MEDIATION services are available through the Bureau to assist in resolving disagreements between families and school personnel regarding special education services provided to the child.
MEDIATION services are available through the Bureau to assist in resolving disagreements between families and school personnel regarding special education services provided to the child.
Provides professional development and leadership to promote school improvement, a variety of instructional services, special education support services (birth to age 21), and technology and media services.
Provides professional development and leadership to promote school improvement, a variety of instructional services, special education support services (birth to age 21), and technology and media services.
Provides educational advocacy, resources, training and on-on-one guidance for families of students with disabilities and the professionals who serve them.
FAMILY TO FAMILY program is a statewide network of Family Navigators who provide assistance to families of children with special needs (developmental, behavioral, emotional, and/or physical).
Provides educational advocacy, resources, training and on-on-one guidance for families of students with disabilities and the professionals who serve them.
FAMILY TO FAMILY program is a statewide network of Family Navigators who provide assistance to families of children with special needs (developmental, behavioral, emotional, and/or physical).
Offers support to local schools by providing Educational Services, Information and Technology, and Special Education.
Offers support to local schools by providing Educational Services, Information and Technology, and Special Education.
Serves as the governing body of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (ICEOMC) and works to ease the educational transitions of school-aged, military and uniform-connected students attending public and Department of Defense schools.
The Compact is an agreement among states, "a contract", to abide by a specific set of administrative rules regarding a particular concern or issue - in this instance, the interstate transfer of military, school-aged youth attending public and Department of Defense schools worldwide. The interstate commission is a quasi-governmental, regulatory body, whose governance is led by member states, and administrated independent of federal intervention.
The Compact also addresses key issues encountered by military families: eligibility, enrollment, placement, and graduation. In addition, the Compact provides for a detailed governance structure at both the state and national levels with built-in enforcement and compliance mechanisms. The goal of the Compact is to replace the widely varying policies affecting transitioning military students.
Serves as the governing body of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (ICEOMC) and works to ease the educational transitions of school-aged, military and uniform-connected students attending public and Department of Defense schools.
The Compact is an agreement among states, "a contract", to abide by a specific set of administrative rules regarding a particular concern or issue - in this instance, the interstate transfer of military, school-aged youth attending public and Department of Defense schools worldwide. The interstate commission is a quasi-governmental, regulatory body, whose governance is led by member states, and administrated independent of federal intervention.
The Compact also addresses key issues encountered by military families: eligibility, enrollment, placement, and graduation. In addition, the Compact provides for a detailed governance structure at both the state and national levels with built-in enforcement and compliance mechanisms. The goal of the Compact is to replace the widely varying policies affecting transitioning military students.
Offers services such as home visiting, preschool scholarships, crisis care, training and consultation to improve the quality of child care for children ages 0 to 5.
Offers services such as home visiting, preschool scholarships, crisis care, training and consultation to improve the quality of child care for children ages 0 to 5.
Provides professional development and leadership to promote school improvement, a variety of instructional services, special education support services (birth to age 21), and technology and media services.
Provides professional development and leadership to promote school improvement, a variety of instructional services, special education support services (birth to age 21), and technology and media services.