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Service organization open to men or women that assists local residents in need of visual or hearing services.
Service organization open to men or women that assists local residents in need of visual or hearing services.
Civic Groups
Service organization that raises funds for non-profit organizations.
Service organization that raises funds for non-profit organizations.
Provides information and support to Veterans throughout Iowa.
Provides information and support to Veterans throughout Iowa.
Civic Groups
Veteran Support Groups
Grant applications filing assistance to assist and obtain arts in Nebraska. Locates professional artists and consultants. Offers workshops and public speakers.
The Fred Simon Gallery is located in the office and is open to the public during office hours.
The Fred Simon Gallery is located in the office and is open to the public during office hours.
Grant applications filing assistance to assist and obtain arts in Nebraska. Locates professional artists and consultants. Offers workshops and public speakers.
The Fred Simon Gallery is located in the office and is open to the public during office hours.
The Fred Simon Gallery is located in the office and is open to the public during office hours.
Offers men's and women's clothing, books, bedding, toys/games, jewelry, antiques/collectibles, artwork, holiday items and smaller housewares.
Offers men's and women's clothing, books, bedding, toys/games, jewelry, antiques/collectibles, artwork, holiday items and smaller housewares.
Thrift Shops
Civic Groups
An organization that provides a medical service that helps children needing treatment for congenital and acquire orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries and cleft lip and palate.
An organization that provides a medical service that helps children needing treatment for congenital and acquire orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries and cleft lip and palate.
Civic Groups
Has a directory of Lions Clubs and would refer based on where inquirer lives for possible assistance with glasses and hearing aid needs. Accepts donations of used eyeglasses for third world projects. Also accepts used hearing aids. Eye screenings for children 6 months to 48 months.
PROJECTS include an Eye Bank and donor information.
PROJECTS include an Eye Bank and donor information.
Has a directory of Lions Clubs and would refer based on where inquirer lives for possible assistance with glasses and hearing aid needs. Accepts donations of used eyeglasses for third world projects. Also accepts used hearing aids. Eye screenings for children 6 months to 48 months.
PROJECTS include an Eye Bank and donor information.
PROJECTS include an Eye Bank and donor information.
Eye Screening
Civic Groups
Assistive Technology Equipment
Assistive Technology Equipment Provision Options
Offers men's and women's clothing, books, bedding, toys/games, jewelry, antiques/collectibles, artwork, holiday items and smaller housewares.
Offers men's and women's clothing, books, bedding, toys/games, jewelry, antiques/collectibles, artwork, holiday items and smaller housewares.
Thrift Shops
Civic Groups
Service organization.
Service organization.
Provide financial assistance, assist stranded motorists, donates to needy veterans, provides community services and fellowship, and provides scholarships for members. Call for more information. Eligibility dates- WW1- 4/6/17-11/11/18, WW2- 12/7/41-12/31/46, Korean- 6/25/50-1/31/55, Vietnam- 2/28/61-5/7/75, Lebanon and Granada- 8/24/82-7/31/84 Panama- 12/20/89-1/31/90, Persian Gulf- 8/22/90 - continuing.
Provide financial assistance, assist stranded motorists, donates to needy veterans, provides community services and fellowship, and provides scholarships for members. Call for more information. Eligibility dates- WW1- 4/6/17-11/11/18, WW2- 12/7/41-12/31/46, Korean- 6/25/50-1/31/55, Vietnam- 2/28/61-5/7/75, Lebanon and Granada- 8/24/82-7/31/84 Panama- 12/20/89-1/31/90, Persian Gulf- 8/22/90 - continuing.
Civic Groups
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Central information, advocacy, and service agency for the arts in the City of Lincoln.
Maintains a database of local, regional, and national arts information.
Publishes ArtScene, an electronic compilation of arts events.
Programs focus on placing public art, awarding arts projects, providing arts roundtables and forums, increasing access to the arts for underserved audiences, and presenting the Mayor's Arts Awards.
Arts Festival.
Supporters receive ArtScene and other benefits.
Arts education and outreach.
Maintains a database of local, regional, and national arts information.
Publishes ArtScene, an electronic compilation of arts events.
Programs focus on placing public art, awarding arts projects, providing arts roundtables and forums, increasing access to the arts for underserved audiences, and presenting the Mayor's Arts Awards.
Arts Festival.
Supporters receive ArtScene and other benefits.
Arts education and outreach.
Central information, advocacy, and service agency for the arts in the City of Lincoln.
Maintains a database of local, regional, and national arts information.
Publishes ArtScene, an electronic compilation of arts events.
Programs focus on placing public art, awarding arts projects, providing arts roundtables and forums, increasing access to the arts for underserved audiences, and presenting the Mayor's Arts Awards.
Arts Festival.
Supporters receive ArtScene and other benefits.
Arts education and outreach.
Maintains a database of local, regional, and national arts information.
Publishes ArtScene, an electronic compilation of arts events.
Programs focus on placing public art, awarding arts projects, providing arts roundtables and forums, increasing access to the arts for underserved audiences, and presenting the Mayor's Arts Awards.
