Landfill Division has responsibilities for both active and closed landfills; Douglas County contracts with Waste Management for the general operation and maintenance of the active Pheasant Point solid waste landfill site at Highway 36 and 216th Street.
Landscape maintenance and snow removal for various county offices.
Noxious and nuisance weed monitoring and control as required. Provides field inspection services based on the complaints received and to areas that have a known history of noxious weed problems. Random inspections are also conducted throughout the County's area of responsibility.
Permits and Inspections Division issues building permits and performs all inspections to assure appropriate building codes and zoning regulations are within compliance for the rural Douglas County area and the City of Bennington.
Planning and zoning.
Stormwater permit administration.
Landfill Division has responsibilities for both active and closed landfills; Douglas County contracts with Waste Management for the general operation and maintenance of the active Pheasant Point solid waste landfill site at Highway 36 and 216th Street.
Landscape maintenance and snow removal for various county offices.
Noxious and nuisance weed monitoring and control as required. Provides field inspection services based on the complaints received and to areas that have a known history of noxious weed problems. Random inspections are also conducted throughout the County's area of responsibility.
Permits and Inspections Division issues building permits and performs all inspections to assure appropriate building codes and zoning regulations are within compliance for the rural Douglas County area and the City of Bennington.
Planning and zoning.
Stormwater permit administration.
Assists Lancaster County residents in minimizing health risks posed by environmental factors. Provides public information and technical assistance to businesses, focusing on pollution prevention, toxicity reduction, and addressing health-related complaints. Responsibilities include inspections and responses concerning food establishments, grocery stores, private water supplies, on-site wastewater treatment systems, schools, solid waste management, swimming pools, vector control, childcare facilities, children's environmental health, salvage yards, refuse hauling, special waste, household hazardous waste, hazardous materials, and both indoor and outdoor air quality.
Emergency Response provides 24-hour, 7 days a week response to chemical spills or releases both indoors and in the environment. Makes decisions regarding public health and environmental protection, evacuation, protective gear, public information releases and environmental clean-up based on the risk posed by chemicals that have been released.
Assistance is provided to other agencies (primarily the Lincoln Fire Department, Lincoln Police Department, Lancaster County Sheriff's Office, and State Patrol) to stabilize the incident and assure proper clean-up.
Land Use Plan and Subdivision Review provides the following assurances: newly proposed land uses do not pose health or environmental risks, adequate water or acceptable quality will be available for the proposed use of the property, and that adequate on-site wastewater sewage disposal is planned. Review all new plats, subdivisions, change of zones, special permits, and community unit plans with regard to groundwater quality and quantity, soil types and implications for on-site wastewater treatment systems. Other environmental health concerns including proximity of residential uses or schools, childcare or assisted living facilities to industrially zoned areas and hazardous materials risks are addressed. Community wastewater treatment systems are also reviewed in conjunction with the Nebraska Department of Environmental and Energy (NDEE) and specific recommendations are made for approval or disapproval.
Assists Lancaster County residents in minimizing health risks posed by environmental factors. Provides public information and technical assistance to businesses, focusing on pollution prevention, toxicity reduction, and addressing health-related complaints. Responsibilities include inspections and responses concerning food establishments, grocery stores, private water supplies, on-site wastewater treatment systems, schools, solid waste management, swimming pools, vector control, childcare facilities, children's environmental health, salvage yards, refuse hauling, special waste, household hazardous waste, hazardous materials, and both indoor and outdoor air quality.
Emergency Response provides 24-hour, 7 days a week response to chemical spills or releases both indoors and in the environment. Makes decisions regarding public health and environmental protection, evacuation, protective gear, public information releases and environmental clean-up based on the risk posed by chemicals that have been released.
Assistance is provided to other agencies (primarily the Lincoln Fire Department, Lincoln Police Department, Lancaster County Sheriff's Office, and State Patrol) to stabilize the incident and assure proper clean-up.
Land Use Plan and Subdivision Review provides the following assurances: newly proposed land uses do not pose health or environmental risks, adequate water or acceptable quality will be available for the proposed use of the property, and that adequate on-site wastewater sewage disposal is planned. Review all new plats, subdivisions, change of zones, special permits, and community unit plans with regard to groundwater quality and quantity, soil types and implications for on-site wastewater treatment systems. Other environmental health concerns including proximity of residential uses or schools, childcare or assisted living facilities to industrially zoned areas and hazardous materials risks are addressed. Community wastewater treatment systems are also reviewed in conjunction with the Nebraska Department of Environmental and Energy (NDEE) and specific recommendations are made for approval or disapproval.