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Senior centers provide a variety of services including social activities and educational programs. Many also offer blood pressure screenings and foot care on a regular schedule.


Senior Centers
Foot Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Supportive services for senior citizens.
Offers a social center for seniors that provides activities. Congregate meals provided by Milestones Area Agency on Aging.
Senior center providing opportunities for social interaction for older adults. Some locations offer entertainment, card parties, dancing, hearing aid information, exercise, and massage.
Activities for senior citizens.

Congregate meals available Mon-Fri at 12 pm. Must call the day before to order a meal.

Educational, recreational, and information programs. Arts and humanities. Group programs and socialization.

Information and referral.

Placement of volunteers at the Center and in the community.

In-home services include home-delivered meals; transportation to and from the Center, tours and shopping, and telephone reassurance.


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Home Delivered Meals
Senior Ride Programs
Senior Centers
Specialized Information and Referral
Friendly Telephoning
Senior center provides services and activities to senior citizens to support their independence and community involvement.

Activities coordination, entertainment, fellowship, recreation, education.

Congregate lunch Mon-Fri at 12 pm.

Home delivered meals.

Information and referral.

Blood Pressure clinic.

Fitness classes.

Exercise program.


Specialized Information and Referral
Blood Pressure Screening
Home Delivered Meals
Senior Centers
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Senior Center that provides congregate and home delivered meals along with afternoon activities like cards, dominoes, and pool for seniors.
Senior centers providing social opportunities for senior citizens.
Senior centers offering socialization and other opportunities for older adults. Many centers offer transportation to and from the center, call for details.
Senior center offering a variety of services for older adults.
Senior centers provide a variety of services including social activities and educational programs. Many also offer blood pressure screenings and foot care on a regular schedule.
Congregate and home delivered meals.

Blood pressure clinics monthly.

Senior centers offer, pool, shuffleboard, exercise, cards (pitch, bridge and chicken foot), puzzles, socialization with coffee every day and pedicures.
Information and referral services.


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Senior Centers
Home Delivered Meals
Blood Pressure Screening
Foot Screening
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Medicare Information/Counseling
Offers a community center for senior citizens in the Johnston area. Congregate meals and a wide variety of activities to keep seniors active are available. Crown Point Community Center also is available for rent to the public for business meetings, weddings and other types of parties and functions.


Older Adult Social Clubs
Recreational Facilities
Senior Centers
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Senior centers provide a place for congregate meals, as well as social activities, games, educational programs, etc.
Senior center providing opportunities for social interaction for older adults. Some locations offer entertainment, recreational activities, exercise, blood pressure screenings, and additional services.
Supportive services for senior citizens.
Senior centers offering socialization and other opportunities for older adults. Many centers offer transportation to and from the center, call for details.

Services and activities for senior citizens within York County to support their independence and community involvement.

Information and referral, including referrals for minor home repair, yard work, personal care, and homemaker services.

Counseling and case management.

Recreational activities.

Assistance with Medicare and medical insurance.

Friendly visiting.


Friendly Visiting
Medicare Information/Counseling
Senior Centers
Case/Care Management
Specialized Information and Referral
Community center. Offers sports and cultural programs for youth and adults.

Senior center located within the community center is open Mon-Fri 9 am-3 pm.
Senior centers provide a place for congregate meals, as well as social activities, games, educational programs, etc.
Supportive services for senior citizens.
Recreation services are offered at local senior centers. Each center develops their own schedule of activities to match their hours.


Recreational Facilities
Older Adult Social Clubs
Senior Centers
Senior centers provide a variety of services including social activities and educational programs. Many also offer blood pressure screenings and foot care on a regular schedule.
Senior center providing opportunities for social interaction for older adults. Some locations offer entertainment, recreational activities, exercise, blood pressure screenings, and additional services.
Supportive services for senior citizens.