Arts Festival.
Supporters receive ArtScene and other benefits.
Arts education and outreach.
Civic Groups
Provides financial assistance for eye glasses or hearing aids for low income persons; may also be able to assist with special needs for children with disabilities. Will do screening for eye problems for children to 5 years of age; Warren County only.
Provides financial assistance for eye glasses or hearing aids for low income persons; may also be able to assist with special needs for children with disabilities. Will do screening for eye problems for children to 5 years of age; Warren County only.
Eye Screening
Assistive Technology Equipment Provision Options
Civic Groups
Assistive Technology Equipment
Assists in benefits for veterans and their families. Provides financial assistance, donates to needy veterans, provides community services and fellowship, and provides scholarships for members.
Assists in benefits for veterans and their families. Provides financial assistance, donates to needy veterans, provides community services and fellowship, and provides scholarships for members.
Civic Groups
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Services include eye exams and glasses, hearing aids, eye donor cards, leader dog procurement, cornea transplants at University of Iowa, for those not covered by insurance or other programs.
Iowa Lions Kidsight: A cooperative sight project with the University of Iowa Hospitals. Pre-school children are screened by taking pictures of their eyes and sending the pictures to the U of IA Hospitals for evaluation. Parents are notified if their child is found to need eye care.
Charity grants to community agencies with regard to eyesight and hearing, food banks, clothing, and more.
Listening program provides equipment to preschools to help with autistic children.
Recycles eye glasses, lenses, frames and hearing aids. Lions disassemble, measure, clean and inventory the various parts to be available for people of third world countries as VOSH teams determine prescriptions.
International Lions Foundation: Our club supports the ILF to a total of $1000 each three years. Lions members and others in the community contribute additionally.
Other services are considered as needs are identified if fund are available and the club's board and members approve. More information available online.
Iowa Lions Kidsight: A cooperative sight project with the University of Iowa Hospitals. Pre-school children are screened by taking pictures of their eyes and sending the pictures to the U of IA Hospitals for evaluation. Parents are notified if their child is found to need eye care.
Charity grants to community agencies with regard to eyesight and hearing, food banks, clothing, and more.
Listening program provides equipment to preschools to help with autistic children.
Recycles eye glasses, lenses, frames and hearing aids. Lions disassemble, measure, clean and inventory the various parts to be available for people of third world countries as VOSH teams determine prescriptions.
International Lions Foundation: Our club supports the ILF to a total of $1000 each three years. Lions members and others in the community contribute additionally.
Other services are considered as needs are identified if fund are available and the club's board and members approve. More information available online.
Services include eye exams and glasses, hearing aids, eye donor cards, leader dog procurement, cornea transplants at University of Iowa, for those not covered by insurance or other programs.
Iowa Lions Kidsight: A cooperative sight project with the University of Iowa Hospitals. Pre-school children are screened by taking pictures of their eyes and sending the pictures to the U of IA Hospitals for evaluation. Parents are notified if their child is found to need eye care.
Charity grants to community agencies with regard to eyesight and hearing, food banks, clothing, and more.
Listening program provides equipment to preschools to help with autistic children.
Recycles eye glasses, lenses, frames and hearing aids. Lions disassemble, measure, clean and inventory the various parts to be available for people of third world countries as VOSH teams determine prescriptions.
International Lions Foundation: Our club supports the ILF to a total of $1000 each three years. Lions members and others in the community contribute additionally.
Other services are considered as needs are identified if fund are available and the club's board and members approve. More information available online.
Iowa Lions Kidsight: A cooperative sight project with the University of Iowa Hospitals. Pre-school children are screened by taking pictures of their eyes and sending the pictures to the U of IA Hospitals for evaluation. Parents are notified if their child is found to need eye care.
Charity grants to community agencies with regard to eyesight and hearing, food banks, clothing, and more.
Listening program provides equipment to preschools to help with autistic children.
Recycles eye glasses, lenses, frames and hearing aids. Lions disassemble, measure, clean and inventory the various parts to be available for people of third world countries as VOSH teams determine prescriptions.
International Lions Foundation: Our club supports the ILF to a total of $1000 each three years. Lions members and others in the community contribute additionally.
Other services are considered as needs are identified if fund are available and the club's board and members approve. More information available online.
Civic Groups
Assistive Technology Equipment
Eye Care
Has a directory of Lions Clubs and would refer based on where inquirer lives for possible assistance with glasses and hearing aid needs. Accepts donations of used eyeglasses for third world projects. Also accepts used hearing aids. Eye screenings for children 6 months to 48 months.
PROJECTS include an Eye Bank and donor information.
PROJECTS include an Eye Bank and donor information.
Has a directory of Lions Clubs and would refer based on where inquirer lives for possible assistance with glasses and hearing aid needs. Accepts donations of used eyeglasses for third world projects. Also accepts used hearing aids. Eye screenings for children 6 months to 48 months.
PROJECTS include an Eye Bank and donor information.
PROJECTS include an Eye Bank and donor information.
Eye Screening
Civic Groups
Assistive Technology Equipment
Assistive Technology Equipment Provision Options