General Immunization
Family Resource Centers/Outreach
Bicycle Safety Education
Dental Care
Communicable Disease Control
General Health Education Programs
Public Health Nursing
Offers public health emergency preparedness, Alert Iowa notification, community health navigation services, oral health screenings, disease surveillance and investigation, health education, homemaker services, immunizations, lead poisoning prevention screenings and assessment, maternal health education, tobacco use prevention and control, blood pressure checks and tuberculosis screenings.


Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
Communicable Disease Control
In Home Meal Preparation
Lead Poisoning Screening
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Public Health Nursing
General Immunization
Housekeeping Assistance
Patient and family education programs for children with asthma.

Professional, patient, and public education programs for people with chronic lung disease.

Literature on asthma, tobacco, lung disease, and air quality.

Information and referral for respiratory care services.

Represent public interest in matters concerning lung health, particularly smoke-free environments and indoor air quality.

Omaha Asthma Alliance prevents and controls asthma through education, advocacy, and monitoring resources.

Open Airways program for schools and public education centers on environmental asthma triggers.

Toll-free help line for answers about lungs and smoking cessation.

Freedom from smoking resources: online, help line, and self-help guide.


Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Disease/Disability Information
Tobacco Use Education/Prevention
Therapeutic Camps
Medically based health, wellness, and fitness center.

Fitness classes including exercise, aerobics, relaxation, yoga, aquatic, and cycling. Specialty classes include cancer recovery and exercise, warm water arthritis therapy, Zumba, TRX; personal trainers and health coaches; lifestyle programs to help people with stress management, physical activity, nutrition, smoking cessation and more. Personal mentors provide professional expertise and motivational strategies.

Weight management and nutrition programs including LifeTracks medically supervised program for people who need to lose 50 pounds or more. LifePointe University helps children and their families with weight issues and nutrition consultations.

Cancer recovery programs.

Rehabilitation/medical services, offered with physician referral (hours vary), include physical therapy, warm water therapy, anticoagulation clinic, cardiac rehabilitation, chest pain/angina and heart failure therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, diabetes education that includes medical nutrition therapy, assistance with insulin management and/or insulin pump instruction and gestational diabetes, foot care clinic.

Spa services include massage therapy, facial and skin treatment, body treatments, pedicures, and medical spa.

Dermatologist on staff. Cosmetic services such as Botox, fillers, and acne treatment.


Therapeutic Exercise
Recreational Facilities
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Nutrition Education
Weight Management
Childhood immunizations, flu shots, education and home visits to teen moms, cancer screening on site, child psychologist on site, breastfeeding assistance, smoking cessation for pregnant women, TB treatment, help finding a doctor or dentist, help with finding medication or other care, Every Women Matters Education and Outreach, Denver Developmental Screening, and case management to reduce lead and other hazard exposure.


Pediatric Developmental Assessment
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Physician Referrals
Home Based Parenting Education
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Flu Vaccines
General Immunization