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Long-term (6-9 months) residential substance use and mental health programs in Iowa and Nebraska for women with children. The program preserves and strengthens the mother-child attachment while providing housing, treatment, therapy, and support for the women and their children.


Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services
Intermediate residential facility for up to one year, and dual disorder residential facility for up to six months.

Intermediate Residential (IR) Treatment: Intended for adults with a primary substance use disorder. This service is more supportive than therapeutic communities and relies less on peer dynamics in its treatment approach.

Dual Disorder Residential Treatment: Intended for adults with a primary substance use disorder and a co-occurring severe and persistent mental illness, this service is highly structured and provides integrated treatment to stabilize symptoms and engage the individual in a program of maintenance, treatment, rehabilitation and recovery.

Halfway House: Transitional, 24-hour structured recovery facility intended for adults with a primary substance use disorder that have completed a residential treatment program successfully.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services
Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Offers a home-like, substance-free living environment for individuals who have completed primary treatment and are preparing themselves to live independent, successful lives, free of substance use.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

Supportive home for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction; residents must abide by the rules of the home, including never using drugs or alcohol while a resident. Homes may house men, women, women with children, or men with children.

Vacancies can be searched online at www.oxfordvacancies.com.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

Supportive home for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction; residents must abide by the rules of the home, including never using drugs or alcohol while a resident. Homes may house men, women, women with children, or men with children.

Vacancies can be searched online at www.oxfordvacancies.com.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

Residential and non-residential substance abuse and mental health services for men and women age 19 and above.

Short-term and long-term residential treatment. Clients in residential treatment live in a safe, supportive environment, meet weekly with a licensed therapist, and attend a variety of groups focused on substance use and mental health.

Offers a day and evening non-residential Intensive Outpatient Program. Clients meet weekly with a licensed therapist and attend 9 hours of programming, meeting 3 hours 3 times per week.

Evening non-residential Outpatient Program requires a commitment of 3 hours of programming for 1.5 hours twice a week, and individual meetings with a licensed therapist as needed.


Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Substance Use Disorder Counseling

Supportive home for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction; residents must abide by the rules of the home, including never using drugs or alcohol while a resident. Homes may house men, women, women with children, or men with children.

Vacancies can be searched online at www.oxfordvacancies.com.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

Faith based sober living program for men. One-year commitment with open end date. Must attend bible study, group meeting, Celebrate Recovery, and church.

Fully furnished one bedroom apartment for $350 per month plus electricity.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services
Transitional Living services for men, for women, and for women and children.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

Supportive home for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction; residents must abide by the rules of the home, including never using drugs or alcohol while a resident. Homes may house men, women, women with children, or men with children.

Vacancies can be searched online at www.oxfordvacancies.com.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

Supportive home for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction; residents must abide by the rules of the home, including never using drugs or alcohol while a resident. Homes may house men, women, women with children, or men with children.

Vacancies can be searched online at www.oxfordvacancies.com.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

Offers low cost and long term transitional Housing for families in recovery from substance abuse.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

Supportive home for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction; residents must abide by the rules of the home, including never using drugs or alcohol while a resident. Homes may house men, women, women with children, or men with children.

Vacancies can be searched online at www.oxfordvacancies.com.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

Supportive home for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction; residents must abide by the rules of the home, including never using drugs or alcohol while a resident. Homes may house men, women, women with children, or men with children.

Vacancies can be searched online at www.oxfordvacancies.com.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services
Offers a program for pregnant and/or parenting women and single women that require chemical dependency treatment and supportive services to overcome barriers to independence in a residential environment. Treatment levels of care include High Intensity Residential (III.5) and Low Intensity Residential (III.1) with self-sufficiency, parenting, and life skill supports.


Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services
Transitional housing for men and women who want to start their lives over as a result of addictions, mental health problems, incarceration, etc. Offers an 18-month, Christian-based program focusing on sobriety and independent productive living.

Additional programs include housing for homeless and single parents.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services
Ex-Offender Halfway Houses
Transitional Mental Health Services
Offers a home-like, substance-free living environment for individuals who have completed primary treatment and are preparing themselves to live independent, successful lives, free of substance use.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services
Provides treatment for women with substance abuse and/or mental health issues.

Individual and group counseling.

Substance abuse assessment and evaluations.

Life skills training, topical groups on parenting, relapse prevention, Women and the 12 steps, spirituality, relationships, and health and nutrition.

Child care and transportation assistance is available if enrolled in program.

Programs include: Primary Treatment: Short-Term Residential; Secondary treatment: Therapeutic Communities - Project Mother and Child (PMC), New Beginnings (NB) for women and their children, Project Strong Families (PSF) for pregnant and postpartum women and their children (both primary and secondary levels of care); Outpatient (Relapse Prevention); and Channels, an adolescent girls treatment program.


Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment
Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services
Relapse Prevention Programs
Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Supportive home for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction; residents must abide by the rules of the home, including never using drugs or alcohol while a resident. Homes may house men, women, women with children, or men with children.

Vacancies can be searched online at www.oxfordvacancies.com.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

Supportive home for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction; residents must abide by the rules of the home, including never using drugs or alcohol while a resident. Homes may house men, women, women with children, or men with children.

Vacancies can be searched online at www.oxfordvacancies.com.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

Supportive home for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction; residents must abide by the rules of the home, including never using drugs or alcohol while a resident. Homes may house men, women, women with children, or men with children.

Vacancies can be searched online at www.oxfordvacancies.com.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

Supportive home for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction; residents must abide by the rules of the home, including never using drugs or alcohol while a resident. Homes may house men, women, women with children, or men with children.

Vacancies can be searched online at www.oxfordvacancies.com.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services
Inpatient substance abuse treatment and detox program for adult men and women age 18 and older and substance abuse outpatient services.


Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Drug Detoxification
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities
Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment
Relapse Prevention Programs
Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

Adult residential extended care treatment facility to assist clients in reentering society and remain in recovery.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services

Offers a transitional housing program for homeless or near-homeless adult males who must be active in a recovery program. Provides an alcohol and drug-free living environment for homeless adult males in early recovery and a supportive program where residents can practice sobriety, learn recovery skills, and integrate themselves back into the community. Average stay is six months.


Transitional Residential Substance Use Disorder Services